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The Walking Dead: Season 5

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Crown Royal, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I definitely loved this episode. It's great. Carol is fucking killing it, her whole approach was money. Her having the biggest fucking gun and cute/awkwardly taking it off had me laughing my ass off. I'm excited to see how this thing play out, it's a great play on audience to have everyone sitting on the edge of anticipation for the second shoe to drop. It'll be even more interesting if it doesn't.

    Can't wait to see what's up with the weird girl and/or everyone else. I thought Carl was going to cry when he had a shot at playing videogames. Looks like he might get some ass as well, you know it's going to happen.

    Daryl should really shower though. Also, you know there is going to be an annoying Maggie/Glenn scene coming up real soon.
  2. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    I thought Reedus did a good job. That whole i'm just a wild animal in a cage hold me back" thing could have been over the top, but he played it well.

    As long as that annoying scene is some pillow talk after they do the horizontal Mambo and we get Maggie side boob, I can live with that.
  3. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010

    So we are in for another season on the farm.
  4. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    I think the show's producers learned their lessons from what went wrong there. Plus, there's going to be that tension of waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time. Double plus: no Lori and no Andrea, who both made the farm awful. And, Rick learned how to say Carl instead of Coral.
  5. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    We're in different hands now in regards to this showrunner. We're in no danger of retreading those sames mistakes.

    Also, if you really want to see Lauren Conrad's tits, there is a gif that shows them as they popped up on Van Wilder's Rise of Taj. They're fighting over a pillow or ball or something when she's topless. Great tits she has.

    Also, Reedus did kill it. They kind of hit on this already with his underlying theme of "People who are perfectly ready to live in an apocalypse, but can they live in a new disciplined society again?" It's a cool dynamic and I want to see them explore it more, but not in an unrealistic manner. He's going to want to shower, have real food and have someone touch his D eventually.

    Also, Rick's last line was fucking badass. Took forever to get here, but this is fucking sweet. "But if they can’t make it… then we’ll just take this place."
  6. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Just watched this episode, it was really good. I'm finally seeing what I'd hoped I'd see, them settling down potentially and trying to fit into/help create a post apocalyptic society. As a poli-sci nerd, I find that super interesting.
  7. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    What weird but interesting episode. A few thoughts on it:

    -Are we supposed to assume that Daryl may be struggling with his sexuality or something? I know its 2015 and any serialized show is legally obligated to have at 1 least one closeted gay character, but his interaction with Aaron was a strange one, considering Daryl is a former white supremacist. The whole subplot seemed weirdly forced. I do like this Aaron character though. Hes been around for 2 episodes and already hes more interesting than Abraham, Rosita, Sasha, Tara or Eugene.

    -Wait, Sasha has feelings? Does anyone care about her as a character? I know shes part of the secondary cast, but I had to double check to see what her name was.

    -Jesus, Carol.

    -Rick is turning into a creepy motherfucker and I love it. Putting moves on the married girl, oddly fondling his gun when he sees them together, and smiling while listening the walker on the other side of the wall are making him more and more unhinged.

    -On the W's showing up this season, including on the zombie's forehead:

    Im guessing theyre calling the Scavengers from the comics the Wolves. For anyone that doesnt know, its a marauding gang that shows up and demands that Alexandria surrenders. Rick and Co. dont take kindly to that.
  8. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    It's so weird how two people can watch the same exact thing, yet have very different takes on it. I got from the Daryl storyline that of all the main characters, he was by far the most comfortable with road life. I think he's almost afraid to believe that he can settle down.

    She was far more interesting as a foil/companion to Sully and Bob. Now? Almost treading in Andrea territory.

    Hands down, the craziest character. She always has been, but her crazy was put to good use. Now? The crazy has to come out somehow...

    Again, I got the opposite feel. I think when she raised her hand to show the 'A' and he did the same, he was fingering the gun to give it back, because he was hesitant to take it in the first place. As to the walker, it seemed to me he was smiling that he was behind the wall and experiencing something close to safety for the first time in a long time.

    I didn't read the comics, so I have no idea, looking forward to the last three weeks, though.
  9. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I had a moment where I was thinking that too. When Aaron invited him inside for some spaghetti, it really sounded like he was inviting him inside for "some spaghetti." I thought, oh great, he's going to make a move on Daryl and Daryl's going to get angry and fight back but then we're going to have a scene later that shows him somehow wistfully thinking back on that moment when Aaron's hand was on his cheek. But, as much as I kind of suspect Aaron has some other ulterior motive for befriending Daryl other than fixing his motorcycle, I don't think that's what's happening. I think it's more to parallel the married woman's comment at the party of how there are some good things about all this, that all of this people from different walks of life who'd never know each other are now this big family. Pre-Apocalypse Daryl is the last character you'd expect to be the friendliest with the gay guys, but I think he doesn't give a shit about any of that now. Plus, I think Aaron did get to him with the "Hey, we're both outsiders, I totally understand you bro" angle.

    As for the gun and walker/wall things, I thought what you did while I was watching, but after reading VI's interpretations I can see that too. Interesting.

    I really like what they've been doing with the tension building in this storyline so far. It's an interesting way to subvert the criticism of the repetitiveness of thinking they've found somewhere safe and then having it taken it away. I haven't read the comics, but I HAVE read the comments on recaps by internet nerds and so I know there's a bad guy everyone's obsessed with coming up soon and I'm really excited to meet him. I think they've really turned the show around. I can't remember the last time I was as truly excited to see what happens next as I have been since halfway through last season.

