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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ahh screw it, I'll bite on this....

    Age of first kiss: 18
    Age of first orgasm: 11/12-ish, I think
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: 19, and it was toothy, and it's a horrible memory
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: champagne
    Age when first drunk: 16
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 16
    Age when smoked first weed: 17, I think
    Age of first broken bone : 9 (I've since broken 8 other bones; osteoporosis sucks)
    Age of first cavity: 16, I think? I used to be a huge sweets eater.
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: n/a
    First song you ever downloaded: Probably something by Uncle Cracker; I got in one it right at the end of napster
    Are you here to fuck Chater? I don't bat that way
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Middle of US to middle of Europe
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Winter (well, Texas winter)
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Pay it Forward
    Do you own a gun? Several, I'm a proud Texan
    Current relationship status? recently married
    Mac or PC? Mac for personal, PC laptop for work
    Have you ever been arrested? Never even been stopped by a cop
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Weed + captain morgan + off-road truck = truck in a ditch
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: I'd do unthinkable things to Carrie Underwood
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Reading my wife's trash magazines when I'm bored
    Favorite band of all-time? Slightly Stoopid or James Taylor
    The sun or the moon? Late afternoons or early mornings. My sleep schedule is completely unpredictable with work and class, but I'm my best/most productive during either of those extremes.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Beating the shit out of my biological father. Needless to say, I don't speak to him.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Seattle (and I've traveled to many other countries... can't stand Paris)
    Ideal vacation spot? Alaskan cruise. That was part of our honeymoon.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? I survived a brain tumor at 19, and re-taught myself --sans therapy -- how to walk, handwrite, and do math.
    Number of deaths? Like, deaths in my family? We've been very fortunate thus far, and have had none within the immediate family, though I almost popped that cherry (see: above).
    Favorite Sport: Basketball to watch. Flag football or cycling to play.
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: any NASCAR race
    Favorite Poison: gin
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes, but not permanently.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? My mother
    Favorite Porn Star: Nessa Devil
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not pursuing road cycling (think: Lance Armstrong) at a younger age.
    Most despised sports team: Any team Derek Fisher is on.
    What you drink when you wake up: Flavored water. No, I'm not gay.
    How old are you? 22
    Favorite movie? Baseketball or Dumb & Dumber
    Have you ever been knocked out? Not that I remember
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? never
    Top or Bottom? Top
    How many jobs have you held? 1
    Ever given or received anal? Given once (it was an "accident")
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Same thing I'm doing now for work.
    Favorite smell? BBQ
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes, multiple times within about a week period at the hospital. The worst part wasn't seeing them though, it was HEARING them (see: PTSD, brain tumor above)
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? My wedding.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? Am married, would only kill to protect my country/property/family, like to fuck
    Do you feel you are successful? Very much so.
    Shoe size: 11
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Wouldn't be about the money, but Austin, TX
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? Wife is a little less than a year younger
    Favorite Internet Meme: I'm still a fan of Rick Rolling
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Oh fuck if I know
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs, and hell no to cats
    Do you have any kids? No.
    Ass or Titties? Used to be ass, but now it's tits
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 120-ish
    What do you drive? 2010 Tahoe
    Closest book to you at the moment? 48 Laws of Power
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Mojitos when made well; gin and tonics or on the rocks if I'm somewhere that doesn't make great mojitos
    How often do you check Facebook? Recently deleted it, used to check every day.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Road cycling race, or run a marathon.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? I kinda flew under the radar
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Childrens' Brain Tumor Foundation,
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Had enough of the beach, let's to skiing and drinking
    Rock, paper, scissors? Paper
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Winston Churchill
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Lance Armstrong, David Robinson, Gregg Popovich
    Did you like IHTSBIH? Surprisingly, I liked it a lot, and more the more I watch it. Not great, but infinitely watchable.
    Whats your theme song?: Only the Good Die Young- Billy Joel
    Favorite Book: Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath
    Favorite candy: Twizlers
    Worst Movie I've seen: Dudle Doright
    Philosopher? didn't pay attention during that class
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Early colonial period of America would have been interesting
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Professional cyclist, or famous author.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Financial advisor.
    Favorite TV show of all time? Modern Marvels has rarely let me down
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? mother
    Who do you most resemble? I rarely hear a comparison
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Homer Simpson
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Mother
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? I don't have one
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Nope. I'd rather not bleed a quarter of the month.
    Favourite pizza topping? Meat lovers or the equivalent (god that sounds gay)
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Condom sex
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Register for the lsat... I need to get on that
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? Yes.
    Your most guilty bad habit? drinking
    What are you irrationally afraid of? reliving my hospital experience (see: PTSD)
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? I don't care; they wouldn't see much so I hope they have a zoom lens (kidding... kind of)
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I believe in a higher power of some kind
    Favorite sound? I like it when it's really raining and thundering hard
    Favorite food: Homemade french fries
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? James Taylor

    New one:

    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Real World
  2. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Age of first kiss: 13
    Age of first orgasm: 17
    Age when first blowjob given: 15
    Age when first blowjob received: N/A
    Age when virginity lost: 15
    First kind of drink you ever had: Natty Light beer
    Age when first drunk: 15
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 14
    Age when smoked first weed: 14
    Age of first broken bone : Never broken a bone.....*crosses fingers*
    Age of first cavity: 22
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 17, snorted Ritalin. Does that count?
    First song you ever downloaded: Oochie Wally, by Nas
    Are you here to fuck Chater? No, thanks. NettDaddy on the other hand........
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Augusta, GA to Amsterdam
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Summer
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Bambi
    Do you own a gun? Of course.
    Current relationship status? Single. Not ready to mingle.
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? NO
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Getting back together with the ex....big mistake.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Joe Mangianello (Alcide from True Blood)
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 3, maybe a 3.5
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter for plot, LOTR for characters
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Venti light mocha frappuccino from Starbucks
    Favorite band of all-time? Foreigner
    The sun or the moon? Sun.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Finding out the secret to the universe...and then immediately forgetting upon awakening.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Toss up between New Orleans and Nice, France
    Ideal vacation spot? Greece.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? I am a GREAT suitcase packer. Seriously. It's unreal how much shit I can jam into a bag, neatly folded.
    Number of deaths? 6
    Favorite Sport: To watch? Rugby. To play? Volleyball.
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Never taken a road trip, so....N/A
    Favorite Poison: Sex
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Myself.
    Favorite Porn Star: Sasha Gray right now.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not participating in my own future for a while in my late teens.
    Most despised sports team: Steelers. Yeah, I said it.
    What you drink when you wake up: Coffee.
    How old are you? 24
    Favorite movie? Wall-E.
    Have you ever been knocked out? No.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 4
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? 8
    Ever given or received anal? Received. Interested in giving, but no takers thus far.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Accumulate PhD's and travel.
    Favorite smell? Grass....the kind on the lawn, not the kind in a joint.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? I don't have one.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Hahahaha......yes.
    Marry/kill/fuck? Marry Michael Cera, Kill Glenn Beck, Fuck Russell Brand.
    Do you feel you are successful? Not at the moment, no.
    Shoe size:7
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? New Orleans.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Not directly, but I think we've all paid/been paid for it indirectly
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 7 years. I was 19, he was 26.
    Favorite Internet Meme: LOLcats
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): geigs
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs AND cats!
    Do you have any kids? No.
    Ass or Titties? Ass. I don't have a nice one, so I appreciate a great one when I come across it.
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 115.
    What do you drive? 2000 Jeep Cherokee
    Closest book to you at the moment? Agatha Christie's The Clocks
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Jack & Coke
    How often do you check Facebook? Daily.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Stand up comedy.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I cheated in economics.....which was bullshit. I did not. I studied with a tutor, though.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Oxfam
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach.
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock.
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? My grandpa.
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Lady Gaga, Carrie Fischer, and Tina Fey.
    Did you like IHTSBIH? It was extremely underwhelming and disappointing. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it.
    Whats your theme song?: The Fear, by Lily Allen.
    Favorite Book: Lolita--Nabokov
    Favorite candy: Dark Chocolate M&M's.
    Worst Movie I've seen: I Know Who Killed Me
    Philosopher? Mary Wollstonecraft
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Novelist.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Pulling my ass outta debt.
    Favorite TV show of all time? Law & Order SVU
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Neither.
    Who do you most resemble? Alyssa Milano
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Stewie Griffin.
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? I can't
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Hulk Hogan, obviously
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No.
    Favourite pizza topping? Bacon, mushrooms, pepperoni, extra cheese.
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex with a condom.
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Be kinder to my mother.
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? I got into where I wanted to go, but fucked it all up once I got there.
    Your most guilty bad habit? Lying to my parents....still.
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Getting a brain tumor and dropping dead one day, no warning.
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? NOT KNOW. Gross.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? Still believe in God, N/A.
    Favorite sound? My brother's laugh.
    Favorite food: Fried pickles.
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Journey, Foreigner, and Styx combo.....'twas awesome.
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? The Real Housewives of.....whatever, really. Pick a city.

