I just got engaged last week and we have decided on a simple civil ceremony and thought it's going to be super casual I still want to find a cute dress. Any online sites you lovely lassies would recommend ? even just for inspiration...
I hate the Pill. I didn't realize how shitty it made me feel until I stopped taking it, and I wish more guys could empathize. About a week after I quit, I felt amazing. (In truth, part of that may have had to do with the fact that I ended what had become an unhealthy relationship). I thought the only side effect was a fuller cup size, but in reality it made me tired, moody and bloated. I also think it held me back in terms of reaching training goals. It sucks because I'll probably go back on it at some point. Like dcc asked, what non-hormonal option is there in a monogamous relationship? I don't think it's healthy to take hormones on a long-term basis, but I'm worried about getting pregnant. Thanks for the info about male BC research, be. I'd love for that to become a safe alternative in the States. Nom, thanks for the yummy pics.
I've been trying to get one since I was 17, apparently I'm still too young to know that I don't want kids - and short of fathering half a dozen bastards who I can't provide for, they won't give me one unless I'm over 45 and in a relationship that meets the 1950's ideals. But everyone I've talked too who's had it says that the actual procedure is basically nothing. The only part that might be a thing is the local anesthetic they give you at the start. But usually they give you an anesthetic band aid before hand so that the injection site is numb. Also, shave your shit yourself at home unless you enjoy ingrown hairs and god awful shaving rash. A friend of mine was pretty nervous about the injection - so drew around the anesthetic bandaid with a nikko and then drew a big X marks the spot. The doctor thought it was hilarious, called all the nurses in to look, put the needle right through the center of the X. Coincidentally, a tattoo is basically just a needle going through ink on your skin... years later my friend gets drunk and tells that story at dinner parties and ends up pulling out his nuts to show people the single tattoo dot on his scrotum.
Not to derail a thread designed for women talking about male contraception options, but there is a scalpel free vasectomy procedure available. I know because I had one 3 years back. It isn't all bad. It's not fun by any stretch and it will feel like you took a knee to the groin for a day or two, but after that everything's cool. Just make sure to have a bag of frozen peas handy. And then throw it away. Incidentally, urulogists (or their nurses) have a hell of a sense of humor. Staring at the ceiling while the doctor was doing whatever the hell he was doing down there I spy a note taped to the ceiling that says "Smile, you're on candid camera."
I long for a safe, reliable, easy form of BC that doesn't place the burden on my wife to deal with hormonal changes. I have even contemplated getting a vasectomy and just banking sperm beforehand in case I want children later. Hopefully the stuff out of India makes it through here or I get rich enough to take a trip or something. Pregnancy scares suck real real bad.
Do all the male contraceptives still require a big needle in the balls? Because that sounds so awful I might almost prefer celibacy. This idea has always infuriated me. Apparently it happens a ton with women who want their tubes tied. The idea that a doctor feels like it should be his or her decision boggles my mind.
First off, congrats! Secondly, have you looked at JCrew or The Limited? They have some casual options. Anthropology might have some too.
I work for a urologist and am always surprised when they do vasectomies on young-ish guys without kids. After all, lots of people change their minds and what they want between the ages of 21 - 35. But they will do them. Also interesting to note, vasectomy reversals are also possible. One of the Docs actually performed one on one of the other docs in our practice. He had a new child with his second typical blond, siliconed, and toned trophy wife who subsequently dumped him. As previously mentioned, the procedure is done in about 5 minutes right in the office, no biggie.
I tried to get a vasectomy once when I was 24 and couldn't find anyone willing to do it. Even if I was willing to give them references about how terrible of a person I am. I'm kinda glad that happened. I still really don't want kids. I like having fun in life, and nothing about child rearing looks enjoyable. Not to mention the financial impact. I would rather retire at 40 and play golf all day until I die. /end rant But now that I've been in a relationship for a couple of years, I can see this changing. I know she wants a child. Maybe my mind will change. That maybe makes me pretty happy I didn't have it done. Even if it is/always will be just a maybe.
A friend of mine is in her early 30's. She has 2 kids from previous relationships - both brutal pregnancies that she very nearly didn't survive. She's been told she has a 2% chance of surviving another pregnancy. She recently tried for a tube tying and was knocked back on the grounds that she might meet a man who'd want kids. She has 2 kids already, and has a 1 in fucking 50 chance of surviving a third. And they still wont do it. Unbelievable.
