I tried to link something but it won't work... So just do yourself a favor and Google Dear Ryan Gosling and it perfectly explains the way we feel about him.
Are you referring to this psychopath? If a guy did this the FBI would be at his doorstep. <a class="postlink" href="http://dearryangosling.tumblr.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://dearryangosling.tumblr.com/</a> Oh, wait, or are you talking about this entirely different psychopath? <a class="postlink" href="http://hellogiggles.com/dear-ryan-gosling" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://hellogiggles.com/dear-ryan-gosling</a> You know damn well Gosling sits in his mustard stained boxers drinking cheap beer while high priced prostitutes go ass to ass for his sick amusement. He's exactly like the rest of us, just a way better liar, with more money. I heard he started a nursery just to put cigarettes out on kids' arms. Where do THESE rumors come from, HMM!?
Yes but there is a difference between being a slob in his boxers, and being a slob in his boxers...who is also Ryan Gosling. It is a chasm that us mere mortals cannot cross. That tumblr is creepy as fuck, though.
Yeah, I meant the second one... besides her dig at N*SYNC, it was pretty accurate. The first girl is asylum-level crazy.
Just found out my FWB keeps track of every day she has sex on her phone calendar. For a solid 3 minutes I thought she was shitting me. Nope, purple dots in her calendar means "had sex." She said its for just in case she doesn't get her period, she knows exactly when she had sex last. Any of you TiBettes do this? Is this a thing?
My current girlfriend has this app and apparently other girls she know do as well. I don't know how regularly she uses it.
Gosling is from my hometown, we're the almost same age and we hung out quite a bit until the fucker stole my satin scorpion jacket. It was revenge for making fun of his walleye vision (he once threw knives at me for it, look it up). He wore the jacket all through Drive just to rub it in my face, too.
Yes, it's a thing and yes, I do it. I have an app that keeps up with when I have sex and it tells me when my period will be, when I'm ovulating and my high fertility days. It's especially handy when they ask at the doctor when my last period was and I can tell them and it not be a guess.
Mine makes hearts instead of circles, though I think you can change it in the settings. Neato app. God knows I forget when my period is due until the goddamn thing tells me.
I just mark p, /p, and ovu on my kitchen calender. Mine are suuuuuper long, like 40 days or more, and the gyno gave me the crazy eyes when I couldn't tell her when my last period was so I make an effort to keep track now.
I hate periods. Mine is attempting to royally screw with me and The Husband for all of our visits during our separation due to military. The only times we can see each other happen to fall in the special week. Barf.
Yes. Thanks to a birth control snafu, this last period has lasted TWO FUCKING WEEKS. I am starting to sympathize with murderers.
Okay, I don't understand why those of you already on BC don't just go continuous. No periods, or at least rarer periods. It's SO GREAT.
That's what caused this shenanigan. Back to back nuvaring = back to back periods. I've never been so tired in my entire life.
Yep. My body apparently has a cap of 2 cycles with this method. I tried with both Sprintec and NuvaRing to go to the third month and experienced a monthlong period for my troubles. Fuck you BC. Condoms until it's time for little tweetybirds. My husband prefers them to a wife with no sex drive and increased bitchitude.