    New Question: Save the whales, or save the rainforest?
  3. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 10
    Age of first orgasm: 12
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: 17, it was disappointing
    Age when virginity lost: 18
    First kind of drink you ever had: Screwdrivers
    Age when first drunk:18
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 18
    Age when smoked first weed: 23
    Age of first broken bone : n/a
    Age of first cavity: 13
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: n/a
    First song you ever downloaded: I don't remember this shit
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Not unless he bought dinner
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Couple thousand miles.
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Fall in GA is divine.
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Field of Dreams
    Do you own a gun? No, but wish I did.
    Current relationship status? married with child
    Mac or PC? I wouldn't fuck Drew Barrymore.
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Driven drunk. Never busted, nor did anything happen, but not proud of it.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Kim Kardashian
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? n/a
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Reading my wife's OK Magazine while taking a shit!
    Favorite band of all-time? Pearl Jam
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience will bring money
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Rolling out of a moving car.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Denver
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? The company I created
    Number of deaths? Like, deaths in my immediate family? None, thank god.
    Favorite Sport: College football to watch, basketball to play.
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: See the parents in STL.
    Favorite Poison: tv
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Not really
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? My econ professor in college. He changed my outlook on finance.
    Favorite Porn Star: Three tits alien from Total Recall.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Having a serious girlfriend for the first two years of college.
    Most despised sports team: Who cares?
    What you drink when you wake up: usually water, but coffee is starting a comeback.
    How old are you? 30
    Favorite movie? Comedy? Tommy Boy, Drama? Either Fight Club or Boiler Room
    Have you ever been knocked out? No, but come close.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? One.
    Top or Bottom? Top is nice, but I can stick it in her bottom.
    How many jobs have you held? 7ish
    Ever given or received anal? n/a, I don't like my sex with grit
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Teach high school history or econ.
    Favorite smell? BBQ
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Only in videos.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? All of it
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No.
    Marry/kill/fuck? Married already, shoot Sarah Palin, and fuck her bullet-ridden corpse.
    Do you feel you are successful? Depends on the day.
    Shoe size: 13
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? NYC
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? she was 9 years older and fucked as such
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Shegirl- love you
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? One
    Ass or Titties? Whichever's in my mouth
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 110
    What do you drive? 2006 Ridgeline
    Closest book to you at the moment? More Money Than God- A bio on Hedge Funds.
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Any local micro-brew. Currently Sweetwater and Terrapin. Sometimes Red Brick.
    How often do you check Facebook? Daily, it's better than talking to people on the phone
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Teach high school.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I fucked this girl that was my lab partner. But she had a boyfriend at the time, continually flirted with me, and all I got out of it was blue balls.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? United Nations
    beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Southern atmosphere by a slim margin
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? My grandfather
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Bill Murray, Mark Cuban, and Barack Obama.
    Did you like IHTSBIH? At first yes. But every viewing gets worse.
    Whats your theme song?: Gambler
    Favorite Book: Stephen King's IT
    Favorite candy: Skittles
    Worst Movie I've seen: Crocodile Dundee 3
    Philosopher? Don't care
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? JFK Assassination
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Anything involving sales
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Retirement for my parents.
    Favorite TV show of all time? Full House
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Neither, they loved my sister most.
    Who do you most resemble? As gay as it sounds, Prince Charming. But that were her words, not mine.
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Homer Simpson
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Not sure
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Ali
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Sex is worth more than 5 mil.
    Favourite pizza topping? garlic
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? bj
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? recycle
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? Yes.
    Your most guilty bad habit? booze
    What are you irrationally afraid of? long-term failure
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Depends on who the neighbor is.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? Agnostic, extremely cynical of all organized religions
    Favorite sound? My daughter laughing
    Favorite food: Pulled pork
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Eagles
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Dating in the Dark.
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? How about we save ourselves first.

    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? Yes, Quizno's
  4. abneretta

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 19, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 5 (I had a boyfriend in kindergarten if that counts)
    Age of first orgasm: 17
    Age when first blowjob given: 15
    Age when first blowjob received: n/a
    Age when virginity lost: 17
    First kind of drink you ever had: Busch Light
    Age when first drunk:14
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 12
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone : n/a
    Age of first cavity: no idea
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: n/a
    First song you ever downloaded: probably an Eminem song
    Are you here to fuck Chater? maybe...
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Galveston, TX (I don't get out much)
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: I don't remember ever crying during a movie
    Do you own a gun? My deer rifle and my handgun
    Current relationship status? married
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? There are so many, I can't choose one.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Ryan Reynolds
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 2
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Jersey Shore, Real World, and Teen Mom (ie reality tv)
    Favorite band of all-time? Pearl Jam
    The sun or the moon? Today I could see the moon when the sun was out. So...that.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I never remember any of my dreams.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: I seriously never get to travel, St. Louis?
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? This is making me depressed...
    Number of deaths? 6
    Favorite Sport: Football, hands down
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: How many times can this remind me I've never been anywhere good?
    Favorite Poison: Crown and Coke
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I thought I did, but I was in high school so probably not
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? I do my own thing
    Favorite Porn Star: Don't have one.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Getting married so young
    Most despised sports team: Raiders
    What you drink when you wake up: When I go in at 4:30 I don't drink anything until I get to work and then it's usually a coke.
    How old are you? 23
    Favorite movie? Pulp Fiction or Boondock Saints, if mini-series count then Lonesome Dove
    Have you ever been knocked out? Nope
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? Twice
    Top or Bottom? Usually bottom, I get self conscious
    How many jobs have you held? 6
    Ever given or received anal? No
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? As little as possible somewhere tropical
    Favorite smell? The air right before it rains
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Dying
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? As stupid as it sounds, my sophomore year of high school. What a blast.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No.
    Marry/kill/fuck? Ryan Reynolds/Lady Gaga/Christian Kane
    Do you feel you are successful? Not so much
    Shoe size: 7
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Hawaii
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? I've had sex on the clock at work, does that count?
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 10 years my senior, was the best sex I've ever had to this day.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): taste_my_rainbow
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? titties, of course
    Fastest you ever been in a vehicle? 120
    What do you drive? 2005 Ford Focus
    Closest book to you at the moment? The Passage by Justin Cronin, highly recommended
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? I thought we already did this one, Crown and Coke
    How often do you check Facebook? Way too often, it's on my phone.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Skydive
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Apparently at FFA State Convention I gave 10 guys head. Impressive, I know. The grain of truth was that I had snuck into the guys' motel suite, which he shared with like 9 other guys.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Underprivileged kids
    beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Southern atmosphere, no question
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? My uncle Randy, coolest guy ever
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, and Robert Heinlein
    Did you like IHTSBIH? When I drove 45 minutes to see it in the theater, yes. Subsequent viewings...meh.
    Whats your theme song?: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off? I have no idea.
    Favorite Book: Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
    Favorite candy: Reese's Pieces
    Worst Movie I've seen: Twilight (a friend made me see it with her in the theater)
    Philosopher? Fuck if I know
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? The Revolutionary War
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Actor
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Paying off all my debts.
    Favorite TV show of all time? It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Daddy's girl, 100%
    Who do you most resemble? Not sure
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Kenny
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? As evil as it makes me to choose, my Dad
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Rocky?
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No thank you.
    Favourite pizza topping? Just one? I prefer meat-lovers
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Why do I want to be a better person again?
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? I kind of pared down my goals when I started dating my husband, so I didn't even apply where I would have.
    Your most guilty bad habit? smoking
    What are you irrationally afraid of? spiders
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Ignorance is bliss
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I've actually just started questioning in the last year, still unsure
    Favorite sound? Crickets on a quiet night
    Favorite food: My dad's bacon wrapped lasagna
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Pearl Jam
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Jersey Shore
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Rainforest
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? No

