Yeah, just in case the obvious hasn't occurred to you...have you tried jerking off an hour beforehand?
Isn't there a third? You know, the guy who can control it? (Or have I just been extremely lucky in that department?) Truthfully, I've always marveled that my fb has always had amazing control from being able to cum in .2 during a naughty quickie to lasting, well, as long as I need him to last. I've asked him his secret for years and his standard cocky answer was always a proud, "Because I'm a porn star." Ha. His REAL answer is plain and simple: Kegels. Makes sense. Works for chicks, works for him, hopefully it'll work for you.
My experience is the third option is the guy who can cum more than once without losing his erection. Men who can do this rock, since it completely removes the mental tension while you're fucking. It's okay if he cums, because he can keep going. And you don't HAVE to orgasm right away, because he can keep fucking. Win/win.
All of my red haired friends look fantastic in turquoises/blues. FYI - I know we have talked bras here before, the Nordstrom half yearly sale started today, so you can pick up a great bra at about 40% off (so less than $50). Personally, I am partial to the Chantelle brand. I also have a couple of the Natori, they are nice but don't give as much support as I prefer.
Edit: Just saw your Rant/Rave post (so I'm assuming you'll be wearing these as the bride). I think they're pretty - if they go well with your dress and are comfortable - go for it.
It's all mental, man. Your goal obviously when you're about to put it in is "don't fucking cum yet, " and that's going to kill you. The more you take your mind off of you and focus on getting the girl off, the easier it'll be. I mean, there's always time where you slide it in and you're immediately just SHIT FUCK DON'T NOT YET but just keep your brain on her and things will go well.
I'll put this out there for your wedding day shoe choice as I have a good deal of experience with the subject. You're going to either change into a more comfortable pair, or go barefoot as the day progresses if you buy heels like that. You'll be surprised at how much walking you will be doing. If you have a long dress that covers your feet, I'd suggest you look for something you know for sure you will realistically want to wear all day. Another option to consider if you go the big dress route, wear a comfy pair of shoes until you get to the reception part of the night. Buy a second white dress that is more comfortable/less formal than your typical wedding dress. Change after dinner and wear the heels for the latter part of the night. Obviously do this after the important first dances and what not.
Since we don't have a Piercings Thread, I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Tattoo Thread or here, but since it's jewelry-related, I guess this is the place. I have three piercings in each earlobe, and I keep having trouble with my third piercings, especially in my right ear. I keep needing to give them a break after wearing the same earrings for a while, because it'll hurt too much, and I've gotten a bump behind the right piercing that goes away after not wearing earrings for a bit. Not to humblebrag, but I wear diamonds in this piercing, so I wouldn't think it would be an issue of the quality of the jewelry. What I'm thinking is that it may be due to the fit. I like to wear studs in that one, so it seems like the backing is pressing too hard into my ear since the lobe's a little thicker at that point. The same goes with the fronts of this most recent pair, which are shaped like Xs, so the little points keep stabbing me. Does anyone know if that theory is at all valid? If it is a matter of size, is it possible to find a stud earring with a longer pin (for lack of a better term)? Or do I need to forgo my aesthetic preference and go get some surgical steel hoops from a piercing place?
I would try surgical hoops until they have completed healing, it sound like the area is still sensitive. Your studs, no matter the quality, may be aggravating them just because it isn't done healing.
I've had them for six years, though. But, they're the only piercing I've done with a gun rather than a needle. I'm wondering if maybe the piercer just fucked it up in the first place. Blerg.
Holy hell, well I'm used to this question coming from people who were pierced a month ago.... You still may be sensitive to something in the post of your studs, I have a sensitivity to certain metals that causes the same symptoms in my ears. I pretty much stick to surgical steel now, I'm over the discomfort.
The used a gun rather than a needle, so yes, they fucked it up. A gun is ramming a slightly pointy but not terribly sharp bit of cosmetic shit through your body to make a hole. A needle is chemically sharpened to surgical standard and is single use. The trauma done to your body by a gun piercing is through the roof compared to needle based and will always be more likely to heal poorly / be problematic despite being 'healed'. I wish people would stop using them.
If you sleep with them in it might be a simple solution like taking them out at night - especially if you sleep on that side and your ear ends up all smooshed in the pillow. As for the fit - yes some earrings have longer posts than others (I'm crazy worried about losing earrings so I look for the longer ones). If you think that might help, look for an inexpensive pair with longer posts and see if they help. I picked up a pair of sterling silver (tiny elephants!) earrings at Kohls for about $6 and they have super long posts. If the longer posts do help - you could have a jeweler put your diamonds on longer ones and it shouldn't cost you much.
I want! Re: wedding shoes. You will walk - a lot! I had little flats to change into when we were getting our photos taken. However they were taken out of my car and put in someone else's and I didn't get to wear them. By the time I got to the reception my feet were killing me. I just drunk my way through the pain... I did however take them off in the last half an hour...I was classy!
Cross-posted from the help thread, since I thought maybe some of the TiBettes might have some insight: My girlfriend has a number of half dollars that her grandfather kept in a box while she was growing up. He died a number of years ago and finally her mother convinced her that they should be hers. Among these are a whole lot of 1964 silver half dollars, which are about 90% pure silver. I'd like to get something made for her that she can wear, but I've called probably a dozen jewelers and none of them seem to be willing to melt them down to make something. It's not illegal to melt them down. Anyone done this before, or have any tips, tricks or suggestions to help?
Actually, it is. Title 18, Part 1, CH 17, Section 331 might also be relevant. It isn't prosecuted much, to my knowledge, but if some random guy you don't know from Adam comes up to you and asks you to engage in illegal activity, most people would be very suspicious. So, if you're absolute determined to make something from those coins, then you'll have to find someone who has less worries about being busted by the government for destruction of those things, and/or melt them into an ingot yourself.