Thinking of going with this:
I highly recmmend upgrading to the cannister filter instead of the bag. It easily triples the flow and is so much easier to clean.
Ok so I bought this at Harbor Freight. They had a $30 off coupon so it ended up being $180 including tax. There are a lot of videos on YouTube where people modify them into two stage collectors and change the bag to a filter. That's the route I will probably go, but would love to hear what you guys think.
Nice! I’m sure that will be great, and it sounds like you have a good plan. Just don’t underestimate how much a dirty bag will kill the flow... keep it clean and you’ll do well. A small bucket cyclone really helps with that. Enjoy!
Definitely planning on ditching the bag and doing a 2 stage. My wife has chickens and goats so all the shavings and what not can probably be used for them.
One thing I found to be a huge PITA is emptying/replacing the bottom bag. It might just be me, though, as my dust extractor is hard-mounted and against a wall. (I took off the rolling platform and support arms, and attached it to a wall-mount frame that I built). I found that the clear ones are strong enough that I'm still using the very first one I put on there... just empty it when it's full. What I did is use some Tuck Tape and tape the metal strap into a couple of folds of the top lip of the bag, so I no longer have to fuck around with those stupid bag-hanging clips, etc. I can just easily unclip the retaining band, empty the bag, then use the band itself to position/place the bag again, and re-connect the band.
Yeah, I'm looking at something similar... but have you actually priced out one of those big cyclones? I can't find them for less than $400 here in Canada. I'm almost tempted to build my own. As to the attachment of the drum, Laguna has a pretty simple cam/lever system that pushed the drum up into the cyclone. I'm tempted to try building my own version of that as well.
Well fucking hell... I just went to verify the price on those and found a refurbished one for $200 at the local Busy Bee... normally $455. Order placed, should be here in a few days.
Yeah, US dollars, not allowed to ship it to Canada. It seems that there is some sort of Canadian stranglehold by Big Dust Collection Cyclones. The one I picked up is $220 delivered, and it's the one size larger than that. It seems it was only that cheap because it was an open-box return of some sort.
I'm debating doing this instead of the cyclone. Can't beat the price.
That works not too badly for things like a jointer or thickness planer where you're getting big chips, but you're still going to get tons of fine particles plugging up your filter. This is just a big-chip bypass... anything else and it's useless. I would (and did) go with the cyclone... there's a reason that's only $40.
Ahh, ok. I have one of each, so maybe I should get something like this only for when I hook those up.