Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I need some fashion advice. I just bought a new black coat. There is also a grey version that I want too. Is is weird to own two versions of the same coat? I feel like it's weird but I'm kind of retarded. This is the coat if it matters.
I think it is an attractive jacket but for me? I dunno about having two of them. It seems fairly stylized and unique. However, if you really like it and want it? Do it. It's your closet, your clothes, and your outfit. If you feel awesome wearing it and want one in 25 different colors then go ahead.
I am super picky about clothes, so when I find something I like...I buy multiples. In many colors. I say get both.
Sorry I didn't reply back to all the posts sooner, we were out of town over the weekend. To clarify, she does not use liquid foundation or a moisturizer, so those two things can be ruled out. She doesn't use a whole lot of makeup, as she has a very good complexion to begin with (other than the oily skin). I do know that she uses a powder on her face, so perhaps that is what is causing this? What places would you girls recommend I take her so that she can talk to someone about what she should use in lieu of her current makeup? Sephora, MAC, Bare Escentuals? Any one of those places better than another as far as the people working there and their knowledge on different skin complexions? Thanks again for all your input!
And here's her problem. Even if you have oily skin you need to moisturize. Facial cleaners strip natural moisture away and without replenishing it, your skin goes into sebum production mode. Or she can look into the oil cleansing method. It's cheap, it's natural and it works. (I have oily skin and I use Origins Checks & Balances cleanser and Josie Moran Argan Oil to moisturize.)
Speaking of moisturizer, should I be using something other than my normal moisturizer for under my eyes? I see all these undereye creams and lotions in stores and they make me feel guilty about only using one moisturizer for everything. I clearly know nothing about face stuff.
You're still pretty young. I think a lot of those eye creams are for wrinkles. For daily moisturizer, I just use Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. It's fairly inexpensive and does the job without leaving my skin oily or irritated (my skin is prone to both). What do all you other Tibettes use?
I've started using Skincare Cosmetics Retinol Night Cream, Colorado is dry and I've been cruel to my skin with sun exposure. It seems to be making a difference. I also started using Retinol eye gel, I figured I would get a jump start on wrinkles. I like it because I don't look as tired in the mornings and my makeup seems to go on smoother. I've also started taking the time to do a mask every Sunday morning, rotating between a vitamin C peel and a clay mask. My skin is firmer and clearer and doesn't break out nearly as much.
I use Estee Lauder Cleansing Foam for sensitive skin and E.L. DayWear (plus sunscreen). I use both in the a.m. and p.m. I have very fair and sensitive skin, so it took years to find the right products and combination of those products for my skin. In a slightly related note, I just learned that I'm allergic to shellfish. I don't know what changed, but it's like overnight I went from tolerating it just fine to having an instant and pretty dramatic reaction to it. It looks like I have a chemical burn covering a majority of my face for a week if I eat it. Fun times.
If I'm home, I use Cetaphil and moisturize with Eucerin moisturizer w/SPF 15. I'm at the boy's for the night, I use the Clinique creamy facewash his dad gave me that belonged to his late mom (and I can see why she used it, that shit's the bomb) and moisturize with Pond's Rejuveness moisturizer. Supposedly it helps wrinkles. I'm fairly young, but after my mom made a remark about the squint wrinkles I'm developing, I started using it. I learned the hard way last week at the Auburn game that it does not have sunblock in it.
You know what else helps with wrinkles? Botox. I am getting myself some motherfucking Botox. I hate being 26 and having a visible frown line when my face is resting. For some reason, I cannot concentrate on anything (driving, reading a book, curling my hair, etc.) without frowning. This means my frown line is working OT compared to other women my age. DISLIKE, DISLIKE, DISLIKE. I am not asking you to out yourselves (unless you want to), but if anyone on this board is familiar with Botox (has gotten it or administered it)...please PM me. I was going back and forth between getting myself a few pairs of new boots or Botox for an early Christmas present, and looking in the mirror just made up my mind. Fuck wrinkles, y'all. Fuck em.
Did it get rid of your resting frown lines, though? Like, entirely? Google has informed me that I can also snip those frown muscles in half for less money. As in, a facial surgeon goes in through my eyebrow, severs the muscle, and stitches me back up. No more frowning...ever. I am intrigued.
Yup. Complete alleviation. And it's not like Nicole Kidman and scary. Hurt like a motherfucker tho. Sharp pain.
Huh? Oh, I would look into that seriously serious before I committed. At least with Botox you know that even if it looks horrible, it will wear off in just a few months. This shit sounds permanent! And severed completely so all subtle expressions are lost forever! What if you could never look surprised, or dismayed, or pissed, or etc or etc or etc EVER AGAIN. What if you have kids and can never do this face, how will they take you seriously?
I would never take that lady seriously. She seems like she's demonstrating some sort of anal lubricant technique, no? Honestly, the face muscle thing is a late 40's last resort if this Botox thing doesn't work out. I don't think y'all understand the hatred I have towards this one face wrinkle. I will take crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, smile lines, neck sagging, chest wrinkles, etc. with as much grace as I can muster. But not this frown line. Not this early in life.
Oh, it's the one I hate too. I squint unless it's dark outside so I'm never without sunglasses in an attempt to keep that bitch in check. I'd rather start getting botox now rather than having to do botox and a filler later. I'm starting to get really fine crow's feet and I don't actually mind them. Chest wrinkles, however, scare the fuck out of me. So much in fact, that I'm breaking out the microderm machine today.
Does anyone have suggestions on where to get a purse under $50? Just something for every day to lug my stuff around but is not ugly. I've checked what I consider the regulars - H&M, Target, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Modcloth, shoe stores like Asos/Nine West etc but haven't found anything. Any sites you'd recommend to look into?