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The TIB guide to Men and Women

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by PIMPTRESS, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    Post Nazi, I was still drunk when I typed that out, so I was in "THEY MUST KNOW EVERYTHING" writing mode. And my actual response to the dumb notebook thing was better than whatever it was I wrote, I don't even remember what it was now though haha.

    If only there was a Carfax for girls...
  2. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Although I realise her friends could have just been "cockblocking bitches", maybe there's also another possibility that she has some other things going on in her life (relationship recently ended, personal drama etc) that left her vulnerable and just in the mood for whatever.

    Or maybe you're underselling yourself. Parker could've nailed it in one.
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Or, maybe they're just cockblocking bitches. It's not like that sort of thing isn't still commonplace in the bar scene.

    Since this is the right thread, let's explore this frutrating scenario for a second: cockblocking. I am addressing the 8.5 female members we have on this site. Now, I know YOU have "Never done such a thing", but answer me anyway: when hitting the town why do women not trust their own friend's free will?

    It doesn't matter where you are or who you are. It is a free fucking country. A female at a bar is an ADULT HUMAN BEING that can make whatever choice they want, period. If their friend wants some strange at the end of the night, why do everything in your power to see that goes south? Jealousy? Man-hating? Or are they so goddamned paranoid about every human being that they should be wearing a tinfoil hat in their parent's basement? Those are the only three "logical" answers I can think of. Yes, if she's wasted beyond belief, possibly drugged, or some kind of uncontrollable, blackout fall-down inebriation then you SHOULD be defending your friend, but then again any and all guys should be staying away from girls in that sort of condition regardless.

    I've been married for some time now so this doesn't really affect me, but I see this shit all the time and I feel sorry for guys when it happens to them. It seems that whenever any 21+ year old woman starts feeling animalistic towards a new guy her friends turn into the world's most jaded bouncers, pushing him away, making him look like an asshole while insulting him the entire time: "Uh, I don't THINK so, loser. She's not interested in you. Bye Bye! Home alone for you tonight!" Could a guy do THIS to HIS friends? Or would he get his ass kicked into next July before he even leaves the bar? My bet's on the latter.

    Ladies if you do this, then YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Cockblocking. There are a variety of reasons why this phenomenon occurs.

    Jealousy- Women can be incredibly underhanded and manipulative. If Girl A leaves the club with you, what is Girl B going to do? She doesn't want to feel alone, and often Girl B will feel a sense of rejection if she is "abandoned."

    Social Standard- Women often play a great many heirarchy games within a group. If you don't qualify as a guy ALL the girls would want to do, then no one should do you. On the other side,if both Girl A AND Girl B want you, there is some rule that NEITHER should have you. If a girl breaks either code, she is open to criticism and ridicule.

    Stupid?? Yes. Very high school. This is why I don't hang with many women at bars and clubs. It's weird. That and I am not single...
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Some of that makes sense to me, but it also further cements my belief that guys are better friends to each other than girls are. No offense to you ladies, but I think my friend above points it out very well:

    That's an incredibly selfish and shallow way of thinking amongst friends. Why do women say the like sex as much as men, yet do this? If my friend was about to go get laid, whether she's ugly or a knockout the reaction is the same thing: "Good for you pimp, action is action, DO NOT CALL ME to pick you up at 5 am or I'll kill you."

    ...and that gives her the right to ruin EVERYBODY'S night? "Boo-hoo. My friend was more appealing to that guy than me. Well, fuck everyone because things don't go my way blah blah blah..." we get dealt shitty cards in life, daily. You're a woman. It doesn't matter if you are 300 lbs. with a lipstache, an eyepatch and only one leg: snap your fingers at any bar and a guy will want to fuck you.

    I liked how you called it a "phenomenon" because that's exactly what it is. A PHENOMENON. A phenomenon that any mature full-grown adult would act that selfish and hateful towards somebody that they call "friend". Guys would not take shit like that. They would smack their own friend in the face for such action, believe me.

