Best misunderstood lyrics. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
If you guys would pour half of the thought into suggesting threads that you did into the two recent locked threads we could actually have some funny. Maybe. Just sayin'.
If mods ever bumped threads that were suggested instead of just creating their own, maybe people would take the time to think up suggestions. Just sayin'.
Listen, I am the only one around doing any sort of moderation so bite me. A thread about song lyrics is a no go. A thread about twins is the same. Remember when threads were funny because they involved telling a story from your past, like on the TMMB? That's what I'm talking about. And another thing, don't point your boney little finger at me when I'm not guilty. Walk softly. I am obviously not a happy camper with this place right now.
Yeah, I'm a dumbass for thinking we could use something light and silly after 12+ pages of rape and welfare.
Never said you were a dumbass, simply that the thread IMO does not have legs. God damn. What the fuck is everyones issue around here lately? Everyone pull up your pants and stop with the whining. This kind of shit would have never been tolerated on the former forums so please, just stop.
Variety is the spice of life. What about sexy time? Do you just vary positions ("Let's try reverse cowboy!") or locations ("Hey, you know we've never done it in the hammock!"), or do you get products involved? Focus: Sex products, like KY lubes or Viagra/ Cialis (do you need it; have you ever tried it?) or handcuffs. Note: Not how you go at it alone, with a Fleshlight or vibrator, but what you use together.
Since it was suggested by someone after I somewhat stood up for Dixie, how about a thread for the law breakers on the board? I am sure even if you haven't been locked up you might have questions about what really happens in the showers. Focus: Got and good prison/jail stories? Got arrested but beat the charge?
Sshhhh, you might bring back DCC who posted 99% her own threads pulled from water cooler conversation with the same small minded people in some podunk Canadian town. Shegirl you do your thing girl, you're right and you're doing it right. Also Nom was bumping threads for awhile. Let's not just generalize all the Mods Rush.
It was the Summer of '69 Focus: What was the best time of your life? A summer, a span of a few years, whatever - what was the happiest period of your life so far? What made it so good? Anti-Focus: If you want to be a big ol' downer, what was the worst period in your life? What was so hard about it? How'd you make it through? *Let's stick to our adult lives. "Childhood" could be too easy of an answer to the focus, or waaay too depressing of an answer to the anti-focus.
Another Roadside Attraction My country is large and covered by Tundra and space and jammed with some of the weirdest shit along its highways in what seems to be a contest on which town can cause the largest car pile-up. Sudbury has the Big Nickel. Moose Jaw has the giant moose (surprise). Port Hope has this big fucking apple by the highway where they sell pies. But the rest of the country put together has nothing on Alberta. The have: Giant Sausage statue King Kong Statue A U.F.O. Landing Pad (!!!) Giant Perogy Statue World's largest dinosaur statue The Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump (it is what it is) Giant Faberge Egg-Thing Statue ...Yeah. Those things. Gives America's giant-ass ball of yarn a run its money. Focus: Your favourite roadside attractions, the famous ones near you and the most ridiculous you've come across.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... oax-jailed</a> Focus: the lamest cover story you've ever heard - or used - to hide the fact you forgot to do something.
Get Rich Quick Just received my 654th email from a Nigerian scammer. This time was a little more original, apparently there is a “contract out on my life” but the dude would be happy for me to buy my way out, so good on him for thinking outside the square. Got me thinking though, people MUST keep falling for this shit, if there was a 0.00% success rate these scams would dry up. Focus: Ever been scammed or foiled a scam. Alt focus: Share your creative ideas for fool proof scams or get rich quick plots online or otherwise.
I'm reading a fiction book called "419" that delves into the Nigerian scam. I'm halfway and it's all over the place, but I've learned a lot about how they pull in the tard. When it's done right, it's very convincing. Obviously us scholars would never fall for this nonsense, but secluded seniors, faced with emails that are intimate enough to discuss their education, their hobbies, their grandchildren, their gardens (be aware of what you put online) do get pulled in. Google-fu is real around the world. They lure you and then scare you. I had no idea when I bought the book on Amazon, in my order of 10 books, that it was based in my city and written by a local author. I talked to a local author, (his book blew) thinking it's a small community and he would know him. Nope. Whatever, half a novel to go to impress me.
Inspired by this article. Focus: If your life was self contained, meaning, you had no contact with those outside your life, what would your SOS to the outside world look like? Be funny, be real, be absurd, whatever. Focus: you're in a horror movie. Who's your bitch?
Here's an attempt at participating a little more on the board. Internet Article Headlines from History Most of us have seen articles from Upworthy and sites like it, I'm sure. I know why it's done, to make your curiosity so high that you can't help but click the link - it just pisses me off. So I figure TiB can bring the funny with some re-writes of historical headlines. Abraham Zapruder Decided to Film the President's Motorcade. What He Caught on Frame 313 is Mind-blowing.
No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, just your drunk dad. I loved the concept of Santa as a kid. I would write my letter to Santa, always in secret, and seal the envelope, and put it in the candy cane striped mailbox on base. (Some midshipman in the post office would then return the envelope to sender so the parents got it) On Christmas Eve I would leave out milk and cookies for Santa (despite my dad's insistance that Santa would prefer a Sam Adams) and a plate of veggies for the reindeer. I would also write a letter for Santa to read, and I was always thrilled that he would take time from his busy schedule to write back. However I stopped believing in Santa when I was seven. I had my doubts about it at six. It just started to seem a little too implausible. Then one day in december 1994 I had my suspicions confirmed. I was rooting around in my dad's closet for something (I can't remember what) and I found a box marked "kuhjäger's shit from Santa" in my dad's hand writing. Obviously I told no one about it, as I was worried I wouldn't get the presents. I waited a whole year, and then after opening the gifts from Santa I announced that I knew he wasn't real. I had noticed the letter from Santa was written in my older sister's handwriting, and claimed this as the reason. As much as my sister and I did not get along, she kept up with the pretending to believe just for me, when she could have told me anytime just to make me cry. Focus: How did you find out that there was no fat man with a big red sack (other than the guy at the YMCA) coming down your chimney?å Alt focus: do you carry on the tradition of Santa with your kids? Or are you childless and run around telling every child you see there is no Santa? What age is appropriate to break the news to a kid? Or should they figure out for themselves?
If If's And Ands Were Pots and Pans the World Would Be A Kitchen I don't know if any of you have heard of this, but I was shocked to learn that the people of Iceland overthrew their government in 2008 in what was known as the pots and pans revolution. They forced their entire government to resign over the banking crisis, imprisoned those responsible and chose average people to oversee the rewriting of their constitution. This is unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is this is the first I'm hearing about this. In doing a little research it seems this story broke in the U.S. only a few days ago. I found one other report of this on what seems to be a Russian website, another article from The National which seems on the level, another article from the BBC also from 2009, and a Google search of the terms iceland government resigns returns numerous results from 2009 all detailing this news. Now, this may be too political, but I think we can handle it. Focus: Discuss this obviously peaceful government transition. Do you think something like this could or should happen here? Alt Focus: How is it that this story has not been brought to our attention sooner? Is there some conspiracy afoot?
Christmas Cards, Engagement Photos and Family Photos Thread Detective Girlfriend insists we have to send out a Christmas card. Ideas? What are the best photos for holidays, engagements, etc that you've seen? My absolute favorite is the engagement photo in which there is a T-Rex photo-shopped into the background and the wedding party is running and screaming in terror. Epic and an awesome idea.