    New Question:

    Favorite NFL team: KC Chiefs
  5. TX.

    Expand Collapse
    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    ]Age of first kiss: 16
    Age of first orgasm: 16
    Age when first blowjob given: 18
    Age when first blowjob received: n/a
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Something lame like Bacardi Silver
    Age when first drunk:18
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 18
    Age when smoked first weed: 18
    Age of first broken bone : 12
    Age of first cavity: n/a
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: n/a
    First song you ever downloaded: I don't remember
    Are you here to fuck Chater? thanks, but no
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Greece
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: The Land Before Time
    Do you own a gun? no
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? Mac
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? There are so many, I can't choose one.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Can't pick just one. Mark Wahlberg tonight.
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 3 or 4
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Pop music, especially Lady Gaga. Lately I've had her, Usher, and JT on a constant rotation.
    Favorite band of all-time? Ghostland
    The sun or the moon? sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Falling
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: NYC
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Being selected for original work by an Emmy-award winning choreographer. He liked me.
    Number of deaths? Too many
    Favorite Sport: Football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Savannah, Austin, Denver
    Favorite Poison: Vodka
    Have you ever had your heart broken? of course
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Many people and experiences.
    Favorite Porn Star: Don't have one.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not moving to NYC with a bf when I had the chance. I thought moving for a guy would be compromising. I should've done it.
    Most despised sports team: Don't care
    What you drink when you wake up: Water
    How old are you? 27
    Favorite movie? Amelie
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 6
    Top or Bottom? top
    How many jobs have you held? A lot.
    Ever given or received anal? No
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Travel the world with 15 of my closest friends
    Favorite smell? Jasmine
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Performing
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Of course!
    Marry/kill/fuck? No/no/no
    Do you feel you are successful? Yes
    Shoe size: 6
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? 3 homes: Austin, NYC, and CO
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? no, but I've been offered money for a date
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 16 years. I like older men, what can I say?
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): I don't know
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? cats
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vehicle? 90
    What do you drive? 2009 Honda Accord
    Closest book to you at the moment? Assorted academic books
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? vodka straight up
    How often do you check Facebook? Way too often, it's on my phone.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Backpack across Eurpoe
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? None. I was hardly in my high school. Nobody gave a shit. I flew under the radar.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Make A Wish Foundation
    beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? beach
    Rock, paper, scissors? Scissors
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Gayle
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Jackie O, Audrey Hepburn, Margot Fonteyn
    Did you like IHTSBIH? n/a
    Whats your theme song?: Poker Face
    Favorite Book: Memoirs of a Geisha
    Favorite candy: Reese's PB Cups
    Worst Movie I've seen: the Expendables
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? WWII
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Singer
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? New cars for everyone I love
    Favorite TV show of all time? It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Daddy's girl
    Who do you most resemble? Zooey Deschanel/Katy Perry/my MOM
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Stewie Griffin
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Can't answer that
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? n/a
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No thank you.
    Favourite pizza topping? Just one? Cheese
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Be more patient with people
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? Yes
    Your most guilty bad habit? Procrastinating
    What are you irrationally afraid of? flying
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? rather not know
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? n/a
    Favorite sound? My cat when he gets excited. He makes this half-meow/half-yelp like he's just soooo excited to be playing catch w/ me.
    Favorite food: sushi
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? the Flaming Lips/Ghostland Observatory
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Jersey Shore
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Rainforest
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? No
    Favorite NFL team: Cowboys, if I have to pick one

    New question: What are you self-conscious about?
  6. jets22

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    DELETED at request of poster who had premature epostulation.
  7. jets22

