Well, FINE THEN. haha, I just seem to have something against my boobs. If you're already a C, I don't know why one cup would fuck with the equilibrium. I have always wanted to be a C. I guess we always want what we don't have. Question for all: Yesterday at work, I had a man come in to buy extensions for himself. 18" of human hair to have weaved in for him. His wife was with him. I thought he was hysterical, buying hair when he already had long curly hair past his shoulders. I also would be quite turned off if my man wanted extensions. How much grooming and alteration is okay to you? Men-extensions, fake lashes, girdles, etc- does a woman's use of these things turn you off? Women-does a man using a penis pump and getting plugs equal "Hell No?"
See, this is why I do not want large breasts. I just want boobs big enough to make you say "Are they? Or...are they?", to fill out my bikini top, to have cleavage when I want it, to be able to fill out the super cute lingerie I have, etc. I don't want my cups to runneth over.
Another area where I feel bad for women. I've had major back issues since I was a early teen from kyphosis. Girls that legitimately need reductions to stop suffering makes sense to me because back pain fucking sucks. But I'd wish theyd come up with a more advanced less invasive endoscopic type surgery for breast reduction. I watched the entire procedure once when they used to show surgeries on the Discovery channel. The fucking butcher them and the girls are left with huge anchor shaped scars. It'll be one of the various causes I'll pledge money to when I have a good amount of discretionary income. Save the boobies.
Boo to all that stuff. Wigs, extensions, lashes, etc they look ridiculous. Unless you're dressing up for a Prostitute Pub Crawl, forget it. I love it when she takes care of herself and lets her natural beauty through at the same time. Use a little to accentuate your lips and eyes, maybe cover up a blemish, but otherwise leave the makeup be. A couple gals I know, when they smile their faces crack like dry clay. Be comfortable with yourself. That's the main thing. And make your hair shine and smell nice. Holy fuck that's the main thing. Forget the self confidence bit, it's about sweet hair. If a guy wears any of that crap I just assume he's a tranny or going to Rocky Horror.
I'm a girl and I hate that shit on females. I like makeup, I like looking pretty, but I also like being able to recognize the person I'm looking at. That shit just screams shallow, fake, and pretentious.
Why are penis pumps and plugs being thrown in the same category? Do penis pumps even do anything? If I start to lose my hair and I had some money to spend, I would definitely consider getting plugs. Why not? I consider some grooming acceptable. I have ridiculously thick eyebrows so if I don't take care of that, I'll end up with a unibrow. For women, I prefer a dressed down look. If I can tell the girl is wearing makeup, in my opinion, it's too much.
Shimmered, your boobs are fine, and motorcycles are fun. As for fucking on the first date - I will never think of a g irl as a whore for doing it night one, but I will often judge people who set arbitrary timelines (one girl was "HAS TO BE ONE MONTH!") because that's just a stupid game and games are for kids. Then again I was sleeping with my girlfriend for a month before we started dating what do I know.
Don't fix something that isn't broken in the first place. Chances are, the cons will outweigh the pros on this one.
If you're already a C cup, why exactly do you want to to up to Ds? Do you just think you'd look better with bigger boobs? Do you not like something about your breasts now that you'd like to change, and just figure if you'd have to go under the knife anyway you might as well get bigger as well? From a typical guy's perspective the most notable feature of breasts are how big they are, so we understand when a woman might want to go from an A cup to something bigger, but going from a C to a D without any other qualifying information just seems needless unless someone in the decision equation has a big boobs fetish.
Definitely go with the boobs. Or wear clothes that outline your ass correctly. Certain brands of jeans, that certain demographics of women wear, do not showcase the ass correctly. I'll go with the latter actually. Re: Sex on the first date: All the guys make good points; I've had a huge debate about this with a group of people randomly a week ago. Sometimes the chemistry is there and you just have to fuck on the first date. It's retarded when both people are rocking back and forth looking at each other horny as fucking waiting for x day to come. The question really is one thing and most guys assume yes to is "Does she fuck on all on first dates?" Now some guys assume yes and say "I don't want to be with someone who fucks every guy she dates." Other guys think "My game was tight, of course she wanted to fuck me, she couldn't help myself." There are other lines of thoughts, but the percentage of guys that think those other thoughts usually diminish greatly after those three thoughts. Interesting that the definition of whore and slut was brought up. I decided recently after another similar discussion that a whore or slut will be determined by if it was his/her initial idea or not. If that person sees someone and thinks first "I want to fuck that person and does it" opposed to a person coming up talking to them for a few minutes (maybe buy them some drinks) then fucking them. The former being a whore.
While the "the girl that just enjoys sex" is a wonderful thought I've always thought a slut or whore (interchangeable really) as a girl that uses sex or slutty behavior to gain attention from dudes. It also can refer to girls that don't seem to have any standards when picking dudes to fuck. A friend of mine from high school hooked up with in quick succession of a group of friends we knew in the dorms, this kind of goes to my first point as she kind of wanted to be accepted by the group. After that through out the next few years she'd literally fuck any half bit drug dealer or low life she came across. Trust me there is no double standard here either as I have yet to meet any guy that was ever refereed to as a stud or ladies man who only banged out fat chicks and skanks.
This concerns me. What "standards of fuckability" do men have to meet in order for women to elude social shaming after sleeping with them? Maybe your group of friends were all good looking and had huge cocks, or they were all excellent at oral sex. Or they were side-splittingly funny, or they were incredibly intelligent. Or they flashed their CoD skills during a dorm mixer and her panties just melted on the spot. All of these things point less to "wanting to be accepted by the group" and more towards "freshman year sexual experimentation with interesting college dudes." Isn't that what college experimentation is all about? It's easy to judge a woman who fucks her way through a large number of men in what some would consider to be a relatively short amount of time. But you really don't know why she's making the sexual choices she's making. Sure, it could be Daddy issues. It also could be fascination with her newly-discovered ability to orgasm. Or anger at her last boyfriend who never actually made it inside her and always came on her upper thigh instead. Or a massive case of denial over her ever-growing attraction to other women. Or she could be reclaiming her sexual autonomy after an assault or rape. It's very, very short-sighted to automatically assume that she's trying to garner attention through widespread use of her vagina. EDIT: Fucking her drug dealer earns her a different term altogether. I think it goes without saying that a person who trades sexual services for drugs is no longer making empowered sexual choices.
Just remembered this girl said the most perplexing thing to me that you just reminded me of. Girl was talking about her Friend that was 23 or something and has had sex with a total of 6 guys. That is 1 dick a year starting at the age of 17. I would not consider that slutty any means, but apparently two of the guys were friends. Now she dated both of these guys for some time, not consecutively. Girl insisted that because Friend fucked two guys that were friends she was a slut. I asked "If she had sex with 12 guys, but none of them knew each other, that would be better?" Girl "Yeah, two guys that know each other, dating or not, she's a slut." Anyone else think that's absolutely nuts?
I'm terrible at CoD. True. Ultimately, though, I don't judge women based on who they fuck or why they fuck them, as long as they're honest and consistent (and safe). If a girl claims to want to date a nice guy, but consistently has sex with guys who are not nice, then she is either lying or making poor choices. Just like if a guy claims to want a cool girl, but constantly slobbers over girls who are anything but, he is doing the same.
I can kinda see where she's coming from, although I doubt I'd use the word slut. Dating an ex's friend is in the same league as fucking a coworker in terms of it being a bad idea 95% of the time. Girls who make sexual decisions that turn out poorly 95% of the time usually aren't making the best sexual choices. *on the male side of things, dude who is fucking his friend's ex is in line to get his ass beat and is definitely thinking with the wrong head.