So how was THAT for a fucking ending? Awesome. Just plain awesome. You couldn't ask for a better final twenty minutes than that episode. Carol's scene with shit-for-brains was the tits. She transformed from such a boring, nothing character into one of the best things about the show.
Carol's scene was great, but Spoiler Morgan's delivery of "Rick?" may have been the best scene in the whole series. Plus, Abraham
Good finale. I think my biggest problem with the show, and consequently why it never crosses the gap from really good to instant classic, Is that it struggles with the concept of moral ambiguity. There's been many circumstances through all 5 seasons where the plot and dialogue lends to a possible situation where there might be two sides to an issue, but then the safe/obvious cards gets played and its a bit of a let down. I thought the outrage of Rick in last weeks episode was great and was leading up to a philosophical argument this week, which turned out to be "Oh yeah, Rick is totally right." We get it. Ricks crew is battle-tested and hard as fuck, Alexandrians are naive. But the entire premise of their community was "civilization." That idea holds zero weight when Deanna gives Rick the kill order on the spot.
But, I think it lead to less about Deanna's flipping to give Rick the order, than it did the fallout of Morgan watching Rick do it. Morgan has tracked him all this way, and held on to this shred of humanity, only to show up and watch Rick execute another person. That philosophical argument will be heavier than the other. In the past, any character who represented hope & goodness in anyway (Dale, Noah, etc.) quickly meets their doom. But, now, in a different way, here stand Daryl, Aaron and Morgan watching Rick do that, while the Wolves are out there. Also, was I understanding this correctly? The Wolves have trained the walkers with some sort of Pavlovian response? They hang live people on meat hooks to feed them, triggered by music / lights? And, they used that to corral them back into the trucks?
Yeah, the basically use disco lights to corral them. Like salt licks for zombies. The"wolves" I found were uninteresting douchebags and pulled the super-annoying cliche of the "talking villain" who instead of safely executing a hero they ramble on to let the hero gain the advantage. But Morgan whooping their asses WAS fun to watch.
I liked a lot of this show. I loved everything with Daryl, Aaron and Morgan. Carol being a badass was sweet, and everything with Abraham and that crew. All good stuff. Michonne is still awesome, DEFINITELY thought her and Rick were going to kiss for a second. Her pillowy lips were pursed just right for a bit there during that scene with the gun. I was a little iffy on Glenn and scared douchebag, Rick and "the meeting." Also anyone else thrown off by the sudden day to night timeshift? Rick sees the gate open its day time, then meeting time it's dark as fuck. Same thing with Glenn and scared douchebag. Kinda wish old dude didn't die, but someone had to right? I think the Wolves minions are going to suck, but hopefully the leader is interesting. Anyone else think the Wolves origins are going to be the people that Aaron talked about dropping off because they didn't work out? I do. For once, they didn't have some CRAZY cliffhangar ending.
Didn't they already do a spin-off called Walking Dead: Cold Storage? With the show's immense popularity combined with its cult-like neckbeard obsession, it will end up like Star Trek where it will spin off so much eventually the fans will be using kickstarters to keep new series afloat. Please don't. Don't fucking ruin this. It doesn't need prequels, sequels, run-offs, sister shows or any other mary-grubbing bullshit. So of course that's exactly what will happen.
Nah only shows with insane amount of logic or years of quality have huge neckbeard followings. I like this show and they've done a lot this season to unsuckify it. They'll spin it off because fuck it even AMC isn't beyond milking cash cows. Abraham's shit line was the best shit related line outside of Jim Lahey in all of tv history.