There's no planet on which you aren't better off upgrading to 10, which also has native support for USB3. And is free. And is actively supported. But you could try the remove all USB device thing and see what happens. If your KB/mouse die, just power off and restart and they'll do an auto rescan. Edit: when only the 2.0 devices are working, do you have malfunctioning devices in device manager? With exclamation points on them? It looks like it's straight out losing your drivers on each reboot. Weird. When you install the USB 3 drivers, all of those go away?
I did the Windows 10 update and those USB ports are now recognizing my iPod... My wife "put away" my external hard drive... Which means I have no idea where the fuck it is, just like when she "organized [my] brake caliper I took apart" and left in order of reassembly while I bought a rebuild kit at the auto parts store... Which means I can't find my 1TB of data and test the USB 3.0 until she comes home from work... But hey, it recognizes my iPod which is a bonus. Hopefully if I restart it, it doesn't fuck it all up.
If the devices are normal in Device Manager, then it's probably all set - you don't need HP's drivers for Windows 10, the built-in USB drivers natively support USB 3.
Now it's saying my Windows 10 isn't activated... I've been fighting with it for hours. It's really pissing me off.
Microsoft has remote connected 3 times today, they can't fix it either. Escalated to next level support.
I have a frien working on an app, atticue. He's trying to promote and monetize it but he's struggling with the last part. They have over 20,000 users but they need help. If anyone has ideas or thoughts I'd love to get you together. I'm just trying to help a buddy, I'd be happy to put anyone in touch if you can help.
I don't know much, but I do know that neither their Facebook page, nor their website was an ounce of help in figuring out what their product does. I finally found a vague description on their Google Play page, but it starts with stating that they "enriched the process of discovering events in Arizona" then go on to say they handpick 20 events across the nation, then say browse events around the world. They need to help the process of discovery more. I don't actually know who their target audience is at this point. You sure as hell don't want your headline in Google Play to state Arizona, when you're actually a national or international app.
Looked at the site, and it seems that they're trying to re-invent Eventbrite.
So... not sure what you're looking for in terms of organization, but I've enjoyed syncing all my music to Google Music. Their matching service means that it auto-tagged all of my stuff, which pretty much automatically organized it all into all the categories I could want. I don't have much to offer except that. I used MusicBrainz to do a lot of cleanup of my library a few years ago and it worked great, but it's been too long now.
The very small (3 person) company I work for is having website issues and my boss's "he's so great and helpful" guy isn't worth a damn because we've had malware on one site for months and he can't seem to fix it. I need someone to very simply explain some IT stuff so when I hire someone else, I know what the hell I'm talking about and we don't end up in this situation again. Message me if this is your thing!
What browser? Site certificates are usually done by the browser, not the OS. If you're using Safari, try using Chrome or Firefox instead, see if the problem still exists. And if you're using Safari, when was the last time you updated your machine? Safari updates will come with the app store updates, and if you're running really old versions, some of the root key certificates could have expired by now and is causing you the problem.
It's been a few weeks since I turned it on. Lemme check chrome real fast. Ha. Hey. I don't have chrome. I forgot. I removed it when my computer was pooping on me before and never reinstalled it. It's like the whole OS doesn't trust ANYTHING and I can't get ANYWHERE. Facebook is a bunch of blue squares.
If things are really fucked up, I'd be sure that you had backups of everything important before going any further. Even a cheap-as-hell external drive would be a good backup device. Go into the App Store and then check for anything under "Updates". Install all of them, if there are any. See if that helps your problem. If that doesn't help, launch your Disk Utility and then run "First Aid" which will try and fix some simple shit on your OS. If that doesn't help, then you might want to consider doing a "nuke it from orbit" re-install of the OS, which will basically wipe the drive and install everything from scratch so it's like you have a new laptop again. When you've done that, you can then recover whatever files you need to from that external backup I mentioned earlier. Or.... go find yourself a Mac Geek who can do it for you... this kind of shit is hard to fix over the internet, and it's not just a "go click here" and you're all good... this sounds like it could be something much deeper and more complex that could take some work to fix. $0.02