Horribly. I went off birth control recently and now I can't stop thinking about fucking everything. Compare that to being on it, when any thought of sex was mostly, "Ehh...I guess." For some reason, birth control also stopped my dreaming, which meant no more amazing vivid sex dreams, which I used to have all the time. In short, fuck birth control. So necessary, yet so evil.
Ill say this, you can hold muh COcK n' NutZ all you like but only expect to go for the next round because of it. Same goes with me cuddling, I only do it because it leads to another round. When I want to fall asleep it is insanely hard for me when I am simply sidled up to a girl, not to mention intimate contact. For some reason I am a super light sleeper when a girl is in the bed, any body contact, however small, or tug at the sheets and my mind is ripped out of sleep mode. I usually have to be on the other side of the mattress with my own blanket.
I hate sharing a bed, but I love getting laid. TI have a lot of trouble sleeping while being touched anywhere but I tend to man through it.
Ok, I really don't get this, but keep in mind that I'm strange and not very bright: If you want another round of sex, why not just initiate another round of sex? Or if you want sex in the first place, why wait for her to grab your junk or cuddle or whatever? It seems like you guys are leaving a lot of sex on the table (or the couch, or the tv, or the stove), by being passive.
That was my thought as well. Why not just roll over on him, you both fuck your socks off, then fall asleep without contact. I'm a little biased since I can't fall asleep if there is another person in bed until I'm sure they are asleep. I don't know why, but the other person fidgeting just makes me nervous. It sucks bringing a girl back if she wants to stay, because I know I'm in for a shitty day the next day. I've never had a relationship outside of a fuck buddy, so I guess I've never really been completely comfortable with someone else falling asleep in my own bed.
I don't always know right away if I'm going to want to go another round, so cuddling/junk/tit grabbing is just a nice medium. If I feel like going for round two the physical contact will hasten any recovery period, but if I don't feel like going again I'll probably eventually just roll over and fall asleep.
I see. I sort of got a different impression, but even so, if that's enjoyable to you, why not just put your junk on your hand? Or your hand on her junk? My confusion was as the passivity of people who like sex so much.
I just have to say, I feel very conflicted about this. On one hand I like the idea of having my junk held by my partner, but on the other hand I want to spoon her from behind and have my hand on her boob. I'm trying to imagine a position where we could both be satisfied but I can't come up with a comfortable one.
Fixed that for you. I'm not trying to talk smack dude, but have you seriously ever been with a woman? I know your life is depressing, but what the fuck?
It took me a bit to get used to sleeping with someone else in my bed but now that I'm used to it, I hate sleeping alone. My GF on the other hand, hates it, as I take up 3/4s of the bed by sprawling everywhere. I think it's mainly because I'm a huge cuddler.
I have brought it upon myself to be the spokesperson for the Depo shot, because it doesn't get any love at all and this always confuses me. It does not lower my libido, but sometimes (especially when the three month period between shots is ending) it really spikes it. Also, without a period, you can sex wheneva you want!
Worked quite the opposite for my wife. Her libido dropped off the face of the earth, and she had consistent bleeding for weeks on end.
I'm still curious about this. What do you do if he wants to have a hand on you? Do you just lay side-by-side with your hand on his dick while he has his hand to put wherever he wants?
Not to mention a lot of people gain a significant amount of weight. I dated a girl who got on depo and gained 20 pounds in like 2 months.
Any of the other TiBettes not on birth control? I've only ever gone on it once, for less than two months. It fucked up my cycle and that was it. More psychological than anything else - I felt like I was messing with something that was never broken. I can't see myself ever willingly going on it. For the guys - your thoughts on cuddling? In my experience, most men vehemently deny liking it at all. In practice, I find sometimes that's true and sometimes it's not.
If we're watching TV or laying in bed, I like it a lot. I'm a big fan of physical contact and since we can't always be fucking, I enjoy cuddling up. I'm not sure why anyone would deny liking it if they do--it's not like it makes you any less of a man if you want to be close with your girl.
This. I like getting snugged up on the couch and shit like that. After sex is ok, depending on the temp of the room and how sweaty we are. Don't touch me when I'm trying to sleep. This is all, of course, subject to the amount of alochol I've consumed. My friend Mia fell asleep literally on my chest on the couch a couple weeks ago when we were both shitfaced.