Because there's no competition with a gay male friend. Chick friends, whether they admit it or not, are competing in every fucking thing they do. See: Every thread on this board where 2+ females post. Women are bitches, pure and simple.
Gay guys have the advantage of having the straight-forwardness and crassness that is fun about having male friends and the interest in talking about fashion, sex, and the same type of entertainment as female friends. Also, despite being anti-vagina, they tend to be a lot more pro-woman in a "you girl, go!" type of way than straight men. (And lesbians tend to be anti-man, which is why they tend not to seek out male friends too often.) They're sassy and judgmental in the fun way. They have tons of drama (and queer drama is SO MUCH MORE dramatic than straight drama), but they tend not to have drama with their friends. That's more reserved for everything else in their lives. And they flirt with you and boost your ego without having to deal with all the other stuff that comes with when that happens in platonic male-female relationships or actual flirtation. And they tend to have the same interests and attitudes as the girls who have a lot of gay friends. All stereotypes, but pretty much true. This does not count for girls who seek our specifically gay friends as if they were collecting them. (Like those people who are like "I need some black friends to cultivate a personality for myself.") I think those girls just think of them as accessories or status symbols.
Effinshenanigans has a post in the R&R thread about this (kinda). How comfortable are you guys/girls with semi-public nudity? Effin mentioned seeing a gigantic black lineman cock, a la Any Given Sunday, in the locker room while he was there as press. NSFW Walking around naked with someone you're sleeping with is one thing; walking around naked in a change room or public showers is something entirely different. In my experience, girls don't really do this in change rooms at gyms. You have one or two who doesn't mind changing quickly out in the open (at the very least, they typically face the wall), but I can't recall seeing chicks just hanging out in the nude. According to my guy friends, it's a different story in the men's locker room. Thoughts?
I'm pretty free minded with my body and don't care if I'm named or not in public, if I'm the only person going to be naked, I'll likely pass. If other people are naked, whatever, not like I haven't seen a naked person before. Be free and let it out; Beaches, change rooms, wherever, people are too prudish as it stands.
I'm just gonna pretend that I didn't read this and write it off as a boldface lie. In all seriousness though, I've never understood the behavior. The only people I'd ever let see me naked are girls I'm fucking, and medical doctors under very extreme circumstances. I'm not repulsed by the sight of a naked man (a topic we've covered ad nauseum on here), but a guy uninhibited enough to walk around naked in a locker room is, to me, a little weird. I respect someone being that comfortable with themselves, but there's a such thing as too much honesty.
While it's great that Primer has such a progressive attitude, count me among the guys that hate public nudity no matter where it is. As a heterosexual man, seeing floppy man bits swaying in the breeze makes me uncomfortable. Seeing floppy man bits that are attached to 57 year olds who strut around a locker room with their hands on their hips is the stuff of nightmares.
Old ladies in gym locker rooms have no shame. They just drop their pants and let all their shit hang out. Old lady pubes are a serious buzz kill. I'll flash a tit in fun, but otherwise, clothes are on. It's just respectful.
I have no problem seeing naked men after a tough workout, but that's just the way bathhouses operate. That explains why they always use the heavy duty electric razors.
When changing once after we worked out my roommate was sitting on a locker room bench tying his shoes. Sits up to see an old man with jock strap propped up leg not more than 10 inches from his face. After catching a face full of old man ass he gets up and is almost knocked down by a construction worker barreling through racing for the toilets farting along the way. This is the typical male locker room and why hanging around in them (particularly naked) is not on my list of enjoyable things to do.
There are old dudes at my gym who will literally stroll from their locker, to the bathroom area, take a leisurely piss, casually wash their hands, and stop and watch the TVs for a bit...all while butt ass naked. Its ridiculous. I feel odd doing that in my own house if I was home alone. I just don't get it. My roommate talks about "naked time" constantly if the rest of us are going to be gone for the weekend. I like to think he is joking but I fear that he is not, all 6'3 240 lbs of him. There is being comfortable with yourself and then just being ridiculous. Frankly, I don't want to be around the vast majority of women with that mindset, cause its not gonna look like Sorority Slumber Party 7, there is going to be a healthy smattering of heifers, like the disgusting cow I saw on the train today in a tank top, with armpit hair sprouting for miles
What world do you people live in? They're just naked humans. Do the clothes they wear all day work that well at helping you forget that they have genitals too? How do you watch porn? (And don't tell me you don't watch old saggy people porn. The tempo is just right for a slow romantic night. Especially if you're going lefty.)