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Take two:
    Age of first kiss: 16
    Age of first orgasm: 11 or 12? Don't really remember
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: 18
    Age when virginity lost: 17
    First kind of drink you ever had: Wine, as a kid
    Age when first drunk: 16. Fairly certain it was off of Mikes Hard Lemonade. Fuck me, the only person that could get booze at the time was a girl. We were at her mercy.
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 16
    Age when smoked first weed: 17
    Age of first broken bone : Never (knock on wood)
    Age of first cavity: 14 or 15.
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 19, salvia.
    First song you ever downloaded: No idea. Probably some blink-182 song.
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Not a chance. I doubt he'll mind.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? NJ to Lake Tahoe
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? In the fall, winter. In the spring, summer.
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Rudy
    Do you own a gun? Nope
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Never
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Long story involving trusting random strangers in NYC entirely too much.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Mila Kunis
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? Closer to 1 than 2... Most of you 0's are full of shit.
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Shitty "reality" TV.
    Favorite band of all-time? Tough call. Probably Foo Fighters
    The sun or the moon? Moon. My sleep schedule is all fucked up.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Assuming experiences don't cost money, definitely experience.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm on the top of a cliff (canyon?), watching two groups of soldiers shooting at each other at the bottom, and I'm constantly dodging stray rounds and mortars.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Venice
    Ideal vacation spot? Small resort on an island in the South Pacific
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Crushing 5 AP exams my Junior year of HS. Probably the hardest 3 months of high school/college/reality (to this point) that I've ever worked. Coming home with five 5's was unbelievably satisfying.
    Number of deaths? 3, all grandparents/older relatives.
    Favorite Sport: Hockey or Soccer
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Montreal. Guess I haven't made nearly enough road trips.
    Favorite Poison: Strychnine
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I've thought so at the time, but not really.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Fear of failure
    Favorite Porn Star: Penny Flame (these days... subject to change)
    What is your biggest regret in life? Letting a girl fuck with my head and string me along for anywhere close to as long as I did.
    Most despised sports team: Red Sox/Patriots/New England Fair-weathers
    What you drink when you wake up: Water
    How old are you? 23
    Favorite movie? The Big Lebowski
    Have you ever been knocked out? No. Fainted a bunch of times growing up, but that's about it.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? Twice, but never further than a half hour away.
    Top or Bottom? Top (for both of our sakes
    How many jobs have you held? 4
    Ever given or received anal? Never. Though not for lack of trying.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Two chicks at the same time.
    Favorite smell? Tossup between BBQ and gasoline.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Nope
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Junior year of college
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Nope.
    Marry/kill/fuck? On TiB? Jennitalia/Don't really hate anyone, but Durbie Downer is probably closest/Shegirl
    Do you feel you are successful? It's a work in progress, but on my way.
    Shoe size: 10.5
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere tropical and laid back as hell. Not too picky.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 9. I was the cradle robbee.
    Favorite Internet Meme: Of the moment? Epic Sax Guy
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Pimptress
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs. No question.
    Do you have any kids? No.
    Ass or Titties? Tits
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 125. (not in my car. it'd probably explode. see next)
    What do you drive? Late 90s Pathfinder
    Closest book to you at the moment? Moneyball
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Bourbon & giner ale.
    How often do you check Facebook? Every couple days, unless I get a message/invite/whatever
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Skydiving
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Can't think of much of anything. All guys HS = no drama.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Wounded Warrior Project
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Skiing
    Rock, paper, scissors? Paper
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Ben Franklin
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Franklin, Mark Cuban, Gary Bettman (but only so I could kick him squarely in the nuts)
    Did you like IHTSBIH? First two times I saw it, I liked it alot. I've seen it twice since then and been thorougly unimpressed, save for a few of Drew's lines
    Whats your theme song?:
    Favorite candy: Peanut M&Ms
    Worst Movie I've seen: Ocean's Twelve
    Philosopher? Voltaire
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Iwo Jima. Can't imagine alot that could be more inspiring.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Ski resort reviewer/travel guide author.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? A $20,000 party for everyone I know/am related to, on the understanding that they would never hit me up for money after that. Next, a financial planner.
    Favorite TV show of all time? LOST, hands down.
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Dad
    Who do you most resemble? Never heard anything, save for one girl who thought my friend and I were twins, and I've heard him repeatedly compared to Edward from Twilight. That girl was dumb.
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Dad
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Pacquiao
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Nope. Writing in the snow is way worth it.
    Favourite pizza topping? Steak & Bacon
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex, unless she really knows what she's doing.
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Demand a raise or quit my job for something better.
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? Yup. I just fucked things up from there.
    Your most guilty bad habit? Cigs. Most of my other vices are fairly widely accepted.
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Not sure how irrational, but large or otherwise hairy/creepy insects.
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? I'd rather know. At least then I could sue him for royalties.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I have complicated religious beliefs. When I started having serious problems with the catholic church? around 15 or so.
    Favorite sound? Crashing waves
    Favorite food: Ribeye steak, rare to medium rare.
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? The Police
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Jersey Shore. I used to have a bunch more but VH1 got over their "shitty pseudo-celebrity reality dating show" phase.
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Decapitated. Heard way too many horror stories about people trapped in fires. (and jesus, you're a sick fuck for this question)
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: A
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Nobody made the "two chicks at the same time" joke.
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Yup. There's history involved but that ship has sailed. We managed to keep a pretty awesome friendship that I wouldn't trade for a whole hell of a lot.
    What motivates people, sex or power? If we're boiled down to our most basic instincts, it's gotta be sex.

    This survey's long enough as it is.
  8. PewPewPow

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ideal vacation spot? Thailand
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Making sergeant in the army
    Number of deaths? 10
    Favorite Sport: Soccer
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Austin, TX
    Favorite Poison: Potassium Chloride
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm not entirely convinced I have one.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Afghanistan, seems like I wasted a year of my life in that shit hole, now I just want to live free of responsibility for a while.
    Favorite Porn Star: Allie Sin
    What is your biggest regret in life? It's a little too deep to get into here, I blame myself for getting a good friend of mine hurt.
    Most despised sports team: I don't really give a shit about sports.
    What you drink when you wake up: Chocolate milk
    How old are you? 23
    Favorite movie? Fight Club
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yep, well choked out, same thing.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 7
    Top or Bottom? Bottom, I like tits in my face
    How many jobs have you held? 2
    Ever given or received anal? Gave once
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Take a year to travel, then go to some Ivy League school
    Favorite smell? Curry
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? The year I lived in Germany, good times.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Haha, wouldn't be a secret if I shared who it was.
    Marry/kill/fuck? Marriage is for people who gave up looking for something better/ the cast of Jersey Shore/ Isla Fisher
    Do you feel you are successful? Not really, but I'm happy.
    Shoe size: 10
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Italy
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Yes, when I was younger.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 11, I was 19 she was 32. I lied and said I was 23 which kinda gets her off the hook.
    Favorite Internet Meme: Of the moment? I still like trollface.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Pimptress
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? I like lizards, I want to get a tegu eventually.
    Do you have any kids? fuck no
    Ass or Titties? Tits by far
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 140, it was a sweet new Mercedes on the German autobahn
    What do you drive? 2008 Honda fit
    Closest book to you at the moment? "The City and The City" by China Mieville
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Caipirinha (Cachaca, lime juice and brown sugar)
    How often do you check Facebook? I just got rid of it yesterday.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Fuck in space
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Some people thought I had died because I skipped school for six weeks.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Wounded Warrior Project
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? A quiet beach, not some rat hole like South Padre or Cancun.
    Rock, paper, scissors? scissors
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Julius Caesar
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who? President Obama, Bill Maher, and Grigory Perelman.
    Did you like IHTSBIH? I liked the book, the movie sucked balls, and I was embarassed that I brought my friends to go see it.
    Favorite candy: apricot fruit leather
    Worst Movie I've seen: Cube 2
    Philosopher? Sun Tzu
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? The fall of Rome.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Travel guide author
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? A plane ticket to Bangkok.
    Favorite TV show of all time? Entourage
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? I used to be a mama's boy, now I regularly grab a beer with my dad and talk about life, politics etc
    Who do you most resemble? People tell me I look like my dad all the time, which is worrisome since he's bald.
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Woody the Woodpecker
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Dad
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Anderson Silva
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No
    Favourite pizza topping? mushrooms
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? blowjob
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? visit my grandparents
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? It took a while but yes.
    Your most guilty bad habit? Eve Online, I'm such a nerd for that game.
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Falling, I climb and have no problem with heights, but falling/ jumping off of shit has never been my thing.
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Is my neighbor a hot chick?
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? It's more an absence of belief, the whole God thing was just never brought up. I started being anti-religion around 14-15.
    Favorite sound? Sex moans from a woman.
    Favorite food: Sushi
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? John Butler
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Hung
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Decapitation
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy? Define vanilla sex
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: boredom
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Yep, she damn smart and fuck if I'm going to mess things up by fucking her.
    What motivates people, sex or power? Power, we all know power begets sex.
  9. PewPewPow

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    SGEDIT: Double post.
  10. Captain Apathy

