I was reading this article today about text messages sent to the wrong person and read the following one: "My wife sent me a text message asking what I wanted for dinner. I had forgot that we were having the family over for dinner that night. I sent her a pic of my gentleman veggies and asked her if she wanted that for dinner. I sent it to her entire family because I neglected to see it was a group text. I thought about driving into oncoming traffic that night on my way home from work." I have sent texts to unintentional people, but nothing that would get me in trouble. I did have a friend text me and he was talking trash about one of the moms on the team and he accidentally sent it to her. He was able to finagle his way out of it, but I told him he got what he deserved since he's nice to her face, actually friendly with her. Focus: Ever sent a text you regret? Or one to the wrong person? Any fallout and/or embarrassment from it?
Instant Karma I know it might be in bad form to start a thread with a youtube video, but this gives you a general idea: Spoiler Personal story: On Saturday, after my step-father was finished stepping out of line and I was working to suppress the urge to feed him into a wood chipper Fargo-style, I decided the only proper way to make my point was to finish my volley of curse words with "And just remember, karma is a bitch." Then last night the stitches from his hemorrhoid surgery ripped out while he was taking a shit. I don't think he will be speaking to me for a while. Focus: Ever seen an example of "instant karma"? Or better yet, ever had instant karma happen to you?
Those people are all trolling us right? They HAVE to be. There can't be that much serious cognitive dissonance about poor life choices unless it was a joke. RIGHT?
TiB Fashion Police Since we've all been having fun in the WDT about this, let's make this official: high waisted shorts, pants and skirts suck on women, and there is no debate here. If you wear them already lost. To paraphrase Rush-O yes, flats aren't exactly sexy (at all) but they don't actually make attractive women look ugly, like these 1980's shorts do with pride. Of course, the whole "Eye Of The Beholder" argument could rear it's head, clothes look good how we see them with their own eyes. This is not a thread for that. This is a thread where we get to have fun, and expose exactly what we DON'T find attractive in the most useless industry ever invented by man: fashion. Focus: Fashion you cannot stand. Attack, you jackals.
<a class="postlink" href="http://madamenoire.com/290330/14-gestures-we-wish-men-knew-are-just-creepy/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://madamenoire.com/290330/14-gestur ... st-creepy/</a> Some of the gestures I agree are creepy and others I've done. I've walked a woman to their car and offered a ride home. I think it depends on context as to whether or not doing those would be thought of as creepy, but other gestures listed I think are retarded. According to the article its ok to take a phone call during a date, but creepy locking the doors of the car. I can't remember the last time I got in a car that didn't have auto locking doors. FOCUS: Do the Ladies agree or disagree with the list? Are there any you would add? ALT FOCUS: Guys which have you done or still do? AFHokie
Re: Re: Thread Suggestion Thread Syria. US is gonna bomb the shit outta them. Should have a thread going for this.
Inspired by this article...http://finance.yahoo.com/news/frugal-habits-of-the-millionaire-next-door-124844883.html Do you have friends or family who are so cheap you can't stand it? I'm not preaching financial recklessness, but a dude who apparently makes a really good living who won't pay for a hotel room or a plane ticket and refuses to buy his family gifts is just obnoxious. Ive had friends, post college, who make good money but spend none of it, not because of some savings plan, but because they are stingy assholes. ALT-FOCUS: Make fun of this asshole whose website has a bold 100% CLEAN INDIAN COMIC! stamp and is an awful corporate comedian. Inspired by the stand up thread, I watched one of his youtube performances and made it through about 2 minutes.
I'm moving to LA after I graduate for work. Never been to LA. Stories/advice about moving to a completely strange city and knowing not a single person?
<a class="postlink" href="http://life.nationalpost.com/2013/09/20/beer-gut-redefined-as-texas-homebrewer-discovers-suds-fermenting-in-his-stomach/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://life.nationalpost.com/2013/09/20 ... s-stomach/</a> Focus: What would be the most amazing but still theoretically feasible medical condition to have?
Inspired by my recent trip to London, where you get a sense that being English means something. It's hard to describe, but it's palpable. I also got the same feeling when I visited Ireland. Focus: What does it mean to be an American? The good, the bad, the ugly. What sets us apart, and makes us unique? Alt Focus: If you're from another country, what things make being a citizen of that country unique? Also, what are your impressions of what it means to be American?
Well, with the Government shut down, some of us continue to work, for no pay. To be fair, I really enjoy my job, but doing it for free is it a stretch, which got me thinking... Focus: What job would you be content doing for free for the rest of your life? I would love to be a test driver for a high end sports car company like Ferrari or Lamborghini, but that's me. Obviously everyone get bored sooner or later, but fuck it.
For all practical purposes, a roommate will no longer be part of my life for the first time since leaving my folks' house fifteen years ago. If I added them together, I have easily shared a roof with more than twenty people in that time. Most we're cool. Some sucked. On the first night of leaving my parents' house, my first roommate ever tried to climb in bed with me naked in a blackout-drunken-sleep walking kind of way. One of my more recent roommates was die hard catholic to the point of a holy water receptacle on his wall, a three foot full color crucifix above his bed and a blood covered life sized bust of Jesus on his dresser. I was sort of afraid that he'd make himself a skin coat out of me. Focus: What are your good roommate stories? Are you a good roommate? A bad roommate?
You work at a hospital for 13 years. You eventually need to have surgery at said hospital. While you're under anesthesia, the surgical team decorates your face as a prank. Spoiler LA Times version of article Focus: If you're this person, do you think it's hilarious and vow to get them back with a return prank? Or, do you feel violated and sue? Discuss. Atl. Focus: Are you hoping this story gets more traction, so you can get yellow tears and a moustache like this as a Halloween costume?
Scarlett Johansson, Ashton Kutcher and Vin Diesel all have a twin brother. Kiefer Sutherland has a twin sister. And apparently, Mary Kate Olsen has a twin sister. (Who knew?!) Focus: Are you a twin? (Or triplet, etc.) Identical or fraternal? Is your sibling a member of TiB? Why not? Alt. Focus: Ever had sex with twins? Same time or on separate occasions?
Your technology replacements When the kindle came out, everyone laughed. When the ipad came out, everyone laughed even harder (and called it simply a larger smartphone that couldn't call). Now the ipad is being used as an integral teaching tool in schools. At home and in the professional environment having a tablet is not only a necessity, but the once ever-present ipad is now being replace with an ever-growing contingent of competitors. Never mind that the exact same fact looks destined to befall (or has already happened to) the iphone itself. Even google itself is having to rein in and re-define its focus. Google reader -- the staple RSS reader for basically everyone -- has recently been shut down. (I now use Feedly) Google Home Page is about to close up shop as well. (I've yet to find a replacement... ideas?) Hell, even the the Google search engine itself is being at least strongly challenged by Microsoft's Bing, and some are now a strong advocate of the latter. Focus: What are your favorite pieces of technology that have already kicked the bucket? What'd you replace them with? Alt. Focus. Which types of technology do you wish would go away? Any up-and-comers we need to pay attention to?