Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Toronto offers the most promise, I think everyone can agree on that. That being said, get your ass to New Orleans! Even if we suck, the city is party town.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Mr.P seems to be interested(shockingly!), so if spouses/friends come, they have to be DD.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy I agree! I asked her if she'd be up for it and she said heck yeah, so we're coming so long as our schedules allow for it. If we could find a 3 days weekend sometime, that would be especially perfect. I can't wait to meet Mr P! You speak so highly of him. Does he still have his rad goatee?
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy I brought up this scenario with Mrs. Noland last night and, as she so lovingly put it, it's not the stupidest idea I've ever had, so I'm in.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy You're going to make your SO's come out to meet a bunch of strangers from the internet AND they have to stay sober? That is just too cruel.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Apparently October 3-4 is our "Fall break." It's pretty dinky that we only get 2 days but I'll take what I can get, I guess. Anybody up for that first weekend in October, maybe Saturday the 1st?
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Hm. If I can get the kids' father to be compliant, I should be able to work it out. As for the goat, it will be touched up in all its glory. edited to add: I sure got the "you are fucking weird" look when he read my post starting the thread that nett dicked with....I was asked what the deal with monks was. No question on the horseback with shotguns part. Just a heads up...
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Not in. I have a bow hunt in Northern Florida that weekend. However, don't hold off on my account. I wouldn't be able to meet up until probably spring. Hunting season is upon us. Killing animals comes first. My freezer told me so.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy but....but...I am sure something will be killed that weekend, self respect, illegitimate fetus, it cound be ANYTHING. Maybe even all of our dead hooker tips could be called into question!
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy You silly people with your breaks. I have Labor Day weekend, Thanksgiving, and Christmas to look forward to. Then again, New Orleans is (I think) about an eight to ten hour drive from me, so I could likely make it for a weekend. Doubt I can drag Pink Candy along, though.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy There's a $5 bounty on nutria tails down here. Bring a gun and shoot some of those critters and you might actually make a profit on the weekend.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy Brilliant! It might not cover gas but it would probably cover the booze and would fulfill your killer needs. So who do we have signed up so far?
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy So far as I can tell it's me, you, and Pimptress. It's possible I failed to mention to Mrs. Noland there would be no other men involved in this event.
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy I'm interested but can't commit. I don't know my exam schedule yet. If it doesn't conflict I would come!
Re: TiB Meet-Up - The Big Easy So far, lots of maybes! I really hope you can make it TX. Also, mya, and bluedog, and all those other people who said maybe or live in the area. I think if we do this on a Saturday there is a better chance at people making it because of travel times and such.