Short English explanation....just fewer recommendations to have a colposcopy and biopsy if a Pap test is abnormal (bewildered's experience) because research showed that it wasn't necessary. A young person's immune system can fight off HPV in the majority of cases. A lot less frequent testing is also recommended now (every 3 years starting at age 21, can increase to every 5 after the age of 30 if all is normal
Hey Mya, what is the name of the test that people should ask for? My doctor indicated we don't even do testing for it it just a regular pap where you are, or is there something specific that gets ordered?
A pap with co-testing will test for abnormal cervical cells as well as trst for the high risk HPV types. That is what the current guidelines are calling it.
I got into a debate with my guy friend about what girls find more important in qualities in men. So we made a bet on the outcome of the following question. If you had to pick between two guys, all else equal except, one was chiseled with a height of 5'7" or pudgy with height of 6'3", which one would you choose? And no, the pudgy guy can't get chiseled.
I'm 5'7". All being *equal I'll take the pudgy-wudgy. I went through a few dates last year where the boys "claimed" to be 5'7". I put on a decent sandal and have to lean down to kiss them. Awkward. I'm naturally inclined to reach up. *I'm serious about equal. Height, weight and wallet (thanks Noland) mean nothing compared to personality and compatibility.
Except Parker just said all being equal, so both are just as charming. Unless you naturally assumed the chiseled guy is a narcissist and the pudgy guy is fun and loving. Of course, you could also say that the chiseled guy is driven and confident and the pudgy guy is lazy and self loathing. But either way all being equal, personality and compatibility included.
Yep, didn't think I had to explain the concept of "all else being equal." Money, penis size, personality, compatibility, etc. The only difference is height/build.
Ladies of the board I need help here. I noticed my girlfriend and I (more so my girlfriend, I never use it) so through a ridiculous amount of Kleenex. I asked my girlfriend where it's all going and why coulnt she use toilet paper to blow her nose. She said its softer for other things as she giggled and pointed to her vagina. Of course I called her out on it and she back peddled, but I've never heard of any woman perfering Kleenex over toilet paper to wipe her snatch. Is my girlfriend crazy or do you guys do it too. It just seems like an expensive way to get the job done.
I can say with complete honesty that I've never been even remotely tempted to use tissues instead of toilet paper. I think the question here is what kind of toilet paper are you buying if it's that painful and/or how often is she going that she needs something softer?
Yeah, you have to buy softer, more expensive toilet paper now and it will disappear at an alarming rate, like three times faster than you're used to. I still catch a bitching every now and then when I try to buy some economy TP.
I go midline and it's fine. Charmin Basic if that's any sort of reference. It still might not be soft enough for her so maybe just have her buy the toilet paper that week and see what happens.
What the fuck kind of tightwad misers are you that don't buy soft toilet paper? I mean of all the things to try to save a penny on.
It is designed to catch and carry fecal matter and urine from your nethers to the toilet. It is the very definition of flushing away money. Why wouldn't you try to save money on it?
One of the things I love about this place is that it reminds me that we are, all of us, very different people. And that's OK. It takes all types to make a world, and all that. Just kidding. Some of you are so fucking weird it blows my mind.
Anybody not using flushable toddler wipes might as well be using their left hand or a corn cob. (* not strictly TW, but it should be part of the routine.)
I am on my second marriage. The first was to a guy who was 6'3" and currently I am married to a guy who is 5'8"ish. I am 5'6.5". I prefer the shorter one, hands down. It's hard to describe, but physically it is just sooo much of a better match.
Yep. I am actively prejudiced against tall guys (sorry). Too much awkwardness with kissing, being pushed into their chest during sex, craning my neck upwards...blergh. No thanks. But... I am allllll about the pudge. Soft snuggles with a pudgy guy are quite literally the bestest thing in the world. So...I would try to fatten the short guy up. That would be my plan.