Nah, I think they're setting up the moral dilemma of a person with a necessary skill being a bad person. Do you try to rehabilitate them, contain them etc.
I mean what are you going to do skip a season? You won't know who or what the fuck is going on. Last night's episode was the best in a long god damn time. They nailed each storyline. As far as suspension of disbelief this show is up there with some really crazy shit. They gone so far out of reality you just kind of have to ignore it. You just hope they have episodes like last night more.
Remember Rick's amazing line from a few episodes ago? Something along the lines of "If they can't cut it, we'll just take this place from them?" It's starting to really look like that. I'm looking forward to the next two episodes, but it looks like Gabriel will be the climactic primeval for this season. And I think Maggie will take him out.
Deanne seems smart enough to not take Gabriel's bitching entirely seriously, yet she is obviously already worried about the prominence of the new people. I mean, look, when a guy shows up at your door nearly crying and ranting about satan, you tend to take his advice with a grain of salt. However, her finding out immediately afterward that her son is dead won't help. And the douchebag that got Noah killed seems like the type of coward that's gonna throw shade at Glen and claim it was his fault somehow. I like that Maggie has the adviser to the leader role, hopefully she can inject some soothsaying in there, Grimer Wormtongue-style. God dammit, Noah. You expressed hope and started planning for the future right before going on a supply run? Idiot. I agree with AMP. The problem with offing sneaky Pete the drunk abuser is that he's also the community doctor. I was trying to imagine some scenario like they had at the hospital where that doctor was forced into doing medical work by some sort of constraint, but that just always leaves too many opportunities to get revenge. Especially once the Ricktatorship claims his wife. I get that Carol just doesn't want to be involved with kids anymore, but she was being unnecessarily dickish to that kid at her house. You want to be invisible in this new community? One warning should have been enough, and then maybe stay out of other families' affairs.
I think she's basically being as distant as possible because children who spend too much time with her have a habit of getting their brains blown out.
Watching Glenn watch Noah get torn apart right in front of him behind the glass, right after Noah said "Don't let go," was about the most intense scene I've seen. Right up there with Rick biting that dudes throat out. And, yeah. They can get to a warehouse and find micro inverters for solar power units, and they are constantly finding soldiers, SWAT, etc zombies wearing riot gear. Yet, with the exception of Glenn during that one period, they never have any of that. At least maybe some rattlesnake chaps? It's still a fun show, though.
If it were me, I'd raid a police station and take one of those Attack suits they use to train k-9's. Then I would just taunt the zombies as they attacked in vain. "MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Fools! I feel NOTHING!!!!!!!"
Well I'd think that for raids, have one mother fucker tanked out. Have him go in and at least do a bit of cleaning. Also, this whole "Let's walk past these zombies that are behind a flimsy gate?" They need to stop that. At least thin the herd a little bit because just in case something goes wrong, like a grenade blowing up, no one dies. Also, a little skeptical at how the gate opened even though they were like 3-4 aisles away, but whatever. This season has been great.
This show gives you endless "Here's what I would have done..." Scenarios. For instance: remote controlled toy cars. If flares and moving objects distract, you could not only use an RC car for clearing area denial but with multiple toys you could "race" cars AND zombies together. Perhaps set up a prison gambling SYSTEM involving betting cigarettes and weaponry! Have some fun in the gruesome anarchist rapture, just because everyone you lived is dead doesn't mean you can't get some fun out of it. Maybe throw on football equipment and see if you could plough through eleven of them like Herschel Walker used to. The Dawn Of The Dead remake cast had some neat ideas, like turning parking shuttles into road rhinos of death and using zombies as a golf driving range target practice. Morgan's spike walls in my favourite ever episode "Clear" (from season three) also were great. Just stand behind and the fuckers impale themselves.
So would a lot of other survivors. You have to remember this is what, 3 years after the collapse? I would think police stations, pharmacies and grocery stores would be picked clean by then. The police station was one of the first places Rick went to after he woke up. Im also surprised theyre still driving cars, gas only stays good for about 2-3 years after refinement.
I'm surprised the group hasn't come upon more people having walker fights like the Governor used to. They could build observation points above all those racks and turn the warehouse into a maze. Bet on the zombies, to see which one gets through first. Surely there's a sports announcer that survived the apocalypse. "And, they're off. One-armed Joe is pushing up around the outside, while She Killed My Mother lags behind in the straight away. . ."
