I think the phrases "She is pregnant" and "We're having a baby" have somehow melded into one confusing and inaccurate phrase. I agree that "we're pregnant" is retarded. There are other ways to express your situation.
This. At the very least, some sharp intakes of breath or audible changes in breathing. I can't necessarily pay attention to your face when my eyes are at crotch level, so I rely on sounds to make sure I'm doing things right. To the men of the board, what motivates you to do things you don't want to do, but know you have to do? For instance, the boyfriend and I agreed early on that I would happily do the dishes (which he hates) if he would dust the house (which I hate). The "please dust the living room" note has been on the chores board for two months. I refuse to nag, but I also refuse to budge and do it myself. I can't keep offering sexual favours for housework. It's belittling my bj skills.
Maybe you could make a time to do chores together? Tell him that you want to have a house cleaning session on Saturday morning before lunch, and then split the chores you'll do.
Effort. Something that shows, even if it's something small, that I'm in a special position in My Guy's life. Whether it's a "Hey I'm thinking about you" text or a smack on the ass as I'm walking past, just the effort. I go out of my way to make sure at least once I day I do *something* for My Guy, whether it's bring a beer when we come home or pick up a Rockstar or rub his knees. He's mine, I want him to know I appreciate him. So, for me, effort. I don't need constant attention, though I do like kisses, especially on my nose and forehead. I don't have to hold hands everywhere, but I do like the reaching out and touching from time to time. I'm pretty physical.
Good. God. Every time I hear, "We're pregnant!" I want to curb stomp a bitch and scream. Almost as bad as that is the, "We're trying to get pregnant!" It's always an overweight harpy that I REALLY don't want to imagine naked, let alone having sex, who says that. I think if/when I have kids I'm gonna leave out the details for my peripheral friends and family. We don't need to hear every single detail of your ovulation or steps you're taking to encourage conception. I worked with a girl who notified EVERYONE the minute she found out she was pregnant. When I asked how far along she was she said, "Oh, 3 weeks. I just found out!" What happened to waiting 3 or 4 months to tell the entire world? What followed was nine months of hearing every single complaint or gross detail about her pregnancy. If she had been a good friend or my sister it would've been interesting. I didn't even like this bitch, and she's sharing intimate details about her sex drive and insecurities at work. Shut the fuck up and go back to posting insurance stuff. Sorry. That turned into a rant of how crazy some chicks get about pregnancy. If I were a guy my dick would shrivel up into my abdominal cavity out of fear.
A $50 gift certificate to the hardware store or the liquor store will have your woodwork shiny and smelling of Murphy's Oil Soap faster than you can wash and dry the Thanksgiving dishes. You could suggest a "naked chore day", though you may not finish all of the chores you're trying to accomplish.
For me personally (and my father, which is likely why), I like knowing what I have to do and agreeing on a time it has to be done. I do stuff in weird ways sometimes, and I like having the freedom to decide. If I say I'm going to do something by a certain time and I forget, a simple verbal reminder should do: "oh, did you remember to dust?" is pretty much all I need. In this case, I'd agree on how often the living room has to be dusted. It's quite possible that he doesn't think it looks that dusty -- if you both agree that it has to be done every 2 weeks or w/e, then he can't complain if you gently remind him.
Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I absolutely can't stand when a guy uses cliche dirty talk. If you heard it in a porno, don't say it. Don't say "You like that.", mentioning your "big cock", or asking if I'm wet or if I'm going to come. Not only will I not be turned on, but the next time I'm hanging out with my female friends, I will mention this and we will all laugh at you. This isn't even a bitchy thing, it's just something that happens. But like i said, that's just me.
There's a difference between nagging and simply asking. If you've done your part, then it seems fair for him to do his. Pick a good time, and hand him the swiffer. If he tosses it back, remind him that the sink is empty. It doesn't hurt to remind him that it can easily be done while drinking a beer. Offer to grab him one while he gets started.
Dusting is tough, because whether or not something requires dusting is subjective, so he may think its not needed. As shenanigans said, asking or *reminding* him isnt necessarily nagging. For me, I need a deadline of some sort to get anything done. If I dont have one, Ill rationalize thats its not important in my head and wont do it.