    Captain Apathy
    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 15
    Age of first orgasm: 13
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: 16
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Beer. I think it was Sam Adams
    Age when first drunk: 15
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 15.
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone : Never
    Age of first cavity: Never
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 19, mushrooms
    First song you ever downloaded: 3 Libras by A Perfect Circle
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Subconciously...there's a good chance.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Eastern Europe
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Summer
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Milo and Otis
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? Mac at home, PC at work
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Gave a ridiculous lie to a supervisor that resulted in me getting shitcanned.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Scarlett Johannson
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Coldplay
    Favorite band of all-time? Led Zeppelin. I'm original.
    The sun or the moon? The sun.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience. Money is overrated.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm on the LOST island and I have to kill someone.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Prague
    Ideal vacation spot? Hawaii
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Getting into every college I applied to.
    Number of deaths? 2 grandparents, one acquaintance in college
    Favorite Sport: To play: baseball. To watch: football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Las Vegas
    Favorite Poison: Not really a poison, but drano.
    Have you ever had your heart broken? On a daily basis.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? It's the only thing I can see myself doing in the long run.
    Favorite Porn Star: Bree Olson
    What is your biggest regret in life? Feeling sorry for myself too often
    Most despised sports team: The Yankees and the Patriots
    What you drink when you wake up: Orange juice
    How old are you? 23
    Favorite movie? the Godfather
    Have you ever been knocked out? No.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? Four times.
    Top or Bottom? Top
    How many jobs have you held? 2
    Ever given or received anal? No, though I'm open to the possibility.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Party nonstop for a month, then start something worthwhile.
    Favorite smell? The ocean
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? The night I lost my virginity.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? Marry Peggy, fuck Joan, kill Betty.
    Do you feel you are successful? Some days.
    Shoe size: 12
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not to far from where I am now. At least for the time being.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 1 year.
    Favorite Internet Meme: Miss Teen South Carolina
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Frylock
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Cats.
    Do you have any kids? No.
    Ass or Titties? Tits
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? Once got my dad's Volvo to 115.
    What do you drive? No car. I live in a city.
    Closest book to you at the moment? The Boys on the Bus
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Jack and coke
    How often do you check Facebook? Twice a day
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Go to the Super Bowl
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? I took advantage of a girl at a party. Slightly true, but we didn't do anything more than kissing. I didn't even cop a feel.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? the Red Cross
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach
    Rock, paper, scissors? Scissors
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Mark Twain
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Twain, Hunter S. Thompson, Kurt Vonnegut
    Did you like IHTSBIH? I'd give it a 5.5/10
    Whats your theme song?: How far we've come by Matchbox 20
    Favorite candy: Skittles
    Worst Movie I've seen: Eragon
    Philosopher? Kurt Vonnegut
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? The signing of the Declaration of Independence.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Columnist and purveyor of wit.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Massive orgy.
    Favorite TV show of all time? The Simpsons
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Dad
    Who do you most resemble? When I wear glasses, Harry Potter.
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Dr. Zoidberg
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Dad
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Jack Johnson
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No.
    Favourite pizza topping? Pepperoni
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Volunteer
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? Yes
    Your most guilty bad habit? Jerking off to pornhub or xvideos.
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Getting struck by lightning.
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Ignorance is bliss.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I've been pretty agnostic since fifth grade.
    Favorite sound? Girls moaning
    Favorite food: Chicken Parmesan
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Incubus
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Real World
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Beheaded.
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: B
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Bored at work.
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? I have two female friends I'm not attracted to and trust completely.
    What motivates people, sex or power? Sex, in a roundabout sort of way.
  11. Durej

    Expand Collapse

    Jan 27, 2010
    Oregon, USA
    Age of first kiss: 12
    Age of first orgasm: 12-13
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: 19
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Budweiser
    Age when first drunk: 16
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 18. 1st and only one
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone : Never
    Age of first cavity: I dont know 13
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: Does Salvia count? 20
    First song you ever downloaded: Nickelback - How you remind me (Just a guess I honestly cant remember)
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Na he's a big whore I hear
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Salt Lake City OR Santa Monica
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Winter only for snowboarding
    First movie you shed a tear watching: The Green Mile
    Do you own a gun? Yes
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Been Handcuffed but not arrested
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Blacked out and got a Blow J from some fatty at a party...I meant in front of the party
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Kate Beckinsale
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Big Brother reality show
    Favorite band of all-time? The Doors
    The sun or the moon? The Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money to make experience's
    Non-standard recurring dreams?Constantly dieing in a car crash
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Boise Idaho. Yea I haven't been to many places
    Ideal vacation spot? Europe. I'm a big WWII buff so it would be hella cool to see all that history
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Serving my country
    Number of deaths? 3 Great Grandparents, 1 Grandparent, One great uncle (pretty much my other Grandpa) 2 Friends.
    Favorite Sport: Football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Santa Monica
    Favorite Poison: Alcohol is my poison
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Who hasn't
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Me Myself and I
    Favorite Porn Star: Right now probably Jenna Haze
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not starting college sooner
    Most despised sports team: The Patriots or Boise State
    What you drink when you wake up: Orange juice
    How old are you? 24
    Favorite movie? Animal House
    Have you ever been knocked out? Stunned but not knocked out
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? Twice
    Top or Bottom? Both
    How many jobs have you held? 3
    Ever given or received anal? No and I dont want to try it.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do?Entourage style. Get a big house and move my close friends in.
    Favorite smell? Pine Trees
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Last night of Basic Training
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Not really I appreciate the boobie thread though.
    Marry/kill/fuck? TiB style Marry jennitalia, Fuck SheGirl and Kill Frebis. Sure why not.
    Do you feel you are successful? Sometimes
    Shoe size: 10
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? I haven't found anywhere in particular but I wouldn't stay where I am now.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 6 Years
    Favorite Internet Meme: OLD GREGG
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Who ever has the one with Jason Statham saying "Cunt"
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No.
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 120
    What do you drive? 1997 Honda Accord
    Closest book to you at the moment? A Clockwork Orange
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Rum and coke
    How often do you check Facebook? Everyday
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Go to a Civil war game Oregon vs. Oregon State
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Some people described me as Steve-O after seeing me party.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Local Animal Humane Society just to get it finished then ASPCA
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Ski Lodge
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Henry VIII
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Alive or dead? Jesus, Henry VIII and Nostradamus.
    Did you like IHTSBIH? 2/10 Horrible movie only laughed a couple of times
    Whats your theme song?: Lazy Afternoon - Rebelution
    Favorite candy: Reese's
    Worst Movie I've seen: Surfer Dude. Stupid roommates who love Mcconafag
    Philosopher? N/a
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? The downfall of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Director
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Pay off all my parents bills
    Favorite TV show of all time? Lost. I never missed an episode
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Mommas boy I admit
    Who do you most resemble? Girls use to say Shia LeBouf but as of late Ive been told Micheal Cera
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Archer or Cartman or Stewie. Shit I don't know I love them all
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Stupid Question
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Gray Maynard or Anderson Silva when he isn't being a bitch.
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No No No
    Favourite pizza topping? Pepperoni
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex, Unless its Angelina Jolie giving the Blow J
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Give more of my O- Blood
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? N/A
    Your most guilty bad habit? Kinda Messy
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Global warming HaHa Kidding
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Not Know
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I Believe in God
    Favorite sound? The Rain
    Favorite food: Anything Italian
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? The Killers
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Big Brother
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Burn
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: B
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Bored
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? I have one roommate who I'm not really attracted too but she is great. Two other girls I once had the hots for but realized they are just not my type.
    What motivates people, sex or power? POWER.

    Ever had a Threesome? Yes
    Longest you've went without sex (No smart ass comment about being a virgin for 16 years)? 7 Months
  12. WickedBitch

