Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] God, being underage without a fake ID sucked. There went my social life in freshman year.
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] Fuck, I am going to lose a lot of money at the casino tonight... I haven't had a drink for about a month. I am very ashamed of myself. The dirty things I would do to this girl I cannto even say out loud...
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] Sorry, tried to NSFW but couldn't figure it oput. I';m officially cut off. This was supposed to be the non NSFW one:
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] Steve Aokiiiiii _ unreaaaaaaaaal. It woild hav beeen a perfect nights minus a lost faovirute earring and rnning into my douche of a n ex boysfiend. No wods were spoken between us, just a hatefulxdx glare directsed towards me accorsidng to my dude friend who was prestneing to be my new boudfiend. fuvvccccccccck.
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] Went liquor shopping yesterday. Between my dad and I, we bought: 1 bottle Crown Royal 1 bottle Havana Club Añejo Reserva 1 bottle Cinzano Bianco 1 bottle Tanqueray 4-pack Guinness 1 bottle Angostura 6-pack of ginger ale My dad plans on making Rye & Dry Old Fashioneds... Sadly, no Canada Dry ginger ale in this dump of a country, so we're using Schweppes instead. But the martinis should be good and drunken later. Enjoy the drinking! And Happy Almost BHirthday, TiB!
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] I was supposed to have an alcohol-free weekend in order to save money for my Melbourne Cup trip. Unfortunately work was absolutely shithouse on Saturday. Fortunately this provided me with an excuse to ignore any responsible behaviour, and I ended up smashing down a few beers with a couple of mates. An added bonus was that these beers had already been purchased prior to this weekend, so I still saved money anyway! I've decided that during this summer I will host an "underage" themed drinko wherein everyone will have to drink whatever they used to when they were 16-17. Hello 6 packs of Red Bear!
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] Not to distract from creepy ginger freckles, but it's a bee-U-tee-ful Sunday here. Clear, crisp...perfect football weather. I have a few outdoor chores to do, then it's inside for unproductive sports and slow-cooker chili. I think the theme for next week should be BDSM:
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] About that. I usually do it by the case, so there's a bit of a discount. It's worth it, though.
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] It is also my birthday weekend. Just got in from Vegas. Didn't lose the house, but lost more than I wanted to. I saw Penn and Teller, which was fucking awesome. Then the plane flight back got hit by lightning. Nearly shit myself
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] The only thing more fun than lightning strikes is sitting in the back of an old stretch dc-8 and watching the aisle twist like crazy in flight. I've seen seasoned travellers turn white and drink themselves into oblivion as a result.
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] I beg to differ - I think the most fun would be everything going quiet just after the engines fail. Another great article about "holy shit" moments in flight is this one from Vanity Fair. That being said, let's all toast Kujager and wish him a happy birthday and be thankful he didn't die in a plane crash just now. *Jeez, everybody's a critic...
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] Are you sure it was lightning? Or could it have been something else.................
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] I really just don't like kettle corn. At all. I've always eaten it a little bit if it's around like I liked it or something...but I just don't. It's shit.
Re: TiB Birthday Weekend [10/15/10] My fantasy football matchup comes down to McNabb vs. Manning. I'm down by eight, but I have Peyton. Plus there's the NLCS. Add in that it's the last semi-warm night of the year, and if there's a more perfect reason* to grill a steak and drink a six pack of good beer, I'd like to hear it. *Steak and Blowjob Day excluded.