I am sobering up very quickly. Luckily there's vodka. Maybe someone smarter than me (read as: everyone over 8 years old) can answer why a girl hangs out with some dude she trash talks to me, unsolicited. Is it to not appear slutty? To string one of us along to prep the best possible arena for our inevitable duel of half-assed machismo? God forbid, to signal to me that nothing is actually going on? Yes, she knows I'm interested. My brain does not work like this. On the bright side, I saw a band called "The Toilets." They played a cover of Southpark's "Let's Fighting Love" and it was awesome. The singer weighed in around 350. After every song he had to have a breather. Sounded like a fat Elvis that could shred guitar. However I am now so deaf in my right ear that it is numb.
You are just the girlfriend she vents her feelings to. Cut ties. Delete Facebook. Lawyer up. Hit the gym.
It's so nice to wake up the next morning to a fully blocked-up sinus area from drinking two beers and a fucking cider. Really, body? Seriously? I can't even have a beer without getting fucking sick? Jesus. Fuck my life. Thank fuck for decongestant pills (for those keeping score, I took one before going to sleep, so I should not have woken up with blocked sinus area). Also, I was not sick AT ALL yesterday, aside from the regular asthma crap, but that's every day of my life, so that's neither here nor there. Here comes a sports rant: Spoiler FUCK YOU Andrew Strauss. How the fuck could you lose to Bangladesh? No quarter-finals for England now. Dumbass. "Wow, let's keep bowling leg-side and set an off-side field!" Also, why the fuck did you keep putting Anderson in when he's clearly useless? All he did was make a difficult situation fucking impossible by bowling needless wides and other assorted shit deliveries that got hit for runs. Collingwood should've been used more - he was getting MUCH better economy. It's a shame, since it's his last World Cup (Collingwood is 34 I think). Your batting this tournament has been decent enough, but your captaincy has been shit. S.A. need a win today, too.
Christ what a lame Friday. I've got an assignment due on Tuesday. I had plans to get dinner with some people around 6 after which I planned on doing the first out of the three questions on the assignment, then heading out to have some fun. I got to work around 8:30. At 2am I still didn't manage to complete number 1. It is 5 parts long and I've only completed the first 4 part; plus, I have no clue how to even start the 5th part. Almost 6 hours of work on one god damn problem, that still isn't completed. Given the way things are going, I don't think I'll finish this piece of shit tomorrow either. Fuck grad school, fuck it right in its stupid asshole. Might as well smoke a bowl...
Drunk. I made a new friend. He owns a bar. I will be going back to his bar on Monday, If i can come up with a kickass name, he said he'll give me a steep discount on drinks.
I smoke weed about once every two months. My friend got some really potent OG Kush and I bought a bag yesterday. I am extremely high right now.
I should not have had that late-night burger. Now I can't sleep. That said, the Situation sure is acting like a massive Bitchuation this episode.
The fuck bunker/ Free the Peado's/The Peado and Swan All from the peep show but it's a good show. I drank so much last night I thought making myself throw up would be a good idea so I could drink more. I think i busted a vein in my eye or something in the process. Ended up chasing some girl I liked round the club looking like some one eyed blood monster lol Also what the hell is with girls putting this monroe quote in FB: "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best..." If you're selfish and a horrible person why would anyone want anything to do with you never mind 'deserve' you.
How did it glorify it? Sure it gave them a voice but I can't imagine anyone watched that documentary and wanted to live like them. By the end of it my gf looked like she was ready to pop a blood vessel from how angry the people made her.
Just the fact that someone went far enough to produce a movie about a bunch of wild animals classifies as glorification in my book. While I understand the fascination, I do live in the deep south. Some people around here think that shit is funny. It just makes us look bad. Oh, and it's going to be 70 degrees here today. In early March. Living in the south rules.
Kush and OJ + G5.2 + More About Nothing + The Warm Up + Comeback Season = Mixtape Game LOCKED. Total legal price: $0.00.
It's actually pretty warm here today but the ground got so saturated from all the snow that everyones' yard looks like a muddy shitpile. Whatever, I'll be eating maple syrup related items all day today, be jealous.
Just the fact that someone went far enough to produce a movie about a bunch of wild animals classifies as glorification in my book. While I understand the fascination, I do live in the deep south. Some people around here think that shit is funny. It just makes us look bad. Oh, and it's going to be 70 degrees here today. In early March. Living in the south rules.[/quote] They live in Appalachia, a whole different breed of white trash.
Into yourself or into someone else? Into how many different holes? Inquiring minds would like to know.