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 1, 2010
    Age of first kiss: 14
    Age of first orgasm: 5
    Age when first blowjob given: 16
    Age when first blowjob received: N/A
    Age when virginity lost: 15
    First kind of drink you ever had: Amaretto Di Saronno, straight
    Age when first drunk: 18
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 9
    Age when smoked first weed: 14
    Age of first broken bone : 10
    Age of first cavity: 8
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 18, LSD
    First song you ever downloaded: One Last Cry - Brian McKnight
    Are you here to fuck Chater? I'll fuck anyone right about now (male).
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Puerto Rico
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: The Neverending Story
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? Married
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Yes
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Skipped college
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Joseph Gordon Levitt
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Nickelback
    Favorite band of all-time? Modest Mouse
    The sun or the moon? The moon.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money. Experience is a tricky thing.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm in a pitch black house with ghosts. The lights won't turn on and I can't find my kids, who are screaming for me.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Highlands, NC
    Ideal vacation spot? Any remote tropical island
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Having great kids.
    Number of deaths? Mom, all 4 grandparents, countless good friends
    Favorite Sport: football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Myrtle Beach
    Favorite Poison: Rum
    Have you ever had your heart broken? All the time.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? My kids
    Favorite Porn Star: Whichever one eats pussy
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not going to college
    Most despised sports team: The Yankees and the Cowboys
    What you drink when you wake up: Water
    How old are you? 33
    Favorite movie? Re-Animator
    Have you ever been knocked out? No.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? Too many to count
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? Too many to count
    Ever given or received anal? Received, yes but I am not a fan.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Buy a house on aforementioned remote tropical island and live the rest of my days in a grass skirt on the beach.
    Favorite smell? Clean baby
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? The Phil Collins concert
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Yes
    Marry/kill/fuck? Marry Alton Brown, fuck Scott Conant, kill Sandra Lee (Food Network references)
    Do you feel you are successful? Monetarily? No.
    Shoe size: 10
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Hawaii
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 20 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: LOLcats
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Tweetybird
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Strange animals. I would love to have an otter.
    Do you have any kids? Yes
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 105
    What do you drive? Ford Freestyle
    Closest book to you at the moment? House Rules
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? If I'm at a bar? Blue Kamikaze
    How often do you check Facebook? All the freaking time
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Be in a movie
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I had AIDS
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? St. Jude Children's Hospital or the Humane Society
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? My mom
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Sandra Bullock, Giada DeLaurentiis, Betty White
    Did you like IHTSBIH? Didn't see the movie but the book was just okay.
    Whats your theme song?: Not Falling - Mudvayne
    Favorite candy: Mounds
    Worst Movie I've seen: Hallow's Point
    Philosopher? Confucious
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? The Boston Molasses Disaster
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Mattress tester - so sleepy
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Buy a house and new car
    Favorite TV show of all time? Good Eats
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Momma's girl
    Who do you most resemble? My dad (I look like no one famous)
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Chip & Dale
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Mom
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? I have no clue
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Sure! I've always wanted to pee standing up
    Favourite pizza topping? Tomatoes
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Bareback blowjob
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Quit being a slob
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? No
    Your most guilty bad habit? Soda addiction
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Monkeys
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Not know.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? Middle school
    Favorite sound? Paper bags
    Favorite food: Steak
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Phil Collins
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Keeping up with the Kardashians
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Pearled
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: B - I'm already living A without the benefit
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: My love of talking about myself
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Yes
    What motivates people, sex or power? Sex
    Ever had a Threesome? No
    Longest you've went without sex (No smart ass comment about being a virgin for 16 years)? 14 months

    Extra questions:

    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? Yes
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? No
  13. taste_my_rainbow

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 13
    Age of first orgasm: 14 or 15
    Age when first blowjob given: 16
    Age when first blowjob received: I have no penis
    Age when virginity lost: 16
    First kind of drink you ever had: Beer
    Age when first drunk: I was a drunk toddler...
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 15
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone : Never
    Age of first cavity: 9
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: ecstasy, 21
    First song you ever downloaded: No idea.
    Are you here to fuck Chater? No, but I've never done a Canadian so...
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? ~3000 miles, Vancouver
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Autumn
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Bambi
    Do you own a gun? Yes
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? Mac
    Have you ever been arrested? Never
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Became bulimic on purpose
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Jason Statham
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 2.5
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Dessert
    Favorite band of all-time? The Police
    The sun or the moon? Moon.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? money.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? N/A
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Charleston, SC
    Ideal vacation spot? a quiet beach
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? I buy awesome gifts
    Number of deaths? Including family and close friends, 9
    Favorite Sport: Baseball
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: The beach (NC or SC)
    Favorite Poison: Champagne
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? my own misfortunes as a child
    Favorite Porn Star: Peter North
    What is your biggest regret in life? no regrets...
    Most despised sports team: UNC
    What you drink when you wake up: Mt. Dew
    How old are you? 28
    Favorite movie? Shag
    Have you ever been knocked out? Once by an abusive boyfriend in high school.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? None
    Top or Bottom? Top
    How many jobs have you held? 7
    Ever given or received anal? yes and it wasn't pleasant
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Travel and do volunteer work with animals
    Favorite smell? Freshly cut grass
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? The day my brother took his (2nd) first steps
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Kinda.
    Marry/kill/fuck? On TiB? iczorro/samr/dewercs
    Do you feel you are successful? Moderately
    Shoe size: 8.5/9
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Corolla, NC
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 23 years & we have the same birthday
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): NettData
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Tits
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 135
    What do you drive? VW Beetle
    Closest book to you at the moment? Not one in view other than my day planner
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Champagne & Chambord or Stoli & Tonic
    How often do you check Facebook? Couple times a day
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Open a bakery
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? I have no idea
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? ASPCA
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach
    Rock, paper, scissors? Scissors
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? my grandmother
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Julia Roberts, Eleanor Roosevelt, Madonna
    Did you like IHTSBIH? negative
    Whats your theme song?: Bulletproof - La Roux
    Favorite candy: Take 5
    Worst Movie I've seen: Mars Attacks
    Philosopher? n/a
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Sinatra live.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Own a B&B
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Student loans
    Favorite TV show of all time? Designing Women
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Daddy's girl
    Who do you most resemble? my mom's sister
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Perry the Platypus from Phineas & Ferb
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Lennox Lewis
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Definitely not.
    Favourite pizza topping? mushrooms
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? blowjob
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Be really honest
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? Yep
    Your most guilty bad habit? smoking
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Frogs
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? I'd want to know. If I couldn't press charges, I'd beat them almost to death with a piece of re-bar.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? N/A
    Favorite sound? Water lapping at the side of a boat
    Favorite food: Lima Beans
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Edwin McCain
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Say Yes To The Dress
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Pearl me... get it over with. (you're a sick twisted fuck for this)
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: B
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: I secretly love surveys
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Several
    What motivates people, sex or power? Sex is power so... power
    Ever had a Threesome? Yes (fmf and mfm)
    Longest you've went without sex? 8 months
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? Yes
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? No

    Is your signature legible? Mostly. I get called Brodie a lot and that's not my name.
    Name a random fact about yourself: I like cold scrambled eggs.
  14. Firefnd1982

