Add me to the thick and unmanageable hair club. I have a cut much like bewildered described, but the one thing that I started to do which pretty much changed my life as far as hair goes was salon keratin treatments. Cuts the styling time significantly and it will actually stay like I like it now.
Quick Question TiBettes only*** - Talking to the lady friend today, she's lived here for a year but never brought her stuff from home home. She finally went over the weekend to pack it up and ship it over. Mentioned she had to toss the toys because her dad was helping her pack and he couldn't see them. She mentioned she had a bullet, regular/dildo vibrator, and a rabbit and was going to buy new better quality ones. I got excited and said "That's awesome, we should incorporate one into our fun time. Or all. Whatever." I got the (0.o) smiley with "Oh really? Wow, most guys are intimidated by toys." "Lolwut?" Have you ladies run into such men? Do these exist? What were they scared of? ***I only want to hear from the ladies because I know the men will puff up their chests and be like "Oh no not me! Never! Bruhahahaha."*** Alt Focus: Talk about your sex toys.
What mascaras do you guys use? I think I need a new one. I've used Maybelline Lash Blast for a long time but, I don't know if they've changed their formula or something, but I've been pretty unhappy with the last few tubes I've gotten. It's so dry and it makes my lashes feel all weird and brittle. So I tried Rimmel London, because I figured if it's good enough for Kate Moss it would be good enough for me, but I was unmoved. It doesn't seem to do much. I really like the fancy kinds I've used - Kheils and MAC - and I may just get a new one from Kheils because it isn't too expensive, but I figured I'd ask to see if there's some awesome drugstore brand that I haven't discovered yet. I care more about volume than length because my lashes are already pretty long, and I don't want anything that looks clumpy.
Any guy who thinks his sex appeal is primarily his cock, which is to say pretty much every guy who posts a picture of his cock and a 4 word profile on dating websites, which is to say a fuck load of guys, will presumably be intimidated by a decent sex toy. How many guys do you know who have cocks the size of rabbit vibrators? How many of those guys have a cock that never goes soft, vibrates, his rotating beads, is curved to hit the g spot and has an independent clitoral stimulator, is unblemished by stray hairs or unexplained marks and is painted in bright feminine colors? If you thought your cock was the main reason why your partners want to have sex with you, how would that not be intimidating? And clearly, a fucking lot of guys are actually that stupid.
I've used Mabelline's classic Great Lash (pink and green tube) for years. They recently started producing a different wand, and I absolutely love it. It's the same Great Lash (or whatever it's called in the pink/green) but with a slightly different wand. I don't know what it is about it, but it makes my lashes look even thicker and longer than ever. I refuse to buy department store mascara. This is the shit, and I've recommended it to several women.
I can't use Great Lash. It makes my lashes all dusty and...dry. I like Almay mascaras, and I REALLY like Lancome's mascaras. Drug store wise, Almay and Neutrogena have formulas that are really nice, I think. Not clumpy or dry.
Another vote for Lancome, and if you get it during a free gift with purchase time, you can get to the point where you never have to buy eyeshadow, eye makeup remover, or lipstick ever again. I also really like Mac Plush Lash, it is $15 per tube, so while a little pricier than the drug store brand, it isn't too bad.
I'm late, but get layers throughout with a razor, make sure they know what they are doing. Don't get any layers shorter than your cheekbones, that's an easy way to accentuate your features. Color: I think you should deepen it to a sable or mink brown, with a neutral undertone (no warm reds or brassy colors for your skin) and have them do "peekaboo" highlights of whichever shade appeals to you. I like a rich purple, currently.
I think you fine Tibettes should all post pictures of your haircuts to give Dcc a visual aid. Especially those of you who have long dark hair. Because Dcc is considering something darker. Yeah. It's not because I have a bit of a hair fetish or anything, I swear.
Ha. My last haircut, six months ago, I went very dark. I love being a brunette; my mom likes it when I go lighter. So I usually alternate.
I was going to post this in the rant/rave thread, but decided this is a better place for this particular rant. The guy I have been in love with since I was 16 just got engaged. He has only been dating this chick for 6 months. I know for a fact that he is rushing into marriage because he just wants to be with someone. Although I am into him, I consider him a friend first. He is aware that I'm into him, so if I say anything about how I think he's rushing into things, it will just look like I am saying it because I want to be with him. ( I don't. He lives on the other side of the country, has a history of cheating on his girlfriends, and his family is fucked up in a way that I would not want them to know my children.) I know I probably sound contradictory, but my attraction to him is based on physical appearance and common interests. The two of us would never really work out, but that doesn't mean I want him rushing into marriage.
I went golfing with a cousin of mine and - unbeknownst to me - my mother went behind by back and asked my cousin if she had any single friends that would be interested in dating. When the subject came up Mary (my cousin) said that she had a friend "she thought I might like" because her friend was "quirky". So, what I'm asking of you ladies is what exactly "quirky" means in female paralance. Humor or scare me as you will.
A real-life Zooey Deschanel, except not as cute and twice as annoying. Or straight up weird. I don't know about the cutting Angel mentioned, but she probably talks to her non-dog pets (cats, goldfish, maybe an iguana) in a baby voice. This is not acceptable. She'll nickname your penis something cute, and use the same baby voice in bed.
It's true, perhaps I jumped the gun by calling this person a cutter. All I know is, of the people in my office that I would call quirky, all of them own cats, all of them use baby talk to inanimate objects, and all of them chew their lunch VERY loudly. One carries a fanny pack full of tampons to the bathroom once a month, one wears pants with the hemline so high that it meets the point where her bra sags. (Her tits touch her pants, is what I'm trying to say.) One talked for an entire half hour about how much easier her life would be if she didn't have a colon, and one spent the better part of the morning running around offering to read peoples' palms. I shit you not. Some of these people have advanced degrees in hard sciences. All of them, however, are "quirky".
This is the ladies' thread, so figured I'd throw this up... Bath & Body Works is having their semi-annual sale. Means a lot of their stuff is $3-4. You can get $10 off of $30 with coupon code LOVESALE10 (expires July 6) or extra 20% off with HELLOSALE20, no minimum (expires July 8). They do charge shipping, but the $10 off or 20% off should cover that.