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The TIB guide to Men and Women

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by PIMPTRESS, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Some women are high-maintenance, physically.

    Some women are high-maintenance emotionally.

    I'd pick high-maintenance physically over emotionally.

    If she is both. You are in for a world of angst.
  2. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Bunch of answers:

    I sniff my shorts to see if they're clean enough to be worn. It's not so cut and dried -- if I played basketball in the for 3 hours, yeah, they go into the wash. But if I just threw them on to get a post-coital snack, they're probably clean enough to work out in. But what happens if I wore them to sleep for a couple nights, but never worked out in them? Or if I wore them around the house for a whole day, but didn't really exert myself? Gotta hit them with the sniff test to see where I can wear them.

    I don't care what kind of blood it is, a lot of it kind of creeps me out during sex. I'll have sex day 1 or day 5, but day 3 of a heavy flow is a bit much for me. Pretty early on in my sexual experience I fingered a girl who didn't know she was on her period, so everything after that is gravy. Red gravy, I guess.

    A lot of girls don't like the idea of porn, because they feel like a guy shouldn't fantasize about other women (I know some guys who feel the same way about girls fantasizing about other men). There are those that find it unrealistic and demeaning and feel like they'll never live up to the standards or bad habits it instills. Some people find porn immoral, full stop. I don't think I could date a girl who told me what I could and couldn't watch, but other people do -- more power to them. As for porn being unrealistic, if a guy can't determine what's real and what's not, he wasn't going to be a good fuck anyway. Sorry, player. Obviously, I don't think that porn is a moral issue -- while there are very real ethical issues with its production and marketing, those aren't endemic to porn itself.

    I don't think I've ever even felt fake breasts. Hm.

    80% of women look better with long hair, in my experience. 10% look better with exlusively short hair, and 10% are probably close to equal. It's almost certainly socialized into me, but that doesn't make it any less real, I guess. I generally prefer longer hair. Of course, I'm a guy with long hair, so sometimes it's nice to be with a short-haired girl because it means less rolling over on it.
  3. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    I missed the short hair discussion and I repped shimmered, but here I go anyway. I love short hair. Not particularly pixie cut, but ~mid neck length? is the best. Some girls can pull off even shorter hair, and it's even sexier, but there's always the girls who have to ruin it for the other ones and have a scary dyke cut that just makes them look terrible. It's also a lot easier to pull, because you can just grab the whole thing from near the back of their neck and tug on it, as opposed to having to travel through a whole lot of hair to do so.

    Period sex? People care? I don't understand the issue, it's just more lube.

    I wash t-shirts, underwear, and socks after wearing them once. Everything else is day-to-day. (This is the out of place discussion of this thread).

    As for boobs... I really have no idea. They feel really nice, that perfect sort of squishyness, but I can't put into words the fascination. They're just something you really want to put your mouth on.
  4. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    As to boobs:

    Men like them because we are physiologically compelled to. It's easy to forget in this day and age, but don't forget, after shelter, safety and nourishment, reproduction is the prime directive of human beings. When men look at a woman with boobs and hips, it translates into the man believing that woman will be a better provider for his children. Women are not stimulated the same way, they are programmed to look for traits aside from the physical in finding a suitable father for their offspring (which is why many women don't find pornography as stimulating as men do). Women want men that are leaders, confident, and 'good hunters' because it will benefit their child.

    Plus boobs are just awesome.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Fake breasts are a vital tool like if you're in the same bar as Sammy Haggar and you want him to pay attention to you. Fake smaller ones can look good if you pay the extra cash, the larger ones look wretched almost always, especially the shallow girls who have A's and get D's put in so they look like pink whoopee cushions with spider veins running all over them like Death Valley fire trail. When I read in IHTSBIH hell about how much Max loved big, fake tits all I could think is "What the fuck are you smoking? Go back to the racetrack!"
  6. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guys like boobs and vagina because we don't have them, and because you keep them covered up. There was a bit Seinfeld did where he said, "If you cover it up, men will pay you to uncover it. It could be a knee, a neck, and ankle. Doesn't matter. Cover it long enough and we'll be obsessed with it."

    Guys like women's asses because they are curvy and fun to squeeze.

    My $.02 on fake boobs: They need to be done right, and they need to not scream "look at me, I'm fake!" As long as they fit the person and aren't glaringly obvious, then I say go for it. My wife is a 34B and has said she'd like to go to a small C cup. Anything bigger on her small frame would look totally phony. They aren't to attract attention from anyone else, just really something for me to enjoy (her words, not mine).
  7. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I am totally shocked at how cool you guys seem to be with period sex. The idea grosses me the hell out. I haven't gotten mine in years (because of my birth control) and if I never have to deal with that again, I'll die happy. I am not one of those girls who are like "Embrace your menstruation! Use a Diva Cup! Men who find your period gross are chauvinist pigs!"

    No. It's icky, and I'd rather not be covered in blood by the time it's over. If it was natural for a guy to bleed out of his dick every month, there is absolutely no way I'd have sex with him during that time either. Shudder.
  8. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    My GF doesn't get hers either. So with that, does it build up over time since it doesn't come out? Or does it just not get produced? (I know nothing about the human body, etc) Basically my thought is:

    #328 Juice, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  9. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    With pills like Lybrel, the uterine lining doesn't get as thick, so there's nothing to be shed.
  10. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Somewhat off-track, but maybe there are TiBettes who would find this helpful.

