I saw the rat costume at the store and had to buy it. Later on I decided to be Ratatouille so I added a chef's hat and a rolling pin. Here's a closeup of the face
I think I pulled Peter Griffin off pretty well. Couldn't find a big fake nutsac chin to use though. I got asked a few times if I was supposed to be an older, fat Harry Potter though. Not pictured: Tight green pants
Yeah, have to say, I've seen some offensive costumes, but that really sort of took the cake in terms of being horribly offensive. I'm usually the first one to say that nothing is sacred or untouchable, but that is about as close as it gets.
Offensive can be funny if they'd have put some sort of twist on it, instead they just went for unfunny and shocking. Honestly though, who makes a costume that would be that big and cumbersome? How much fun would a party be if you are drunk running into shit non-stop?
Friday, I hung out for a while with this brown dude with a keffiyeh, really convincing dynamite vest and an I <3 NY t-shirt.
My old computer crashed and burned horribly, and I was fool enough to not back up my shit. If that hadn't happened, I could show a picture of me in the middle east, as a vampire, with a Bahraini guy that thought it was a good idea to wear an Osama Bin Laden mask for Halloween (this was in 2001). I got the picture with him because he had the gigantic balls to wear it in a highly American populated club right after the WTC planes. I also laughed, later, as he got the living shit kicked out of him by four marines. I didn't check on whether he lived or not. My bet is no (that many broken ribs has to be hard to breathe with). Ok, that's an exaggeration. They only punched him in the face a great many times. I wish I still had the picture. I was very skinny in it (and doesn't that just sum up Americans right there?). By the way? Middle Easterners have no idea how to do Halloween. The vast majority of them were wearing (and I'm still trying to figure this out, 9 years later) garbage bags with arm and head hole cut out, along with Mardi Gras masks. I don't know if they got the holidays mixed up or were just plain ignorant, but it was highly hilarious to all the Americans in the vicinity.
Porn director outfit was a blast, note the gold watch and pinky ring, and when I didn't have the mustache on Thurday I just said I was Hunter S. Thompson. My friends were in on it too. Spoiler Our names were, left to right, Slick, French and Larry. The dude in the middle was a drunk skier of sorts.
I think I pulled off Han Solo pretty well. I also am pretty confident that Han Solo would drink Coors Light.
Thats what I was worried would happen. That wasn't me (I don't do costumes) but two of my really good friends. Instead of hostility the guys got a ton of free drinks and won two contests at bars. All the bikers at a dive loved the balls they had to wear it all night. On the other end of spectrum, they went as Hall & Oates the night before.
Hey, don't lump us all together. I live up near Chicago, I'm not even in the same time zone and most people in this state.
Oh, this state is shitty, but lets face it: Lake and Porter County might as well be in Illinois (corrupt government, different time zone, all Chicago television and news). We're shitty, but we're a whole different brand of shitty. It's like comparing rotten apples to rotten oranges.
Had a great haloween party and lego pirate was a hoot. Moving wasn't as bad as thought. PS it was meant to be a peg leg
My costume consisted solely of throwing a sign around my neck. Appropriate for Vegas, I went as a bum:
A little late to the party but here: Last minute, super comfortable and easy costume. I had tags made up but they didn't make it into the photo.