Isn't that what our species does, in a sense? Spreading our own genes as much as possible? Technically speaking, I would want the whole population to be from my bloodline or whatever. I think they wrote that in Sperm Wars. I might be under the influence of something, so I'm not sure how much sense that makes. And I'd only load up on lots of ammo for safety. You can never be too careful in desperate times. Didn't you read The Road? It's bananas out there!
I think I would go to and live on a cruise ship. It wouldn’t even have to go anywhere. Spas, food (at least for a little while then fishing), libraries, casinos, stocked bars malls. What better protection then being surrounded by water, forget boarding up windows. It even has its own hospital and can make electricity when needed. Come join the post apocalyptic party on the upper deck.
My father was a colonel in the South Vietnamese Army. He was captured by the Viet Cong at one point during the war. I just found out earlier this year he was a colonel. I knew he had been in the war, and that he had been shot and stabbed (that was obvious from the scars), but I didn't know he had been captured, tortured, and commanded troops. I'd always kinda of given him shit for not teaching me his language, but when he started telling me about everything he's been through and everything he's seen, and how he really regretted not teaching me, I stopped immediately. He also worked on tanks and airplanes, and has flown several different planes and helicopters. I was amazed when he started showing me how to take my Camry apart piece by piece. We replaced my entire sunroof mechanism with one he pulled off of a Camry that had been junked. He's like Vietnam's answer to McGuyver. Shit, he taught me how to diagnose my engine codes by bridging the terminals with a paper clip, for Christ's sake.
I would head immediately to the local supermarket to stock up, and then spend the next however long eating steak until it went out of date, or until the power fails so that I can't refrigerate it any more. I would also get absolutely shit faced, and drive around looking for other people (this would either result in a: me accidentally knocking down and killing the only other survivor for miles or b: finding another survivor who happens to be a cop that still believes in doing his job). Being a nosey cunt would be the order of the day too, so I'd probably spend a great deal of time breaking into peoples houses and going through their shit (figuratively-the voided bowels of the recently deceased hold no interest to me). Then I suppose it's onto practical things-sorting out some kind of generator so I can have light, entertainment, food storage and cooking etc. I'd probably be syphoning a lot of petrol tanks too. Then it's off to find somewhere nice to live, drag the previous residents out by their ankles, stuff them in a car and roll them down a hill somewhere. Probably raid a few farms for shotguns (bang-bangs are a touch thin on the ground over here). I'd get my hands on the best CB set up I could, and would spend my days flicking through static-filled channels whilst drowning my brain in beer and scotch, all the time alternating between crying hysterically and laughing maniacally as the hopelessness of my situation sank in. This would be accompanied by horrific nightmares where I look out my window to see the hordes of those that did not make it just standing there with dark, empty eye sockets, waiting for me to join them. Also, there would be no internet, so I'd have to hand draw my own porn.