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 16
    Age of first orgasm: 12
    Age when first blowjob given: N/A
    Age when first blowjob received: N/A
    Age when virginity lost: N/A
    First kind of drink you ever had: Dr Magillicuttys Menthol mint Schnapps
    Age when first drunk: 15
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 18
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone : 9
    Age of first cavity: N/A
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 17, LSD
    First song you ever downloaded: Don't Remember
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Uhh no
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Puerto Penasco, Mexico
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate? Summer
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Where the Red Fern Grows
    Do you own a gun? Many
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Yes
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Skipped college
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Olivia Munn
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? World of Warcraft
    Favorite band of all-time? Tim McGraw or Pantera
    The sun or the moon? The moon.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience, but i would like money...
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Don't really get any recurring dreams
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Breckenridge, CO
    Ideal vacation spot? Colorado Rockies
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Getting my paramedic license
    Number of deaths? Some aunts and uncles no direct family, and a few friends
    Favorite Sport: football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Rocky Mountains
    Favorite Poison: Rumple Minze
    Have you ever had your heart broken? yup, a lot
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? My friends parents
    Favorite Porn Star: The hot chick... don't really have one.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not putting any effort into high school, then dropping out when i didn't graduate
    Most despised sports team: The Patriots
    What you drink when you wake up: Sugar Free Redbull
    How old are you? 28
    Favorite movie? The Last Samurai
    Have you ever been knocked out? No.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 5
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? 8
    Ever given or received anal? Nope
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Move to Colorado, buy a ton of property in the mountains and do outdoors stuff all the time.
    Favorite smell? The smell when your out in the country with nothing around and it just got done raining
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes, all the time. It's part of my job
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Not sure
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? Marry - Olivia Munn, Kill - Jane Fonda (Vietnam traitor), Fuck - Mila Kunis
    Do you feel you are successful? Monetarily? No.
    Shoe size: 14-15
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Breckenridge, CO
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? N/A
    Favorite Internet Meme: Demotivators
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): katokoch's
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 150mph
    What do you drive? Chevy Silverado
    Closest book to you at the moment? The Bear and the Dragon - Tom Clancey
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Captain and Coke
    How often do you check Facebook? Way too often
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Snowmobile Trip
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? None
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Funny enough, it would be my work (they are a charitable organization)
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Ski Lodge
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? George Carlin
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, and Bill Engval
    Did you like IHTSBIH? Movie -Meh, Book - Funny as hell
    Whats your theme song?: Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
    Favorite candy: Peanut M&M's
    Worst Movie I've seen: Blair Witch Project
    Philosopher? Confucious (ditto)
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Signing of the Declaration of Independence
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Music Producer
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? New Truck
    Favorite TV show of all time? Sons of Anarchy
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Neither
    Who do you most resemble? no clue, i don't think i look like either, but i think people would lean to my mom
    Favorite Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny?
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Neither
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Forrest Griffin
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Nah, I'm good
    Favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex with condom
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Stop being lazy
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? No
    Your most guilty bad habit? Smoking
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Heights
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Not know.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I believe there is a higher power, we just don't know what the hell it is, considered myself a christian until about 5 years ago
    Favorite sound? Thunderstorm
    Favorite food: Mexican
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Brooks and Dunn
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Tosh.0
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? I will go with burned
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: A
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Boredom
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? One or Two
    What motivates people, sex or power? Sex
    Ever had a Threesome? No
    Longest you've went without sex (No smart ass comment about being a virgin for 16 years)? N/A
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? No
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? Yes
    Is your signature legible? For the most part no
    Name a random fact about yourself: I put lettuce on my hotdogs

    Extra Questions
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend? Told his girlfriend he was cheating
    What do you do for work? Paramedic
  15. kdeuce

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Perhaps it's a mild form of OCD, but it was bugging me that some questions got lost in the mix. So I grabbed the original list and then the extra questions from every post and compiled them... So this is the real full list.

    Age of first kiss: 18
    Age of first orgasm: 13
    Age when first blowjob given: N/A
    Age when first blowjob received: 20
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Beast Light from a keg
    Age when first drunk: 18
    Age when smoked first cigarette: N/A
    Age when smoked first weed: N/A
    Age of first broken bone: N/A
    Age of first cavity: 10ish
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: N/A
    First song you ever downloaded: Something Rap
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Nope
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? US-South Africa
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Winter
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Schindlers List
    Do you own a gun? Yes
    Current relationship status? Married
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Something involving my first car I'm sure
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Natalie Portman
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? LOTR
    Biggest guilty pleasure? HGTV
    Favorite band of all-time? No Idea
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm trying to run, but moving so so slow
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Salt Lake City
    Ideal vacation spot?: Big ski resort
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: My family
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)? 2
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak? How old were you? No
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Don't have inspiration, just admiration
    Favorite Porn Star: Kate's playground
    what is your biggest regret in life? Not pursuing a career earlier
    Most despised sports team: N/A
    What you drink when you wake up: Milk in my cereal
    How old are you? 26
    Favorite movie? What the Bleep do we know
    Have you ever been knocked out? When I was hit by a car at 6
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? All local but 4
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? 12
    Ever given or received anal? Nope
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do: Travel, travel, travel
    Favorite smell? Blueberry muffins
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Nope
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? No idea
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Nope
    TiB Members: Marry/Kill/Fuck? No idea
    Do you feel you are successful? Nope
    Shoe size: 11
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Somewhere scenic. Norway?
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 3 years...
    Favorite Internet Meme: Looter guy
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): No idea
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? 1, soon to be 2
    Ass or Titties? Tits
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 135
    What do you drive? Dodge Magnum
    Closest book to you at the moment? Candidate test preparation manual
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Natty Light
    How often do you check Facebook? 3-4 super quick checks a day with everything else
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Sky-diving
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? No idea
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Children burn units
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? ski lodge/winter
    Rock, paper scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be: No idea
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who? Don't think I would
    Did you like IHTSBIH? Never watched it
    Whats your theme song? Get some crunk in yo system
    Favorite book: Inside Delta Force
    Favorite enlightenment philosopher: No idea
    favorite candy: Take 5
    Worst movie you've seen: Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
    Who do you most resemble? Not sure
    Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes, with % of time: Nope
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? The great depression, as long as I don't have to stay
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Firefighter
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? My debt, then cars
    Favorite TV show of all time? Trailer park boys, Peepshow
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Neither
    Favorite cartoon character: Meatwad
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Dad
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? No idea
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? Not likely
    Favourite pizza topping? Pepperoni
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? BB-BJ
    Middle Name? Are you named after anyone? Michael, not that I know of
    Favourite color? Red
    Ever cheated on a significant other? Nope
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Judge less
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? No, no idea
    Your most guilty bad habit? Fast food
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Insects
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Burn, atleast it'd be quicker
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy? A
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Compulsion I suppose
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Yes
    What motivates people, sex or power? Both, mostly sex I assume
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Not know
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? 21
    Favorite sound? Fighter jets
    Favorite food: Pizza
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? No idea
    First CD you ever bought: Chris Rock - Bigger and Blacker
    You are granted one superpower. What is it?: Invisibility
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Next on MTV
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Rain forest seems like it'd have more positive effect
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? Nope
    Favorite NFL team: N/A
    What are you self-conscious about? Teeth
    Ever had a Threesome? Yes
    Longest you've went without sex: A few weeks
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? Nope
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? If they deserved it, yes
    Is your signature legible? Yes
    Name a random fact about yourself: I prefer my food at room temp
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend? Nothing really, I'm a good friend
    What do you do for work? Warehouse work, hate every second of it

    New Question:
    Biggest pet peeve: Advertisements, mainly commercials
  16. DrunkenCokeHead

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Age of first kiss: Around 11

