I am so excited about the return! I have been rewatching the first season. To be honest now that I have read the books, I am not as impressed with the TV version, but I try to separate them in my mind. It is more enjoyable that way. Anyone else waiting for the new season?
I seem to recall reading that their budget increased a lot this season and that their costuming is going to be crazemazing. I'm purposefully not reading anything else about production or possible plot direction. I want to be wooed.
I was SURE this show came back in August. Just sure of it. Then I come to find out they are doing some more filming or some shit and it will be released in December. It was driving me crazy, why did I think it came back in August? Then I re-read this thread. You. This feeling is your fault!
This is exciting. I'm hoping they quintupled their special effects budget, because they fell victim to the "background cast are wearing tennis shoes and carrying water bottles" mistakes that plague cheap historical productions. I do love Cavill's character in all of this. I'm also hoping that they don't play around with time just for the sake of doing it, like before. True Detective Season 1 managed time jumps BEAUTIFULLY. Westworld used them as a cheap reveal to the audience and made the show unnecessarily confusing and obscure. The Witcher tended a bit toward the latter, so let's cross our fingers they don't do that for Season 2.