Different spin, same general topic: I'm under the impression that overall, a guy is better off having a somewhat large penis than a huge penis (so, 8 rather than 13). Just like a guy is better off being 6'4 rather than 6'10. What say you all?
I have no problem holding a woman's purse so long as it's properly done. By the strap, and at my side. Over the shoulder seems a bit too comfy with a purse for me.
I know we've done the "does size matter" thread, but this bears repeating: When it comes to penis size, within the scope of "average" is best. Extra girth is fine; extra length is fucking murder. With the sexual partners I've had I can honestly say that the size of the penis did not have any effect on the sex, except when the guy was too big and it hurt. Women who claim to love a 9" cock with a 10" circumference (or whatever ridiculous measurements presently describe "fucking huge") are either liars or have something wrong with their anatomy. Yes, if you have some condition where your erect junk is 2" long then I feel sorry for you, but please don't pine that you wish your 6 inches was instead 9...too much size hurts and limits the positions you can take with your partner.
It wouldn't hurt us anymore than tying a flaming cinder block around our heads that attracts pissed-off Japanese hornets. If we're not trannies or metrosexuals, keep that gigantic neon sign away from us. Every guy on the planet with any masculinity in him hates that. It's embarrassing and rude to do to a man, and my wife knows to never do it to me because any woman that DOES do that to me will get it dumped out on the chair for the world to see. In a simlar topic, has anyone here had a girl that likes to go through your wallet whenever she sees it? Just a thorough inspection is all. I've seen a fair share of women do this like they're supposed to. Does this bother you as well?
I like you, in a general way, but what you're saying here is complete bullshit. Men that are secure in their masculinity have absolutely no problems holding purses for women that they are sure are with them. In fact, men that are confident in themselves don't even notice that they're holding a purse, they just think about how they love the girl, and how the girl loves them. This is the best case scenario. If the sureness of connection deteriorates, refer to Crown's dumb-ass teenage mentality...
Really? Than consider context here: You'd be perfectly fine if she just threw it into your arms so she could go try on things. Not take it with her, just say "Don't let go of this" and ditch you with it. In other words, "stay on your leash". This is what a friend of mine endures for God knows fucking what. If your holding it because she needs it to be held, then I'm all for it. If her arms are full, or you're trying to pull her in from a dangerous rope bridge crossing while running from the Hevuedos and their posion darts. However, don't beat around the bush: men don't like holding purses. Period. They do it because they care, and should only have to do it when necessary.
Has anyone else noted the irony that the penis size discussion is being ignored by the two men who are presently arguing about how manly it is to hold a purse?
I am not talking about throwing it at you, "ditching you with it", or anything like that. I am saying reasonable cause. Haven't you ever asked a girl to hold your phone or other personal objects? Wouldn't it be considered the same thing? I am not trying to humiliate you by asking you to hold my purse. I am asking you to do me a favor.
No, men don't like bitches, and this whole purse thing is just a vehicle for that argument. A stupid one at that. See my prior post if you need clarification of that. Edit: Any argument that someone's going to come up with is going to revolve around their opinion that's is gay, sissy, whatever gender role bullshit they can spout (which is their own problems, rampant insecurity, etc rearing it's ugly head) or that the woman is a bitch. In which case, the purse is interchangeable with a number of other complaints about women's behavior, so the purse has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I don't hate holding babies just because the last one I held was given to me a bitch. Ain't the baby's fault, I'm not adverse to holding a baby again. Ewwww, he's holding a baby! He's a pedophile! He's holding a baby for the wrong reasons! Eww! No I'm not, I'm just holding a fucking baby because someone needed me to. This whole thing is silly.
If she threw it into my arms cause she wanted to go try on things, that would be an honest representation, and I would be ok with it. I get the feeling you're not ok with things because your ladys = loves that have lied their asses off to you, and not told you the truth about what they're doing (By the way, they spent your money on heroin. Watch the Wire, Negro.)
By the way, you are assigning completely hostile intentions to every woman ever with no real provocation. I think you may need some therapy.
If she threw it into my arms cause she wanted to go try on things, that would be an honest representation, and I would be ok with it. I get the feeling you're not ok with things because your ladys = loves that have lied their asses off to you, and not told you the truth about what they're doing (By the way, they spent your money on heroin. Watch the Wire, Negro.)[/quote] They are NOT, because they never had track marks. It was airplane glue NOT smack so get you shit straight before you go gossip my sins everybody, Winona Ryder. I you sense I have hostility to women over this than I guess my text must look very frowny-face to you or something. I am singling out one single action here, not many as whole representing all as one or all as one a + b =men and women are still different. And therepy won't work for me because I keep strangling the therepist before our hour is up. It's a thing that's being worked on.
Question for the wonderful TiBettes: How much weight to you put into how a guy dresses? And I'm not talking about either extreme end of the spectrum (i.e. cheetoh stained undershirt vs triple popped collar).
It's hard for me to pinpoint the real reason but I think it was a combination of spending way too much time together and her trust issues. Of course I'm sure that I wasn't perfect either but we pretty much bullshitted each other when we broke up because if we had told the truth it would have led to a lot of resentment.
I was going to camp out in the backyard tonight with my girlfriend, as she wanted to go camping sometime but has never spent a night in a tent. So, I got some food ready to grill (a sirloin steak and corn to roast), wood and tinder set in the fire ring, and have my (new to me) 2-person tent set up with fresh cedar shavings to make it smell good inside (thank you, workshop). I was going to put some bedding in it and then looked at the radar. It's gonna storm like a motherfucker. God dammit.
I agree. The biological component is probably the same underlying element(s) that result(s) in greater male cynicism and risk-taking. However, girls indeed aren't rewarded the same ways guys are for being funny, so there's no incentive for girls to develop a robust joke-telling ability. While the male capacity for humor may be greater, the sexes' capacity for humor have to be in the same ballpark, or else males would have no one to impress but each other with their humor. I don't think so. The same joke told or same quip made by a girl will get a better reaction than if told/made by a guy.
Ladies: purses, clothes, and shoes. What's the deal with them? We've covered why you have them, but I'm more curious about why you're so damned particular about what they look like, and what the criteria is for a good-looking article of clothing. Conversely, what constitutes a bad purse that you'd be embarrassed to seen with (and presumably, become the butt of your girlfriends' jokes)? Why can I go out in shorts and a white t-shirt without thinking twice, but GOD FORBID you be seen wearing blue with green (an example I picked from earlier in this thread)? Apparently, through the course of my parents' marriage, my dad has always come through, without fail, when it came to getting my mom a new purse every so often for her birthday/Christmas/their anniversary. Her friends would even go as far as to commend him for it. It never dawned on me to ask what his process was, so I'm asking now. I figure it'll be a handy skill to have later down the line for my own wife.
I'm admittedly lacking in the ladyparts and have no special insight as to the matter of "which ones," but the "why it matters" probably involves the fact that women have historically been (and still are) told that their value to society is predicated on being aesthetically pleasing.
It might just be me, but I don't see this as purely restricted to women. I'm fairly particular about what clothes I buy/wear. I have days where I don't give a fuck and rock whatever I grab first, but I'm sure women have days where they just don't care if they look like shit. Shoes...well...what's the difference between a nice pair of heels and a nice pair of dress shoes? A lot of guys I know own 15+ pairs of nice sneakers/shoes, so it's not like women win on quantity either. A guy I work with owns over 50 pairs of Nikes alone. And finally, I feel like a woman having a nice purse is like a man having a nice wallet. Although purses tend to be more expensive and women seem to go through quite a lot of them. Wallets can stick around until practically worn through.