I enjoy the taint sniffers. Gives me somebody to look down on and feel better about myself when I bitch about them on the inter webs.
Had my first full workout in 3 months today and I forgot how much I missed that good feeling of soreness you get after a workout as opposed to that bad feeling of soreness that comes from working with injuries. I've lost a bunch of strength but it feels good just to get through a full set of exercises. For my amusement, there was some guy on a smith machine squatting with his hands resting on the front of his thighs and the bar wedged into the back of his neck.
The strength will come back in a hurry. I just started training again two months ago after a year-long hiatus. Deadlift is already up to 500 lbs and still going up and my overhead press is only 20-30 lbs below where I left off. Best thing to do is to start off with a moderate weight and do higher reps for 2 or 3 sessions to get your muscle memory back and to get rid of the fatigue. Then, hit a basic 5 x 5 until you get up to your normal strength.
How do I know if I'm doing a clean properly? I see these cross fit wizards with 225 over their heads in a full squat, and I simply cannot keep my balance with a significant amount of weight up there. Any clear resource to get this right?
Um, I don't know? If my yoga classes are any indication, terrible just like the rest of my flexibility. Is there a way to build-up to this? Exercises I should to do improve my ability to clean? Each time I see a YouTube tutorial, it gets more and more confusing as to how the fuck they don't fall over.
Do you have a tendency to fall forward or backward? If it's forward, that may be due to a lack of shoulder flexibility - I tend to want to fall forward because I can't bring the bar back far enough so that it's directly over my center of mass.
I really wish someone would have explained what a clean and jerk meant before I was kicked out of my first gym.
He should've split that last jerk. Coming up out of the hole like that would be fucking awful. Regarding learning to snatch - Get a coach. Even if its for only 2 sessions a month, have someone teach you the mechanics.
Haven't worked out in 2 weeks. Open up fitocracy and see a girl 3 inches shorter lifting almost my numbers while training every day. Brb gym.
Bro, does that guy even lift? Side note: Went to the gym at 10:30 this morning it is was filled with MILFs and stunningly hot girls. It was a nice change from the roided up faux hawk guys that migrated to my gym when Urban Active closed that I usually see when I go in the afternoon.
Got absolutely stapled on a 495 box squat tonight. That shit came down and just killed me. Oh well. The new gym is fucking awesome, looking to do a meet in September. If I total in the mid 1300's I'll be happy.
So is anybody familiar with this new juice cleansing craze? I wouldn't mind hearing if it lives up to its hype.
New? As in, on and off fad for the last 30 years? If you can get all the calories and nutrients you need, go for it. I highly doubt you will get sufficient protein or fat, unless you're juicing dozens of raw eggs and a fish steak here or there in with your carrots and strawberries. Plus, let's not forget that we have kidneys and a liver for a reason. Every fad diet's description that starts with "detox your body from toxins" gets a huge eye roll from me.