    "Hijacking" is popular amongst guys, where you steal the woman your buddy was first hitting on/talking to, hereby violating the what I call the Private Parking Law. Have guys on this board honestly stood there and took this shit before, or did you do the right thing and shove the broken stem of a wine glass into his face? I heard this is a "thing on Jersey Shore. No surprise, scumbags do scumbag things.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    It is frustrating being around drunken retards who act like this. Remember "Lures?" She acted like this. She would even say that she was hotter than the "lucky" girl.

    I was way cooler, thus I was PIMPTRESS. haha
  7. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    ...and didn't she also nearly starve herself to death over a worthless internet boyfriend? I've seen her picture and she is attractive, but maaaaaan....

    Personally, I think hijacking is just as selfish and slimy as cockblocking, but it's a different brush stroke. It IS the male version of cockblocking, because I (personally) only see guys do this. In the past, I have never been hitting it off with some girl than have her friend swoop in on me as soon as she goes to get a round of drinks. The friend usually silently stares at me like I gave away the ending to a movie.

    This puzzles more than Stonehenge and Nick Cannon's fame combined.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    She has got some issues and thus, we no longer talk. We are friends on fb, all she ever talks about is how much men suck and how intimidating she is.

    She's right, crazy is intimidating.
  9. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Can't say I've ever experienced "hijacking" yet. Generally, when I'm out with a group of mates, and one of us is hitting it off with one of the girls, we basically leave them to their own devices for the rest of the night. Don't be a dick and try to spoil it for your mate, there are plenty of other girls here to talk to.

    I've found that guys are the complete opposite. Going home with that wildebeast? That'll be more fun for us next week than for you tonight.
  10. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    That, my friends, is the meaning of life on Guy Planet.

    Making your friend's life a living hell.

    There is NOTHING more important than having secret dirt on your inner circle of friends, which will be kept under lock and key until you are in the wonderful ritual of pregaming before going out, in which after 4 drinks it's Showtime At The Apollo featuring the most humiliating things that everyone in the room has done. If you're lucky and skilled, you can make your own friend cry and then he'll kill himself.

    "Remember that time that retarded chick with the glass eye was riding you and it fell into your mouth when you blew your load? HA!! You pathetic, tumbling loser. I hope you die and there's no funeral. I love you, man. You're my best friend."
  11. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    OR if the guy Girl A is leaving with is cuter than any guy who's hit on Girl B, Girl B will cockblock like a motherfucker.
    This is why I hate hanging out with females. It's not fun at all. Too many unspoken rules, etc.
  12. guernica

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    If anything, we'll go out of our way to make sure he does take her home, rather than the alternative.
  13. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Until Jersey Shore I have never even heard of such a move as "a robbery" where one friend snags a good friend's girl. I have seen friend's pick up the slack when one dude has been trying, yet failing, to hit on a girl. If a guy hasn't got the game and the girl looks like she is becoming disinterested it seems like fair game at that point. You let them have their fair chance.

    Don't be confused though, dudes can be just as petty when it comes to their ego. It doesn't happen within groups of friends but random dudes at bars that aren't getting any, I've seen some stupid shit when I am with a girl. I've not had a dude flat out try and hit on a girl that was obviously with me but dudes talk shit or demean you in front of girls a lot. Being short in stature I think I am an easier target and I refuse to fight all the dudes that are posturing idiots(short man's syndrome comes from the idiots that do). It's lose lose fi you do. The girls I've been with were either oblivious to the situation or thought the dude in question was a low life idiot. Ive never seen a girl react like that episode of Louie where his date leaves after he refuses to fight the high schooler. Though I've never been in a situation that got that close to a fight. Most of the time it just seems like the dude's ego is so weak seeing someone else with a girl is an insult.

    I have seen on a few occasions male friend's trying to convince a drunk and friend not to go home with a fatty. Again, a fair chance was given, then they let the dude make the mistake. I am opposed to this as a person who need to get their nut off should be allowed to do what ever they want. Like what has been stated, harassing them about it later is the icing on the cake.
  14. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    If I cockblock, it's for one of two reasons:

    a) My friend is incredibly drunk and the guy seems creepy to me, so I pull her aside and have the "Hey, are you sure you want to do this?" conversation.
    b) She comes up to me for validation in her choice of who she's hooking up with for my opinion/testing to see if she has beer goggles, and I think she can do better, so I tell her so.

