Ok, I know this is been asked (by me among others) before, but I'm still getting over my insecurity about it so I'm going to ask again: Balding guys - short cuts (as opposed to a shaved head) ok? I just got a haircut last week and got it trimmed with a #2.
Balding (for me) is so not as big a deal as most men think it is. Keep it short, or bald, but don't sweat it.
When you look in the mirror, are you happy with the way you look? That's all that matters. It's the same thing I tell my friends who talk about "I need to lose x number of pounds." Forget the numbers, just be happy with how you look. A lot of stuff with men and women comes down to being happy in your own damn body. For example, a good friend of mine has those stupid giant ear hole earrings. I think he looks like a fucking retard, but he's happy with it, and he's the one who has to deal with it. Same thing whether it comes to your assorted body parts/appearance. Fuck what we think, it's about what you think.
Hair is a crutch. Seriously. I've been balding/bald since I was 23, now, 10 years later, I bic it, have been for years. Never been an issue. hooker was right in that you should be happy with what you've got, that's spot on.
Getting away from the emotional/personality stuff for a second... Ladies, describe what an orgasm feels like for you. I've heard about the toes tingling and everything, but I can't conceptualize what something like that feels internally (or is even it an internal feeling?). Also, and I'm sure this varies from girl to girl, but do you prefer the "power through" method where we keep going, or the "Oh shit stop for a second so I can shake uncontrollably and we'll start up again" method?
I prefer the "power through", because I like instant gratification, and I'm better at teasing than being teased. For me, orgasms are like falling off a mountain. Absolute release, my whole body gets warm, I get the shakes. It sort of rolls through me in waves, too, so while I don't get multiples, I get little aftershocks.
That's the thing I fucking hate it. I used to have long hair - and by long I mean went halfway down my back - when I was young and loved it, and would get compliments on it from girls. But regardless of the compliments, I just liked having long hair. I don't think I'd have it like I did back then, but I'd sure as fuck have something more than a balding head. I see guys with full heads of hair and I'm jealous as hell. Anyway, I guess from what the ladies have been saying it's not how long or how much but as long as it looks neat and/or groomed, it's fine, right?
It is 2011, my friend. So, I'm going to go ahead and say that you'll likely get more ass having short hair as a balding man than having long hair. Who gives a fuck what other men have. You need to rock what you have. Get over it.
Depends on the kind of orgasm. If it's particularly intense, or a result of direct clit stimulation, like oral or manual, I need a minute to recover while I twitch and spasm like Linda Blair. Orgasms from intercourse are less intense for me, so I like to power through them. As for what it feels like, for me it's this huge body wide tension. Every muscle is clenched and waiting for release. When it comes, it's this delicious tingling release of pressure and tension across and inside my whole body. Bliss.
He is humble. edited to add: For me, my O's vary. The good ones start at my groin, like a warmth, and build intensity until they start heading up my spine. When I am peaking, don't fucking stop. However, sometimes I have to stop immediatly after because every muscle in my body clenches, often to the point of my calves cramping up. I often must rub these cramps out real quick so I can return the favor...
When I see long hair, I think hippie. When I see bald head, I think "Day-uhmm!" It varies from lady to lady, but rocking a completely bald head along with a mature and fit frame is pretty damned sexy to me. Fat and bald is just sad though.
I'm not saying I judge a fat/bald person for being as such. Everyone's different in personality and physical appearance. I'm just saying I won't take a second glance or possibly even drool a little. Of course, being not single I try my mightiest to keep my eyes to myself.
Some men can pull off long hair, they are just few and far between for me. Fat and bald may not be as attractive, but there is easily something done about one of those things.
Exactly; it in no way bothers me the way my bald head does. I'm not going to whine and complain about shit I can change. Anyway, my response to Bewildered's post about fat and bald was tongue-in-cheek, so my bad if it came across as totally serious.
Before I could quote you, you edited out something to the effect of, "But I've got eyes and they look at sexy things from time to time." Which brings me to my next question. Ladies, if you're out somewhere and you catch your guy looking at some chick with a nice ass or a low-cut shirt and some cleavage, what's your reaction? Are you insulted, will you agree with him and look as well, do you mock him for the subject of his oggling? What about you, guys? Some Brad Pitt looking bastard walks down the street and your girl is caught in a trance--what's your reaction?
It depends. If he is unable to take his eyes off of every girl he sees, there will be a problem. If he checks a hot girl every once in a while, chances are we BOTH are.