    Products like the Diva Cup are for girls who have very light periods who don't want to use pads. Mine has always been super light, and I noticed that sometimes taking out tampons hurts. So, I asked my gyno about it. According to her, if you aren't producing enough stuff during the normal 4-6 hour time frame to saturate the tampon you're tearing the tissue of your vagina's lining when you remove it. (There's something about the dry fibers of the tampon doing the damage). That's why it hurts to take it out. And, most girls don't want want to wear a pad to go running or workout. That sounds so unpleasant I can't even entertain the idea. Enter the cup.
  11. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    My ex had a cup that worked quite well, evidently. The only gross part was when she felt like she could just clean it out in front of me.

    It sometimes got awkward when she put it in too. Its a really unattractive position to stand in when inserting it. It also makes a wet suction cup noise when being taken out. Boner = gone.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    With sentences like that are girls really surprised when dudes want to change the subject? I remember when Shegirl told the story of her friend getting a vaginaplasty because her pussy lips were so long they CHAFFED after a days worth of walking. That was all she wrote on that note I had to sign off. Don't need anymore Freudian level shit to disturb my pristine view of the glorious Vaj.
  13. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009

    Kubla Kahn, you're only ~22, right?

    Vaginas and the bleeding thereof are something you'll get used to as you get older. Kinda like how when I was 14, I would have been mortified to toot in front of my boyfriend, but now? El fiance gets to hear all about my IBS, period pains, period amounts, that nice huge dump I just took, my greasy farts, shaving, and waxing. He used to be a little freaked out but now he's over it. He's still a little uncomfortable when the subject of blood comes up but the key is to know to push the envelope just a little farther each time the subject comes up. I am slowly building up his tolerance of nasty things.

    I am definitely the gross one in the relationship.
  14. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Try working in or volunteering at a hospital. Or, watch a birthing video like I had to in undergrad. There was no shot to the face or away during crowning. After those things, a little mention of period blood doesn't really sound like anything.

    I don't talk about nasty personal stuff in front of guys, but if I did and they freaked out I'd be annoyed. Put on your big boy pants and grow a pair. There is grosser shit in life, like the morbidly obese people in the hospital who need a crane to be transferred and shit all over the place during said transfer. Girls just mentioning pooping or bleeding? Not so bad.
  15. Poopourri

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    Talk about timing. This chick just started following me on twitter, and it's pretty hilarious how utterly disgusting she is. It's probably a fake, but whatever...

    My girlfriend and I recently started living together, and it's a rarity if we go thirty minutes without ripping a giant fart or commenting about a shit we just took/need to take. It's life, whatever.

    That pussy cup thing is freaking me out though. I dont know how many of you have ever tried walking through a crowd with a COMPLETELY filled martini glass without spilling anything, but that's all I can imagine when I picture the removal of that thing. Some chick with her leg hiked up, a loud suction break, and then someone impersonating a guy cradling a plutonium dirty bomb.

    Period blood doesn't bother me, but THAT thing does. Weird.
  16. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Look at it this way: people who are fine with it can have ~25% more sex.
  17. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    And there's a really low chance of pregnancy. Because some people might be iffy on period sex, but everybody hates babies.
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
    Expand Collapse
    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Im pretty sure every guy understands that it's natural and birthing happens, Ive seen the Nova special I think birthing is amazing in the miracle sense. I would never "freak out" what ever that means, but on certain things I like to be reserved. The guy that works at the corners office has to scrape brains off the highway from time to time and it's a part of life but I simply don't like hearing it. Im not trying to pretend it doesnt happen in some childlike manner but is it so wrong to be reserved about it? Even though I'd like the girls to respect that, I know if there is a serious problem, what ever various things happen with the mysterious Vag, I do want them to tell me and I want them to get help for the problem. I still love you ladies and want the best for you.


    On the flip side I think the closest thing on this subject for men would be their jerking habits. It's natural and by all means necessary when no other means of busting a nut are available. Try telling the average girl the gory details of our alone time and see how many call you a creepy fucking weirdo. The only reason I've been open to discussing it here is because openness on the subject isn't frowned upon and the anonymity of the place keeps the stigma to a minimum. Im sure plenty of the girls I know in real life, who'd want me to be open about their uterine lining shedding, would be mortified to know that I have jerked off in semi public places and use girls pictures from my facebook friends to help. Hey IT'S ALL PART OF A NATURAL CYCLE DAMNIT!
  19. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    #339 Danger Boy, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  20. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    For girls:

    A couple times I've been hooking up with a girl, whether it's the first time or shortly thereafter, where it gets to the point that's basically the cusp between making out/whatnot and actual sex, and something happens that I'm not sure how to deal with. With some girls, they just go right along with everything I'm doing and we're both taking off each other's clothes and they just go right for the dick. But with other girls, it seems like I'm the one doing literally everything, and they make no attempt on their own to go any further. So while I'm getting them naked and fingering and etc, they're just kind of letting it all happen.

    I know that potentially it might have to do with disinterest at the time for some, but others I know for certain that they were down to sex, so that can't be the only reason. What's the best course of action? Take their hand, put it on my dick? That's about all I can think of, this has happened a few times and I've tried nudging the moment in that direction (to different degrees of success), but I've never really attempted being that forward about it. Maybe they're shy? I don't know. Any thoughts?