Dang, Michonne! I did not see that coming, although, and I'm conflicted about whether or not Rick probably needed it right then.
I think Rick probably needed it right then. On one hand, he's right, they should be more careful, they should have someone in the tower, they should be checking the walls more, and they should be a little smarter on runs. On the other hand, they have been there 3 years without shit falling apart. They don't have any nighttime zombie fights and Deanna doesn't have zombie heads in a fishtank or her son's zombie locked in a closet. So...they can't be that stupid/soft/weak. The walls have worked for 3 years, which is better than any 1-3 month period they've ever been remotely safe. Rick falling apart is a good storyline, so I'm just excited to see where the next episode is going.
You can tell this season's going to end on a major cliff-hanger and I'm already really mad about it. They're probably going to reveal who the W people are right before the credits roll. I loved the girl-power slaughter in the woods. For a show that's had some problems with the "show don't tell" rule, I thought it was a great little piece of storytelling with basically no words. I totally bought it too, and thought it was an interesting dynamic. I liked the little twist of them already knowing about the abusive husband but having made the decision of keeping him around to be the surgeon. It gives the community a little more depth and darkness rather than solely being painted as this happy naive safe-zone. This will probably be totally off, but does anyone else get the impression that Carol might be trying to play Rick? There's just something off about how she's delivering her lines to him about this, and how she was watching the fight go down. If it were a lot of the other characters I would've maybe chalked it up to bad acting, but she's so good I'm guessing it's deliberate. I don't know what the end game would be, but I just feel like she's up to something with this besides the obvious.
It's more like just under 2 years at this point: I'd agree though that this season has gotten a lot better and I can't wait to see what they incorporate out of the comic as it hits some pretty dark places after Alexandria.
I still don't fucking get Sasha. I'm all for letting out some steam here and there and the one thing I don't get about this world is not killing zombies every time you see them. There aren't an unlimited number of zombies, just a fuck ton. Keep thinning the heard. Yeah and combined with what AMP said a page or two ago, that is an interesting conflict. At the same time there is the give or take of his capabilities being a surgeon and all. It's a world of compromise to a point, where Rick has always been full measure with a lot of things. This time he is on the wrong side of the measure. It'd be interesting as fuck if Carol had some complete alternate plan, but I really think it's just a Carol being "Fuck all wife beaters" as I think being a victim of that is enough for her judgment.
Instead of farmer Rick or foggy headed Rick, we've been having clear decision Rick. Rick was second-guessed at the hospital and it got Beth killed. So, after all that, I think it would be strange for Rick to now need a womp upside the head, to show him the error of his ways. Instead, I think the finale is going to play out with an attack on Alexandria, them understanding Rick mode is the way to survive. Whomever the W people are, this group that's been maybe shadowing them, chopping vanfulls of bodies up, and whatever are going to show up and it's on. I think something dramatic is going to make Deanna realize Rick was right. Either she or somebody in her group is going to do something else panic-y that's going to cost one of the Rick gang their life. Carl's already been shot, so maybe Judith.
Comic Spoiler Spoiler In the comic at least, they do separate Pete and it works for a while until he eventually trys to kill Rick (I'm guessing it will involve the gun Travis or whoever pulled out, but that was not a comic story line). During the struggle the leader's wife (role's have been reversed) gets killed trying to separate them and leader gives Rick the ok to kill him. This gunshot alerts a group of scavengers who then try to attack Alexandria. I'm guessing the seasons ends with the Wolves being alerted from the shot and we see them heading that way.
I've read lots of different things about that, but I'm not familiar with the comic. Spoiler I've heard the W is for wolves, the "wolves are near graffiti" was about that, and that the wolves are like the scavengers from the comics. But, one thing I keep seeing is that the W could be an M, and that we haven't seen Morgan in awhile. That makes no sense to me. Yes, we haven't seen Morgan in awhile, but why would he carve an M for Morgan in their heads? I haven't rewatched episodes so I don't remember, but other than Garreth's 'breadcrumb' comment, were the meaning of the tree-markings ever revealed, that Morgan was following?