About doctor refusals: That's happened to me too. After Li'l Bandit was born I tried to get one, but they wouldn't do it unless I was A) 25 or over, or B) I had 3 or more kids. How the hell are they making up these conditions?! Anyway, I had a question for mya: If a guy has a vasectomy and wants to have kids later, why can't they just take some sperm cells out of his testicles with a needle and artificially inseminate his significant other?
It's been awhile since I researched them, but if I recall correctly some of them are and some are not. It depends on how they're performed. A reversible vasectomy has a slightly higher failure rate because they don't completely destroy the snipped tube ends to prevent healing/reattachment, just fold them over. Or something like that.
If I recall correctly, the body stops producing the sperm since it's not using it. But I could be completely wrong and deliriously exhausted.
In majority of cases. It's not 100% but it's pretty close. I'm not a urologist, or any kind of doctor or medical professional, but I can't see that manual collection of sperm from a patient with a severed or obstructed vas deferens wouldn't be a simpler option than a correction of the severing/obstruction in most cases. It's not like you throw a syringe at a guys nuts and come out with a load of viable sperm. I'm not even positive that it's possible to viably collect that way, but I can't see it being an easier option by any appreciable margin. Especially not if you needed to do it multiple times to get a successful conception (and IV conception ofter requires multiple attempts). And I suspect most patients would have an active preference to put the sperm in themselves rather than face multiple needles into their junk so somebody else could turkey baster their brat in there. Remembering the whole I'm just a geek who's read some stuff, and go do your own research/talk to actual doctors before taking this as gospel. But my understanding is that you continue producing sperm - but it just doesn't go anywhere, and is fairly quickly reabsorbed into your body as part of normal bodily functions, much like red blood cells. Remember - sperm is a very small part of ejaculate and the discomfort from extended period without ejaculation is relating to other discharges - not sperm. The rest of your ejaculatory functions continue exactly as they were before the procedure.
I don't believe sperm can be drawn out of a testicle via needle. They aren't like gas tanks. Testicles are just a bunch of very tiny tubes all coiled up and they produce sperm cells inside which are then collected in the epididymis. Thats that soft mass you can feel on top of the testicle. Only during ejaculation will sperm be drawn from the epi through the vas deferens (which is what is cut during a vasectomy) and mixed with fluid stored in the seminal vesicle(what you shoot on a woman's face). Sorry for the anatomy lesson. Basically the point is, I don't think sperm can be pulled from a nut.
Hypothetically, I think it might be possible (I'm not saying practical or viable or a good idea or anything like that, just mechanically, the possibility exists) to introduce a hypodermic into the vas deferens to do an extraction there. The vas deferens is severed, not removed. But the complexity of doing that would be fucking ludicrous, or just as invasive as doing a full reversal. And I'm not sure you'd reliably find viable sperm there even if you could get the needle in place. You'd probably need to do it multiple times and then pay for the turkey basting multiple times before you got someone knocked up if you did try it that way. A reversal isn't all that big a deal, and then you just put your dick in the future mother of your child, which is a lot more fun and has far fewer up front costs than multiple trips to the lab.
Well, I can tell nobody read my little story since I discussed vasectomy reversals in the post that everybody quoted ask if vasectomies can be reversed. The body keeps producing sperm, it just gets reabsorbed into the body since it no longer has a path to be ejaculated. This is how vasectomy reversals are possible. And in our office, we completely snip the vas deferens and place sutures on the cut ends. For a vasectomy reversal, they are typically just sewn back together, and there is a pretty high success rate in the men having live sperm in their ejaculate again. I think there is some way to extract the sperm and then follow with in vitro, but we don't do that so I don't know much about it. Edit - so other people already addressed this while I was posting, but fuck it, I'll keep it
A vasectomy, from one dude's perspective: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.gq.com/news-politics/mens-lives/201203/vasectomy-contraception-men-surgery" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.gq.com/news-politics/mens-li ... en-surgery</a> "hot nauseating spike of pain"...doesn't sound like fun. For most people.
I desperately long for male birth control. You have no idea how much I long for it. However, one of the really interesting things about vasectomies is that they can make guys impotent. Not in a medical complications way, but in a psychological 'waaaah I no longer have viable seed and thus subconsciosly feel like less of a man, so my penis will no longer co-operate' way. I'm not at work so I don't have access to my usual journals, but there is an ever growing body of literature on this - link and link. How much would that suck? You do the right thing, and your brain refuses to co-operate and shafts you (but no-one else). As a guy who has looked long and hard at getting a vasectomy, this scares me because it's a risk that is impossible to mitigate ahead of time.