    But, in neither of those situations do they listen to me (there has only been one time where the guy in situation A was so creepy that I had to really insist on breaking it up) and it always happens in a private conversation. I honestly didn't think that the obnoxious, childish in-your-face cockblocking that Crown Royal is complaining about happened in the real world outside of trashy reality TV, so I'm going to have to chalk it up to hanging out with the wrong kind of girls. But, when I've seen it happen on Jersey Shore and all those shows, it has so obviously been done out of jealously that it's almost funny. So, I'm going to assume that's what has happened whenever you've experienced it.

    This, however, I have absolutely no idea what it's about. It doesn't make sense to me - how would anyone ever get laid if your friends won't allow you to have sex with a guy who's either attractive or not attractive? I have never experienced or witnessed something like this unless the "on the other side" scenario means if Girl A has been pursuing the guy already, but the guy wants Girl B when they're all out together. It's a case by case basis when Girl B can act on that, if ever, if it becomes clear that the guy has either stopped being interested in Girl A, or won't ever be, but for Girl B to jump at the chance right away when she knows it would hurt her friend, Girl A, is a bitch move. (Although I still think that if Girl A were to make a whole scene out of cockblocking them, that's still obnoxious, and they all deserve each other.)
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The refusal of acceptance is the enemy here. The first time I lived on my own, I lived with my close friend El Nino. Aside froom being the most indimidating human being I have ever known, he's that breed of good-looking where women practically faint with lust when he walks by. Every girl I have ever introduced him to goes nuts with Puppy Love instantly for him, despite the fact he's also one of those brutally honest types that female personailites tend to bounce off of.

    I went out drinking with the guy five nights a week for two years living with him (not including before and after) and every night, he would have a minimum of ten women hit on him while I was lucky to have half of that on a good night. Now I am an extremely handsome dude, but I cast a pale shadow to him. I was never bitter, I just knew I was outshined. There's nothing you can do about how you look, it's a lucky sperm contest. Why be bitter? Ruin your friend's night because of nature? Fuck that noise.

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Another thought on cockblocking- Some women go out to play games.

    Disclaimer: I assume that no Tibette would ever be guilty of this behaviour, but I know it happens. I will tell secrets, haha.

    Women. When a woman is feeling down, she feels "fat", she's been dumped, etc.,she is in need of VALIDATION. For some women, validation can be found in the gym, at school/work, volunteering, whatever. For many, validation is found at the bar/club/online. They find it by being superior to another person. This sometimes leads to her leading someone on that she has no intention of hooking up with...and her wingman is there to put a man down for the good of the self esteem of this crazy woman.

    It isn't discussed as specific plans, but once again an unspoken one. Many have no idea this is what they are doing. Awareness doesn't strike everyone.

    So, be cautious of the girl who is out to "feel better." Not all are this way, but I have observed it enough to be confident in my assessment. I used to be a bartender. I have seen it all.

    Remember too, women and men are conditioned differently when it comes to sex. Men are always trying to get laid. Women are often looking for validation, not sex.

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Response to rep. Yes, there was some sarcasm. Posting pics of oneself on the net may be seeking validation. Very good.
  18. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Like Kubla Khan was saying, I rarely see the blatant "robbery" that Crown Royal is suggesting in its more malicious form ("Hey, I saw you talking to Jimmy, did you hear about his AIDS? Yeah, it's really too bad...") More often than not, when I hear/see guys making this sort of complaint, they're mostly being petty and juvenile because some girl has the gall to be more interested in someone else. No one likes a sore loser, guys.

    This idea has this sorta icky implication of "ownership." Your failed attempts to woo a woman isn't the human attempt of peeing on her to mark your domain.
  19. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Intimacy. Women are often looking for intimacy.
  20. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Ownership? I don't consider it to be that domineering or territorial so sorry if it sounded that way. If the person being hit on is interested in another friend in the group or simply turned off be the group member that was initially hitting on her, that's that. You were right that I was talking about it being malicious, that's the perfect word for it. But for those rare cuntards that actually snake on a friend, THAT is wrong. THAT is what I was talking about. Not many guys do this, but some do and it's not right. It's perfectly fine to punch them in the face at that point.