Yo, PinkCandy, imagine this scenario: You're out in public and you realize you haven't checked your cup in a few hours. You've been feeling cramps, there's a certain heaviness to your lower abdomen, and you smell a faint whiff of period blood. Well, what do you do? Option 1: go into a public bathroom stall, take off your pants and undies, put them on top of the hygiene receptacle, straddle the toilet backwards, hopefully pop that cup out with all the blood still inside (but hey, you might spill it into your taint...it's always a toss-up!), wipe it down with public bathroom toilet paper, shove it back up inside you, try to wipe down the excess blood from your hands, put on your britches, go wash your bloody hands in the sink, horrify everyone else in the bathroom, then hope they all develop amnesia and forget they ever saw your face. Option 2: refuse to deal with this shit in public. Head to your man's house (it's closer), realize you're not going to make it, realize you should've opted for leather seats over cloth upholstery in your vehicle, feel your cup overflow and basically dump blood into your drawers. Cry. Option 3: never go out in public while you're on your period ever again. You live in a red tent in the backyard and you dump your period clots into your garden bed for fertilization. I've lived through 1 & 2. I haven't tried 3 yet (probably why my tomatoes aren't doing so well), but I'm eager to hear about the results if you want to try it. OR YOU COULD JUST WEAR A PAD. Get a washable cotton one if you want to be eco-friendly. But don't do this. This is for women who have light to moderate periods. Not us.
...Are those my only options? Because they all fucking blow, Pinkie. Although I am thinking about writing to the commissioner of my dept and telling him "I simply cannot do field work while I'm on my period. Call Miss Pinkcup, she'll tell you why." I bet he'd approve that shit.
May I suggest Depends? And probably a pack of baby wipes in your purse to help with that whole "handling objects covered in coochie blood while in a public restroom" thing.
Yeah they do, and they are NOT neat unless you're at the end of your period and aren't super heavy at that point. They also require you to finger yourself to catch the lip of the cup so you can pull it out, and hope and pray you don't dump it all over your hands. They're a neat idea, but .... yeah. Though, not gonna lie...when it's super heavy, having a cup and a tampon as a backup helps - because changing a tampon every 30 minutes - literally - is awful.
I just suffer through the indignity of wearing a pad that resembles a diaper. Actually, I wear two...one lengthwise down the crotch of my undies and one perpendicular at the back end of my first pad. I still end up going to the bathroom and wiping all my business areas down every couple hours or so, but I'm not a complete slave to my period anymore. There is nothing more frustrating than putting in a tampon, driving to work or school, rushing to the bathroom to put in a fresh one, white-knuckling through an hour and then rushing back to put in a fresh one, and that process being repeated ad infinitum throughout the next three days. Never again. I feel distinctly lied to about my period. I remember asking my health teacher if it would ever just come gushing out, like an unstoppable flood. She assured me that was not how it worked--in fact, I remember feeling really relieved when she told me that it only comes out a drop at a time. At most, a teaspoon a minute. Lying bitch. EDIT: For anyone curious...behold the Pink Cup.
You know, I always thought it was awful how, long ago, women on their period weren't allowed to be in the house (or some sort of other shunning practice). Now...well, I kind of get it. At the very least, I'll never have a problem giving you your own bathroom. You definitely need your own space to mess with your cups. And that place could probably use a floor drain, too.
The genesis of my username involves neither bra nor period utensil, actually. I have a pink beverage cup that I've owned since I was a wee child, and it was next to me when I was trying to register on the TMMB. I was very sad when I Googled my username for potential avatar pictures and did not find a plethora of hot women in pink bras.
OK OK ooooook. Wow. I had never heard of these things until reading this little post exchange. I'm a chick and I'm completely *shiver* icked out after reading this. Luckily I've always been "light" and have noticed the older I get the lighter yet. The thought of it is......ew is all that sticks in my head. Better not be out in the woods with a full cup o blood and chunks, you'll attract bears.
Periods are gross. I'M SORRY. Depo has its problems, but between Depo and Mirena I am especially glad I haven't had a period since I was 17 after reading this. Last year, I was the sponsor/vendor coordinator for an event and had two giant boxes of ONE THOUSAND Diva cups and a huge box full of Ruby's Red Wash samples shipped to my apartment that hung out in the living room for a week before I carted them to the event in a cab. This was still when I was the only girl living with three guys. They all extra appreciated me that week.
Since I am woefully male, I had to google what this crap was. Spoiler Spoiler Why? What the fuckity fuck. That can't be comfortable. Not only does it look painful, but no way in hell that is less invasive than a tampon. Might as well just use a coffee mug to catch the discharge. Ladies, who are designing these things for you and why do you buy them? I feel terrible for you all now. Every solution is ridiculous, inadequate. It's like vaginas have to live in North Korea for a week out of the month. More importantly, these are the same people that advertise butt yogurt Activia and yeast infection remedies during my dinner hour.
Jesus tap dancing Christ, look what I started. Worth it. If only for the commentary. Oh, no cup for me, thanks. I'm driving.
I'll put this here since it seems like a Tibette question, and let's face it, 90% of the guys read this thread to. In todays non-traditional times, how important is it to ask the GF's Father for his blessing for me to pop the question to his daughter? I plan on proposing next weekend and he is coming into town tonight. He is about non-traditional as you can get but it is his first born child. And if so, how would one even go about asking him? I'd be more nervous about asking him than her. Gratuitous ring bling Spoiler
If you're on the fence you should just play it safe and ask him, it's not like he'll be offended if you do and he may be if you don't. No way around this, I also felt more nervous asking her dad than her. Just ask in a respectful way that's authentic to you.