    Also, Carol is the best. I love her whole game she's playing and am pumped to see how it's going to play out. I just moved into a sublet directly over a bar that has viewing parties of the show every week, so that's where I was watching it last night, and everyone was screaming at the screen when she was threatening the little kid. It was, by far, the biggest reaction of the episode.
  10. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I think it is an interesting dynamic they are creating with Rick. Is he going to go full Governor and take the place by force or fall back into a civilized upstanding citizen. He certainly seems conflicted enough. I hope he does end up boning the married girl with the shitty tattoo (they certainly are setting it up making the husband a douche-ass).

    I saw the last scene as him kind of fighting between the two parts of his nature. He seems glad to be identifying with the people and the little A stamp but also conflicted if he should just use force as he's become accustomed to. I felt a sort of a Call of the Wild thing going on as he pressed up against the wall. The walker and the life he's been living pulling on his new found safety behind the community's wall.
  11. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Apparently a spin off for this has been picked up for 2 seasons. To start up mid-2015
  12. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I don't get why they would have all the guns at the one lady's house. 2 years into the zombie apocalypse, can anybody be reasonably expected to walk around unarmed, even behind walls?
  13. Queen-Bee

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Edge of Canada
    Crazy Carol speech was fourth best scene ever (after Carol shooting the kid, Rick finding the zombie burping out his dead wife and Rick ripping out dude's throat). She is downright scary and creepy and believable! And all while wearing suburban Mom clothes. They have no idea how lethal she is.

    Anyone else cry for the first time in this series when the horse got attacked? I lost it. Murder, mayhem and zombies, but a freaking horse died and my soul hurt. And I only own cats.
  14. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    If the -1/+1 black guy balance stays constant, sounds like Morgan is coming back soon?
  15. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY

    It was a mistake to watch this episode in public.
  16. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Everybody Hates Chris. Zombies fish-hook Chris. Ouchies.

    At least Eugene wasn't a completely useless tit for once, and I like that Abraham is kicking ass and taking names. I also like how they went anti-cliche and have the coward construction foreman praise him and nominate him as a team leader. Abraham is a killer, I love when he goes werewolf mode whenever the undead show up.

    Speaking of cliches, they make the husband of the hot blonde woman conveniently the last abusive husband in suburbia just to give Rick a shot a romance again? He's already playing grab-ass with her so of COURSE the dude beats his kid.

    I don't really get Father Gabriel's intentions, maybe I never will. Aside from being a chickenshit and a weirdo he's also a turncoat now. Make him a walker's brunch already.
  17. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Holy shit! These two last episode back to back were fucking epic. Really at this point, they don't even need to bring in a big bad. Rick/Company vs. Alexandria people is conflict enough, and inside that dynamic Good Rick vs. Zombie World Rick is excellent. Now in regards to Carol, Rick and Daryl, not exactly sure if they're calling back to it on purpose, but before they were discussing that whole "This is the world now, we need to adapt to live in it" dynamic, but at the same time, they arrive at a place where it isn't a dog eat dog world (or human eat human! SEE WHAT I DID THERE!). Going from A to C, then arriving in a place that's B might be pretty difficult after doing all the fighting/surviving they've done.

    Also, I don't think Carol is crazy, especially with that reaction to that boy. She's had the worst experiences with children on this show. Remember her daughter? Remember her trying to take care of all those children at the prison where most of them died, and then she had one kill the other one later? She's not trying to start any friendships and "in this world" she can't take the nice mothering approach anymore. She's probably playing this whole thing the smartest, she's the only one that was a survivor before the zombie apocalypse.

    AV Club had this thing where they talked about Sasha where they said something like "Try to describe her without using her race, or her relationship to other characters. Go...we'll wait. Guess what? You can't." That's annoying.

    About the husband, I can understand how he could still be abusive, feeling powerless, yadda yadda. But it would be REALLY interesting if he wasn't a creep and Rick "took what's his" in a way. She's obviously feeling him too so it's not like he's kidnapping her, but it'd be fucked up.

    Read some articles last night about Father Gabriel, and they basically were saying that he's freaking out putting his guilt off on the group. He flipped out once he saw the "Thank You Father Gabriel" thing which is probably what he heard before he locked out his congregation and left them to die. He's projecting his guilt onto the group. If I was what's her face I'd be like "Well they didn't kill you and you seem like a weak ass bitch, so they can't be that bad."

    Two episodes left...
  18. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    The Scarlett letter A's were pretty over the top the week before, but at least half the viewing audience probably wouldn't make that connection. A little funny, though.

    And, I wish Gabriel would hurry up and get killed.
    Too bad we already lost our quota black guy in last night's episode.
    I don't like his character. I don't mean, oh he's the one everybody loves to hate. I just mean, I don't get what he adds to the show or the group dynamic. We're losing the ability to get more development from other characters like Rosita (or even Sasha), and Daryl was barely there last night. The cast is too big to support Gabriel doing anything interesting.
  19. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Gabriel isn't making it out this season. No way.

    Also, I get movement etc is important, but it just KILLS me that these guys are still running out in short sleeved shirts and just regular clothes all the time. Why haven't these guys went to get helmets with lights on them and like thick padded clothes so one scratch doesn't fuck them over. I know suspension of disbelief but they've toyed with it a few times and it kills me they never go back to it or address it really.
  20. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Yea, full leathers, just like bikers have.

    Now I got a questions. I haven't watched it since season 2 I believe, it was boring as hell always on the farm, at the end of the season you saw a girl with a sword and the blonde I believe. From what I have heard you guys talk about, there is a good episode here and there, but it is generally boring or not that good. Would you guys recommend I go start watching season 3, is it worth it, are most episodes like season 2?