It depends on how well the date went. Let me explain. I would be aiming for sex regardless of wether the date went well or poorly. You see, if it went poorly I would be hoping to get a shag just so the night wasn’t a total write off. In this instance I would not be calling you again nor returning your calls. However if the date went well I would want to have sex because you were cute enough to date in the first place and cool. Dirty first date sex with cute chicks who are cool is even better than cute chicks who are annoying. In this instance I would call you and want to see you again. I have to qualify this with the fact that I have been in a relationship for a decade and the above is representative of my unenlightened early 20’s philosophy. I may have grown up. Although it’s doubtful.
Like with just about anything, it would depend on why. In a vacuum though, the answer is "no." It doesn't impact future dating viability.
Exactly what he said. Context matters. Like Scootah said, you can't put a time restriction on that sort of thing. It's not about when you fuck him, but why. Having sex on a first date doesn't make you easy. Having sex because you're easy makes you easy. EDIT: Yeah, what the guy above me wrote.
Right, but in what capacity would you want to be seeing her? As a potential long-term romantic interest, or a cute & cool chick that you'd like to fuck in between awesome hang-out sessions? I think, for me at least, the worry is that my libido just ruined all possible chances of being taken seriously as a potential long-term romantic interest. But if I squelch the urge to fuck him when I'm so badly wanting to, or if I break myself away from the amazing make-out session in order to clarify that we're not going any further, I feel like a stupid game-player. And I go home frustrated, which doesn't make me the nicest person to be around towards the end of a date. I almost always solve this by fucking and getting it out of my system, romantic consequences be damned. It's burned me once or twice, but thankfully the type of man I'm attracted to doesn't give two shits about that sort of thing.
It would be entirely dependent on how well we got along. I’m conceited enough to believe that you shagged me on the first date because I was so charming and smooth as to make myself irresistible. What would hurt our long term chances is if I found out later (inside the first few weeks) that you had shagged several other guys on the first date in the months prior. I appreciate the unfairness of the double standard, but I’m trying to be as honest as possible.
I think screwing on the first date can go either way. If I have romantic feelings for a girl, those won't change whether I screw her or not. But if I'm not totally into a girl and we fool around, I'll likely not call her again, but thats no different than if we didn't screw around. I think it doesn't make much of a difference. I think someone who values or devalues a person because of an intimate act is insecure and probably wouldn't be able to pursue an honest, mature relationship anyway.
Any guy who thinks a girl is a whore just because she fucked him on the first date is a blithering idiot. If it were up to me, I would change the definition of whore and slut to a girl who cheats. A girl who fucks early or often could just as easily be a girl who knows what she wants and takes steps to get what she wants. There is absolutely no reason to degrade or insult someone for doing that. As to this whole "I wouldn't return her calls" thing...what the fuck? If you go on a date with someone and sleep with them, or even if you don't sleep with them, why wouldn't you answer your phone? Are you that passive aggressive that instead of telling the girl the reason you don't want to see her again you're just going to pretend she doesn't exist until she gets the hint? That's incredibly lame and very unfair to the other person.
Oh Mr. Big Man with his insults. How about we step outside and take this to PMs. Then we'll REALLY see who the man is. Pussy ass bitch. Note: Please picture me flexing for the duration of the above sentence.
This is completely anecdotal evidence, but Mrs. Noland and I had sex on our first date and we are 2 weeks away from our 13 year anniversary.
It shouldn't. So many people have gone by that stupid "Third Date Rule" when it comes to this because they think it's still the 1980's and it's some sort of unwritten law, and before that third date the only things that are allowed to occur are are PG-13 things like kissing, hand-holding and furious blueball-inducing dry humping. If a guy lets this impact him then he's a hypocrite and a fucking tool, not to mention a social pussy. Congrats, you found a girl that likes to have sex. What exactly is the complaint here? It sure as hell beats the alternative, and it doesn't affect the value of her personality. If you think that it does, then fuck off and go die lonely with the other useless prudes.
Titty fucking - I'm an A. Blah. It sucks. That said, The Guy and I are discussing - for my 35th birthday - boobies or a motorcycle? He's torn. Especially when he considers that I'm a very heavy female and me on the back of his bike for a long ride is a bit tiring...but he loves boobies. So...guys...boobies or a motorcycle?
Some friends and I have discussed this, so I can at least speak for a large portion of my friends as well as myself: Sex on the first date does not change the feelings, developed on the date, of whether or not you're a long term prospect. It's just something that may or may not happen at the end of the date, like dessert. Even if they're out of the apple cobbler, if it was a good meal I'm coming back next week. They'll probably have apple cobbler next time. And if they do serve the cobbler, with two mounds of ice cream drizzled with a little homemade caramel, and sweet, tender apples that your fork slides right into, it's not going to change the deliciousness of the meal (or lack thereof). If the meal sucked, I'm just going there for dessert from now on. But a great meal stands on its own. Now, if the meal was lousy AND they're out of apples, I'm probably not coming back for any reason. Fuck, now I'm hungry. And horny.
First date fucking: Assuming you guys aren't in high school or something, definitely don't think the girl is a whore for doing it on the first date, I've said it before, but my current GF and I had sex the night we met, but we clicked really well and have been together for five years. I understand (and would hope) women like to have sex just like guys and I don't think denying themselves pleasure to uphold some outdated moral code makes them non-girlfriend material or something. Think about it this way, if a guy won't date you because you 'give it up' on the first date he's a child, it's a filtering process. These are the same idiots who say "I don't want to meet my future wife in a bar."