Yes, but I've met Jews and met Pakistanis and I'm not sure I could ever confuse the two. Although Chater did say it was an "Israeli", not necessarily a Jew, so perhaps there's a confounding factor. Perhaps she should have asked to see a passport to confirm citizenship.
I imagine it would be like this. To be fair, after living in the middle east for a couple years, there's one thing that Arab girls do better than anyone else: Eye makeup.
Went out with my pregnant friend tonight. For some reason Jackass 3D sounded like a good idea (yes, that was the second time I saw it.) I laughed just as hard as I did the first time, however poop and puke humor doesn't translate well to pregnant chicks who are dealing with morning sickness. I'm a bad friend because it made it even funnier for me. Also, there was this weird kid sitting at the end of our row who was there by himself and kept talking to himself. Everytime Johnny Knoxville did a stupid stunt he'd go "Oh, Knoxville" and everytime he thought something funny/awful was about to happen he'd go "Oh shit." This was even funnier to me because I knew what was going to happen next. After the movie we drove around gravel roads, she drove and I drank. I kind of like having my own personal DD. I can learn to love this. Of course, here I am on a Friday night. I'm home and drinking by myself at 10pm...god I'm lame. I'm also a genius; how often have you been too lazy to get up to get another beer? I don't have that problem, as my cooler is sitting right beside me onthe floor by teh couch.
Woke up to a glorious summer morning, full of hope for a nice afternoon at mine with the boys getting drunk and playing ping pong. Now the weather has changed for the shit, so it will be getting drunk and PS3 and poker. Tomatoes Potatoes?
Just finished the first draft of my law school application essay. Worked on the dirt bike track for a few hours digging berms. If I had muscles, they'd be tired. I can't feel my arms and shoulders. Then my cousin came over, loaned him my copy of "Assholes Finished First" which I'm guessing I'll never see again. Now I'm drunk on I think it's five or six heavy vodka rocks and a few beers. Tito's Homemade Vodka is the shit. The pour became progressively longer with each drink. Given that I apparently have some kind of allergy, I'm about to drown my sorrows with some benadryl that should clear the sinuses. That should knock me out pretty quick. Pray the alcohol and meds don't combine negatively to induce death or other hard-to-overcome-effects. Happy fucking birthday TiB. I really should get around to donating a few bucks to this place.... maybe tomorrow, when I can soberly think of a reasonable amount. Right now you'd get about what that homeless lady with the halloween voice amplifier could generate..... HEYO!!!
I wish I had a good excuse for sitting at home on a Friday night drinking cheap beer. But I don't. Yeehaw.
What's the deal with people posting pictures of sonograms on facebook? It looks like an ink blot to me. I'll take your word that you're expecting, there's no need to show me scientific proof. I don't really care anyway. This goes right along with the people who post daily pictures of their kids. It's not that I'm not happy for you (in theory at least) I just don't need to see a new picture of your kid every thirty minutes. I must be getting old since most of my friends are either expecting or already have kids. It just annoys the hell out of me when people post shit like that, right along with the people who post on thier fiance's wall (who they see every day) "only x many days till we get married." Maybe I'm just annoyed too easily or I just don't know what facebook is for. It used to be for posting pictures of awesome parties and fun stuff like that, of course, my last album with party pictures was posted in '07. Fuck I'm getting old.
Been always meaning to hop in on one of these weekend here's a question for you all: I know the stigma of drinking alone is always frowned upon, but what is the thoughts on say, if your wife falls asleep at a ridiculously early time and you just keep drinking regardless?!? I start to drink while she's awake, but continue to drink regardless of if she's asleep or awake. Is that bad? Thoughts?
Go ahead and read this: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _alone.htm</a> It at least gives me the justification I need. I don't drink much or often, but when I do I try to do it on my own terms.
I drink alone all the time. Not necessarily drinking drinking, but I have no problem with a drink or three on my own if I'm in the mood for it. I'm not always, but if it's been a long day at school or a lot of studying or whatever, then if you think that somebody else's preconceptions about what is or isn't an alcoholic tendency are going to stop me, then fuck you in the ass without lube. Most of my friends either don't, can't, or won't drink anyways. this really not a thing with most people? Like, they don't drink by themselves every now and then? How do you figure shit out otherwise?
So one of the records I have on my wall that I got from Amvets is a Skatt Bros album. Now, at the time I had no idea who they were, just that their album cover looked hilarious. Then I found this:
Such a boring Friday, but I can't complain. Their are endless cheesy horror movies on AMC. Of course, I'm watching them.
Oh my god. Carla Bruni appears to be a halfway decent musician. I'm listening to some of her songs and they seem to be largely acoustic guitar driven. Not what I was expecting at all.
Not in my experience. Huge stigma. I remember there was a weekday night I had in college where I was brainstorming and writing a paper, so I was just sitting in the frontroom of my fraternity house drinking a beer coming up with shit. A guy walked in with a sorority girl and asked what I was doing. A couple years later I found out she thought I was an alcoholic and was shocked I drank by myself. A girl in the greek system herself who I had seen so blasted as to have sex with the guy mentioned thought I had a drinking problem. Beer at least is usually fine though. Have a couple beers watch the game, change the oil, whatever. But cocktails or god forbid something straight and they automatically envision you under a bridge drinking scope or mad dog 20-20 if it is a holiday.