Dude, I have had the same shit happen to me with multiple girls. With at least two of these girls that just straight up seemed not to know how to work a fucking button and zipper and after struggling in the moment just stop trying and I have to proceed from there and do all the undressing. It would seem weird in any situation Ive been in that they didn't want to hook up and this was some sort of last minute ploy. But they all did want to hook up and hook up we did. I kind of theorized that it was some sort of emotional hoop girls try and jump through so that it it technically makes it the guy that is the ultimate initiator. As if it is the social norm the guy must be the initiator lest she want to be seen as some sort of loose girl or slut.
See, I'm fine with being the initiator, but there gets to a point where I'm just like "Okay, come on," and I feel like I'd make it awkward if I kept going, but even if I do the fact that I was worried about being awkward makes it awkward, and awkward sex is the least fun thing.
No, do not do this. That is my biggest sexual pet peeve, along with the "pushing my head into their lap" move. The only that helps to do is piss me off. I don't know what's so hard to understand about someone being interested in having sex with you but, at the same time, be a little bit nervous/shy/feeling awkward about it. If this is still happening after you've been having sex for a while, then I can see it being confusing and disconcerting but if it's the first time or shortly into the relationship of any sort then, damn, give her a break. The other thing it could be is that girls can be less comfortable with foreplay acts if it's the first time or a one night stand. I'm usually like this. Giving and receiving head, to me (and many other girls I've talked to), feels a hell of a lot more intimate than sex. So, if I barely know the guy, I tend to be a lot less willing to give him head (which sucks for him) than if I was dating him, and tend to want to just get straight to the sexing. It's the opposite camp of the "everything but" girls.
No, see, I do understand this. It's nothing accusatory. I'm just looking for a way to get past that for the girls that this happens with that's comfortable with them.
Or watch the midwife give your wife an episiotomy with surgical scissors. I still get queasy thinking about. And you'd think she would have puta few extra stitches in when she was done.
Very very simple. Put your hands on the waistband of the pants/skirt/panties that she's wearing, as if you want to take them off her. If you get the hip lift, you're golden. If you don't, she's not down, but it can be played off as nothing serious.
Lay down a towel and fuck. No need to look down. Vaginas feel so slick and hot when bleeding. Better orgasms for the woman, seriously. Plus, it helps release hormones that tone down cramps and bitchy attitudes. It's the ultimate Midol.
On me. In me. As long as it is after I do. I kinda like on me if I'm in a dirty mood. I like it in me if it's more of an intimate session.
Text I got from the girl tonight: "PS we're fooling around on my period. Shower, wherever. I don't care. I orgasm so much and so easily when I'm on it" Tough to argue with that logic
Seconded. Here's a cliche question that hasn't been brought up, but one that I haven't been able to figure out an answer to: Why are guys so guarded with feelings? One of the things I admire about men is they're a lot more able/willing to be straight up about so many more things than girls, but if they're feeling anything other than angry or horny it's such a struggle to get anything out of them about it. Ideas?
Because it's SO easy to say the "wrong" thing. "Why do you feel like that?" I don't fucking know... you asked, I answered. You didn't like my answer, and now you want me to justify or explain it. I can't, or don't want to, so I'm going to the garage until you forget about it.
That's about the most succinct answer that has ever been given to that question, which is hilarious considering what was being asked.
I've got a question: why the fuck do women find the word "diva" to be a positive thing? Not nearly as interesting as the rest of this thread, but I was reminded by your post.
I would say freaking out is unmanly, but we all know girls poop. However, no one really wants to think about anyone taking a dump, much less an attractive girl who the romantic or lech in us may want to pedestalize. It derives from the same reason we like high heels, push-up bras, and make-up--as Michael Caine said in The Prestige, "you don't really want to know. You want to be fooled." Perception can be reality.
I've had a few questions on how this works, re keeping them straight and deciding which one to fuck and keeping them from finding out... First things first, all of them know each other. I think all of them have fucked one or more of the others. Most of them also have other fuck buddies. The number one bottom bitch / the girlfriend is involved with another guy and a few girls, and a couple. The guy she's involved with is also involved with another one of my fuckbuddies who has a primary relationship with a guy who is also involved with another of my fuck buddies. The girlfriend's girlfriend is one of the fuck buddies. The girlfriend's couple friends are roommates with one of the other fuck buddies, and the other fuckbuddies primary boyfriend. It's all very incestuous. Sunday morning coffee run is often for 8+ coffees. Everyone is very open with everyone and there's some schedule juggling, some group sex, and some nights where partners get passed around like bongs. I've hooked up with girl A before going to a club, hooked up with Girl B at the party, hooked up with Girl A and Girl C after the party, dropped girl C off at Guy A's house the next morning and picked up Girl D coming out of Girl E and Guy B's bedroom next door, and had a threesome with Girl D and Guy C that afternoon. I've also spent the weekend with friends who I'm not currently fucking because all the fuck buddies had other plans. It's logistically challenging - but we also have pretty random careers. There are full time students, bar tenders, sex workers, white collar office types, and tradespeople in the current group. Then there are the people with the weird work situations. Our schedules are all fucked up and we all make time to see the people we want to fuck right at the moment. Yes I'm aware of the risks, but part of making shit work is risk management.
Can't do it. I feel soooo gross and icky and not pretty at all during that time. And, the mess is a huge turn off for me. When I start my period I send My Guy a text saying "happy blowjob week!"
It sounds like a lot of bodies involved. How do you minimize the disease risks associated with that sort of relationship? (Aside from condoms 100% of time the time of course)
I think "diva" is a word middle-aged marketing executives think appeals to the 18-35 demographic. I don't think I've heard girls my age use it in admiration. If anything we use it when talking about someone (male or female) who's high maintenance and a pain in the ass. Or when talking about Diana Ross/drag queens.