For the boys/men/guys: Why does it seem you can't think ahead? I feel like your man motto should be "Act now. Think later." and it makes it difficult for me to plan things. If I want to go to the beach on Saturday, and it's only Wednesday, why do you act like it's impossible for you to think about Saturday?
Because what if you make all these plans and I don't even feel like going to the beach on Saturday? I don't even know what I want for lunch, and now you expect me to cede an entire Saturday without knowing how I'm gonna feel?
When you're in a relationship, what do you expect most out of your boyfriend? (Aside from the obvious ones like fidelity) Emotional maturity. The ability to be patient and understanding with other people. I want to be with someone who isn't going to jump to assumptions or speak and/or act without thinking. I expect someone I'm involved with to be able to (or least make a solid attempt to) step outside of himself and try to view a situation or an experience from another's perspective. I think the more you really care about someone (and, obviously, the more comfortable you are with yourself), the easier this is to do. Or you just have issues that need to be addressed before you're in a relationship.
Give him a deadline, or say it has to be done every week. Personally, I think you got fucked (and not in a good way) on that deal: dishes have to be done fairly frequently, while dusting is the kind of thing that really only has to be done once every week or two. Either tell him you want to have a "cleaning day" to just get it all done and out of the way, or tell him it is looking dusty and to clean and dust by the weekend. I'm the kind of person who may procrastinate, but if I have a deadline, I'll get it done.
We are more than capable of thinking ahead, but we also like to keep our options open. If saying that I'll go to the beach with you on Saturday means possibly missing out on something else that is equally (if not more) fantastic; or if agreeing to go to the beach and then breaking that commitment in favor of something else will result in a load of butthurt from you - I just won't commit. Besides, everyone knows that spontaneity is a power play - guy is just trying to maintain control. My advice would be for him to nut up and pull your hair instead. How is the beach even a decision anyways? It's a no brainer - he'll get to see you in a bikini all day. Pics or it didn't happen.
When you set plans, like if on Wednesday you and your BF plan on going to the beach Saturday and someone calls on Thursday with much cooler sounding plans, will you get pissed if he backs out of the beach to do the other thing instead? If so, he probably just wants to keep his options open. Now don't get me wrong, if you plan a weekend away and he backs out he's being a dick, but I know women who would get pissed if a guy backs out of something as trivial as going to the beach or a day in the park for something that is clearly better. Seriously, did you have the natives that sold Manhattan do your negotiating?
My wife and I are the opposite of this. I try to pin down when we are going to do something (usually random errands we need to run), so I can plan other things around it. She never wants to commit to anything that's more than a day or two away. Maybe it is more of a personality thing, than a Male vs Female things?
Because usually there is nothing that requires immediate action. I (and many other guys) tend to think in terms of things that are actually actionable. If there's nothing for me to do at the present moment in time, why am I thinking about it? Whereas some (not all, but some) girls I know must have everything planned to the last detail, even when it's likely to be subject to change/too early to do anything. Based on merely myself, we tend to have less need of an exact and specific mental plan, and tend to take a "cross that bridge when we get there" approach. Do any girls NOT like getting their hair pulled, or am I right in assuming that this is pretty much universal?
These are probably very odd and uh.. graphic questions, so pm me your response if you're shy. 1. While you boys are getting an erection, is that a good feeling in and of itself, or can you not really feel it getting hard? 2. When you orgasm, can you feel the manseed going from balls to tip? Like, can you actually feel the fluid itself move along the pipes? I can actually feel how red my face is right now.
We can feel it getting hard (or at least are aware that it is hard). I wouldn't really describe it as an inherently pleasurable feeling, though. Sure, it's more sensitive thereafter, but as for erections as such, it's more of a "oh, so now that's there" sort of thing. It's certainly not unpleasant. And not from balls to tip, more like "from base of dick to tip." And Omegaham's use of 'pressure' is fairly accurate. You tend to sort of feeling it building up immediately beforehand.