Exactly, and she just trusted some other chick with that responsibility and she ruined her month in the matter of minutes.
Yes, I do shave my vagina with a "motherfuckin razor." And do you know what happens 4-5 days after I do so? Stubble. Lots and lots of stubble. It is tacky as fuck to have stubble around your eyebrows. Tackier than too-thin Marlene Dietrich eyebrows, even. Wax, thread, pluck, or rock your grandpa caterpillar brows, but shaving is gross. EDIT: My normal brow lady is aces. I love her work. Unfortunately, so does everyone else and so she's busy all the time.
Sorry, neither can I. This conversation has taken a turn for the worse. Honestly I think I saw a girl on Hell's Kitchen that had tattooed eyebrows. She was a hot red head but it looked kind of fucked up. What about Nair?
I have a serious etiquette question: when is the appropriate time to ask the girl you're kinda-sorta seeing whether you can do lines off her ass? Context: met a girl a month or so back when I was travelling, hit it off (despite the fact I hadn't slept in days - take that PUA forums!), and she's coming to stay with me for a couple of weeks. She parties pretty hard and we are headed to a rave together. I feel like she will be generally receptive to the idea, but then again I've only hung out with her for 4 days total, so what do I know? Maybe the question I'm asking is "would you be offended if a gentleman you have known for a relatively short period of time asked politely to do lines off you?"
But before she sweats so much while dancing that it's impossible to cut lines on her without mixing everything into a nasty coke paste that you'll eventually have to just scrape off her sweaty ass--coke, ass grime, sweat--and rub into your gums.
Also, for the whole lines off the body, if she's down to do coke in the first place or is just a hard enough partier, just asking outright is the best approach. I've only ever done lines of Addie off of a girl once, no coke, and it was after we had already crushed and cut some lines out on a desk. But she was a hard partier and I just said flat out, "You know what would be awesome? Me doing this off your tits.*" I mean is there a fucking polite way to even say it? * I wish I was normally this uninhibited without drugs....
Ladies question. You meet a guy at a friend of a friend's birthday dinner you just came along to. You sit next to a guy, you talk to said guy for about 90 minutes. You have great conversation, laugh, tentatively discuss hanging out again and exchange numbers. How do you feel if said guy called you vs texting you to follow through?