When you're making breakfast at daybreak on the side of a river, out of a cast iron pan, you better fucking believe that you spoon bacon grease over the eggs.
Hey, Goose! Ya big stud! Take me to bed or lose me forever! Looks like someone drunk-DVR'd Top Gun. Woot!
It took a page and a half to even mention them, indicating and inherent puss-ass-ness of the board. I'd actually be really curious to read into the rate of food poisoning here. Compared to the US's over reaction mentality they seem to do a shade above nothing in terms of food safety. The more expensive westernized places do but just about everyone else doesn't. I know there is a state system for it as every place has a rating system posted on the wall with an anime sad, meh, and happy face. The only place Ive seen with the happy face rating is Starbucks. edit: Cannot post hilarious picture of Chris Farley stealing eagles eggs from Almost Heroes. Chinese Great Firewall strikes again.
Everything is better with a runny yolk. If you use two eggs for a scrambled egg/bacon sandwich, you can do it better. Scramble one, then fry one and put it on top of his scrambled brother. Sounds stupid, because hey...it's all just eggs, but you're wrong. Grilled cheese? Fuck off. THIS is a grilled cheese.
I don't know what the name is (it might be a toad in a hole) but what you do is take a slice of bread and cut out a circle with a glass of some kind. Butter the bread, throw it in a frying pan and crack the egg into the hole, and flip once the bottom is cooked. To make it a grilled cheese sandwich you would make two and throw some cheese in the middle of them.
That would be an egg in the basket, or, as Stephen Fry would call it, "Eggie in a Basket!" My impression of the average TiBber as a neckbearded basement-dwelling nerdo who watches V for Vendetta 6 times a week is shaken by the lack of this knowledge.
It's sad when Durbanite is seen as the average. If you go off what people say the average TiBer is 6'8 and fuels his MMA/Rugby practices with nothing but the finest scotches. A girl who used to cook for me from time to time when I lived in the freshman dorms used to make them for me. Called them eggs in a hole. Kill the whole toast and eggs things with one stone. It can be a sizable chunk of bread taken out though, but in the pictures above they are toasted along with it. Most of the time I just eat the removed bread immediately.
What makes me mad is that I fucking copied and pasted the url to actually see that. I trusted you Charles Johson and unlike black jesus you did not deliver me to the promise land.
I know none of you give a shit but it's now been a little less than a day and a half since my last smoke. I'm proud of myself, so sue me.