I haven't even seen his popular or beefcakey stuff... has anyone seen Lars and the Real Girl? Great acting, and there's such an intelligence in his work. I like the intense, lone wolf types.
Are you mocking me because no man will marry me and I'll be alone foreverrrrrrrr wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *violent sobbing* In all seriousness, if you didn't marry Perfection...he certainly did. /lady crushing on Bewildered
Guys, guys, guys...why are we fighting? Can't we compromise? Jason Momoa, clean-cut for the girls who like that kind of thing: Jason Momoa grungy with beautiful chest hair: Jason Momoa in pure badass glory: Friends again?
Oh my my my. Now I watch Game of Thrones so I knew Jason Momoa is, and I thought he was a bit too beefy for me. But I guess I have a thing for the clean cut because that first pic does it for me.
And he's a half-breed. All other half-breeds to the front of the line! Anyone else? No? K thanks, bye!
Pure Romance makes a shave gel called Coochy. It smells pretty, it's meant for sensitive areas so it doesn't burn, and it has some sort of emollient in it that prevents razor burn and thins regrowth.
Not going to lie, I stock-pile Coochy. All my my friends and female cousins know, if you have a Pure Romance, Slumber Party, etc., I will come to the party with you and I will leave with some Coochy and possibly the nipple stuff that can be used as lip balm. As for choosing a man we can all agree on, I nominate Paul Newman: The man lived to be 83, and even in old age he had his sex appeal.
Sticking my head in. I mainly lurk. Thank fuck for normal women! The only other forum I belong to is a pregnancy and parenting forum which answers my irrational pregnancy questions. All anyone wants to do on that forum is hug and bitch about their husbands and mother in laws! Adam Levine is too skinny. I wouldn't kick Ryan Gosling out of bed. Jason Momoa actually looks like a man!
Paul Newman was proof that perfection existed. So beautiful. So manly. He was sexy even when he was old.
Paul Newman and gladiator-style Russell Crowe are the only men my mom, grandmother and I all agree on. They are timeless and multi-generational.
Right now I'm watching The Guy's Basic Training unit's facebook page, and I realize how...clueless...so many females are. SO GLAD for the TiBette thread. Normal women, normal thoughts.
My old school movie star vote goes to Gregory Peck. Can't post pictures from my phone, but suffice to say he was a manly man, but still a gentleman. Yum. Present day votes go to Michael Fassbender, Charlie Hunnam, and Jason Momoa.
I lurk, too, but this thread is great. Jason Momoa does it for me, too - Ryan Gosling is a little too skinny for my tastes.
I do love Gregory Peck, but I grew up thinking my dad was the basis for the character Atticus Finch, so I always equate Gregory Peck with that guy who played my dad in that movie. Even now that I know the character wasn't really based on my dad, I still see it that way.
Oh, I meant to catch that so I can picture audreymonroe in the situations of the characters. Fortunately HBO will replay it about 100 more times this week. And I forgot completely about another one of my crushes, if you don't get it, go see Shame, his acting is phenomenal, Michael Fassbender.