Some people are turned on by a lemon party. I am not. At the gym I expect perfection in my womens. Even if that means body dysmorphia and leering up their shorts when they stretch in front of the mirrors.
Women of TiB, I have a critically important question: So, I'm dating a new girl and... her nipples don't get firm. Ever. She's getting off, everyone's having a good time, but... yeah. They just remain totally soft. Has anyone heard of this? Is this a thing?
Spoilered because I'm aware that I can be whiny, inept pain in the ass, and you all aren't my therapists (and if you were, I'd likely be more fucked than I am). Spoiler I should start with a disclaimer: I don't know that this belongs in this thread, or even on this board, but you crazy lot have a hell of a lot more life experience and seem to be socially functional, so I'm hoping you all can help me a bit. I am at a loss for dealing with women. Looking back to before I got on my meds, I can see that I was always tense, stressed, and a bit of a jerk. On top of that, I was very awkward. Now, I'm more relaxed and friendyl, even to the point of being slightly goofy on occasion. That's just my personality, and I accept it, because I've never been one to put up a front. I am who I am, and I don't hide that to gain approval.* All the women I work with are on good terms with me. Some of them we just bust each others balls (metaphorically...I hope), others we joke a lot, but overall I get on well with them. The problem is the three most attractive ones. One has been acting flirty with me since day one. She eyes me, gives me "the look", constantly compliments me on things that she KNOWS I didn't do, tucks her hair behind her ear all shy and coy when asking for something, the whole nine. I've playfully and firmly called her on this, and her response was to walk by, turn her head way around to look over her shoulder and give me a huge, playful girlfriend smile. I asked her what that was about, and she casually says "Don't worry about it." The kicker? She doesn't pull this shit with ANYONE else there, and has a fucking boyfriend of a few weeks. Her behavior didn't change at all toward me in the transition form her being single to her being spoken for. The other I posted about in the R&R thread, and I'm just at a loss as to what her deal is. The third is a little nutty. One minute she'll act friendly, almost to the point where, if I didn't know (assume) otherwise, I would almost call it flirting, but then will turn around and be weird - starting half serious arguments over trivial things, being rude and cold, etc. When I said as much to her, she said we had a love/hate relationship - but the second the word "flirting" passed my lips, she looked like a cornered animal, got defensive, and all but stormed off. What I'm trying to get at with all of this unnecessary detail, rambling, and display of ineptitude, is this: From my account, does it sound as if I'm doing something wrong here? Does something about me, looks, personality, make me a target for this behavior? Or is what I'm describing just how girls in their late teens/early 20s act these days? Cause honestly, I am at a huge fucking loss to wrap my mind around this. * I am aware that in this world, that's probably about as good for my social life as walking around naked with a pink dildo hanging out of my ass.
I've got some tough love for you man: Between your two posts about them, your work relationship with them, the fact that 1 is taken, the other stood you up and the third likes to toy with you, it really sounds like you're way too desperate to find something that's not there. Even if I were inclined to trust your assessment of girl #1s "fuck me eyes" and "huge playful girlfriend smile", it still sounds like you've simply established that kind of playful relationship and nothing more. Her behavior hasn't changed since she became involved? Maybe that's a good sign that she's still interested in you. Or maybe it's a better sign that she's not interested in you that way at all. These relationships all sound playful from the female perspective. I use playful here in the sense of "playing a fun game of no consequence." Aka using you for entertainment. Oh, and they are your COWORKERS. Best case scenario, girl #2 can fuck off and girl #3 sounds like a basket case. Girl #1 might be interested but you'd have to make a move to find out. I still think you're fishing in the wrong pond.