    Age of first orgasm:12

    Age when first blowjob given:No

    Age when first blowjob received:15/16 something like that

    Age when virginity lost:15

    First kind of drink you ever had: Beer

    First time blackout drunk: 14, fucking Cuervo silver

    Age when first drunk: 11

    Age when smoked first cigarette: 11

    Age when smoked first weed: 12

    Age of first broken bone: Not yet

    Age of first cavity: 17

    First arrest: 19

    Last arrest: 29

    Prison: 2.5 years

    Job: Consultant $50,000+ per year

  17. Roxanne

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 14
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: 16
    Age when first blowjob received: N/A
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Absolut Vodka
    Age when first drunk: 16
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 19
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone: 15
    Age of first cavity: 8
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 17, Oxycontin
    First song you ever downloaded: The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Nope.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Oregon to Australia
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Spring
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Milo and Otis (THEY JUST WANTED TO BE FRIENDS)
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? Mac for art stuff, PC for games
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Not staying in Australia when I had the chance.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Alec Baldwin
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 3
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Jersey Shore
    Favorite band of all-time? Alice Cooper
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm in an aquarium but all the fish are freaky or dead.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: New Orleans
    Ideal vacation spot?: Caribbean
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: Raising my retarded dog
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)? 2
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak? How old were you? Yes, 17.
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? I watched Lassie once and she inspired me to have a sheep farm.
    Favorite Porn Star: I don't think I have a favorite right now.
    what is your biggest regret in life? Not going to a college with an actual campus life.
    Most despised sports team: I'm obligated to say the Canucks.
    What you drink when you wake up: Cardamom tea
    How old are you? 22
    Favorite movie? Tombstone
    Have you ever been knocked out? Not yet
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? All local except three (Meriden, CT to Poughkeepsie, NY to Portland, OR).
    Top or Bottom? Bottom, and top when I get bored.
    How many jobs have you held? 6
    Ever given or received anal? I haven't given it, but I've received it.
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do: Travel, then start a ranch somewhere.
    Favorite smell? Leather and hay.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Only on TV.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Driving cattle on an Australian station.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? BlueDog, he is so country!
    TiB Members: Marry/Kill/Fuck? shegirl/Chater (and absorb his powers)/Aetius
    Do you feel you are successful? Not yet
    Shoe size: 8
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Right now it would be Sweden.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Nope
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 20 years.
    Favorite Internet Meme: I don't know, I haven't can't really think of any right now.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): taste_my_rainbow's cracks me up.
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs and tigers.
    Do you have any kids? Nope
    Ass or Titties? It's so hard to choose...
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 100mph
    What do you drive? Nissan Altima
    Closest book to you at the moment? The Girl Who Played With Fire
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Jameson and Coke
    How often do you check Facebook? I'm usually on for chatting so I guess all day.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Bungee jumping.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I was dating my best friend. It was flattering, she was hot as shit.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Education reform.
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach, southern after months of Oregon rain.
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock wins every time.
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be: Marc Antony.
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who? Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Lizzie Caplan, and then we would have a nice orgy as an aperitif.
    Did you like IHTSBIH? It was alright. The men were pretty hot so that kept my interest until the end.
    What's your theme song? Circle of Life - The Lion King
    Favorite book: That's like asking to pick a favorite star or something. Terrible question.
    Favorite enlightenment philosopher: Oh who knows.
    Favorite candy: Dark chocolate Raisinets.
    Worst movie you've seen: Alexander.
    Who do you most resemble? My mom.
    Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes, with % of time: I only drink on flights when it's free.
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Roman patrician life.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Executive assistant to an influential senator.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? A house with a yard in a sunny area.
    Favorite TV show of all time? Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Ick, neither.
    Favorite cartoon character: Batman.
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? My mother.
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Blanca.
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No, but I might get bigger boobs.
    Favourite pizza topping? Pineapple.
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Why not both?
    Middle Name? Are you named after anyone? No middle name, and I suppose I'm named after a prostitute.
    Favourite color? My favorite crayon as a kid was Laser Yellow.
    Ever cheated on a significant other? I've never really had a significant other.
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Be more giving.
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? I got into the college I wanted but I didn't really want to go. I wish I would have gone to that nice art school in Savannah though.
    Your most guilty bad habit? Trying to coast through classes.
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Little dots, holes, clusters...ick.
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Daniel Pearled.
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy? I would live off the memory for a year, so A.
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Boredom.
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Most certainly.
    What motivates people, sex or power? They're pretty much two sides to the same coin in my world.
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Know, file suit, profit.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? Sometime in high school.
    Favorite sound? The ocean at night.
    Favorite food: Cake. Chocolate cake.
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? A Perfect Circle
    First CD you ever bought: Alice Cooper -Trash
    You are granted one superpower. What is it?: The power of persuasion.
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Jersey Shore
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Save the rainforest, that's where the jaguars live.
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? Yes, Jack in the Box. Fuck that place.
    Favorite NFL team: I don't have one.
    What are you self-conscious about? My skin.
    Ever had a Threesome? Yep
    Longest you've went without sex: Nearly a year.
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? Not hardly, I haven't slept with enough if anything.
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? There are definitely some people who could use some murdering.
    Is your signature legible? Sort of.
    Name a random fact about yourself: I love food out of cans.
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend? I told her we couldn't be friends anymore.
    What do you do for work? Nothing right now.
    Biggest pet peeve: Washington drivers.

    New questions:
    If you could spend one day as the opposite sex, would you do it and what would you do? I would, and I'd go to a cigar club and look classy without getting hit on.

    What is the last movie you watched, and was it any good? The Devil Wears Prada, I guess so.
  18. DrunkenCokeHead

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009


    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 16 - XTC, 19 - Cocaine......................
    First song you ever downloaded: Some obscure punk shit from Napster when it was still free
    Are you here to fuck Chater? If Chater is female and willing to buy retarded amounts of Tequila..............
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? AMS to the Carribean
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: The one that ends well
    First movie you shed a tear watching: 25th Hour and Layer Cake... too close to home
    Do you own a gun? Never legally. Currently, I have no need for such bullshit.
    Current relationship status? Living together with the GF
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? See above
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Writing off my insticts as paranoia
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Rosanna Arquette, the scene on the beach in Flight of the Intruder
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? WTF is that?
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? LOrd of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Law and Order
    Favorite band of all-time?
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience, money will come through experiance.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Not being able to fight off the world
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Amsterdam
    Ideal vacation spot?: Caribbean
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: Turning my life around after prison
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)? Lost count after 10
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak? How old were you? Yes, 16.
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? My best friend.
    Favorite Porn Star:
    what is your biggest regret in life? Not getting a degree. Even if you are more the able to participate, with quite a bit of sucess, at a upper mid level enterprises, employers want to see that piece of paper (fuck the grammar)
    Most despised sports team: Ajax of Amsterdam!!!
    What you drink when you wake up: Senseo, Dark Roast x 2
    How old are you? 31
    Favorite movie? Heat & Layer Cake, there ain't no happy endings
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes!
    How many times have you moved: Yes, many times.
    How many jobs have you held? Fuck knows
    Ever given or received anal? Only given it
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do: Take care of a couple of friends that deserve it. Set 90% into a savings account 'till 5 years after the win. Party with the rest!
    Favorite smell? Aemani Code
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? More the once, involuntarily.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? First time she swallowed
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member?

    Do you feel you are successful? N
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: RAK, UAE.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? HaHa
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 11 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: An internet phenomenon or a meme is an image, video, phrase or simply an idea that spreads from one person to another seemingly for no logical reason at all. When people see a meme, no matter how silly it usually is, they find it amusing for one reason or other and forward it to their friends; soon millions of people know about it thanks to how fast the information can spread online and the viral effect.
    TMMB! Cured a few hangovers!
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): PIMPSTRES
    Do you have any kids? Maybe a daughter
    Ass or Titties? Tits!
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? Sober or what???
    What do you drive? N/A
    Closest book to you at the moment? C. Bukowski, Factotum
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Stoli 7Up

    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? TJ, All Inclusive the cartel Wars HaHa

    Bring back from the dead: H.S. Thompson

    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to participate in? That Navy Seal Team that got wasted in Afganistan. Nothing more noble then to die taking countless basterds with you. Being one of the SEALS

    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? B Rutten

    Ever cheated on a significant other? Yes

    What motivates people, sex or power? Power
  19. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
    Expand Collapse

    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Forgive me if I'm reviving a dead thread. Haven't had much time online lately and I'm bored in exile right now.

    Age of first kiss: 4 or 12
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: 14
    Age when first blowjob received: N/A
    Age when virginity lost: 13
    First kind of drink you ever had: Blue Hurricane from a plastic handle.
    First time blackout drunk: 15 on Everclear and Coke for St. Patrick's Day.
    Age when first drunk: 15
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 15
    Age when smoked first weed: 15
    Age of first broken bone: N/A
    Age of first cavity: N/A
    First arrest: 20
    Last arrest: 21
    Time spent in prison: Does 18 hours total in holding count?
    Job: Student, teacher, glorified babysitter, errand girl.
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 17 - overdose of some sort of anti-seizural that caused me to vomit uncontrollably.
    First song you ever downloaded: No idea. Probably something from the sixties or seventies.
    Are you here to fuck Chater?: No, but we're going to be bestest friends forever.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation?: Across the US and Pacific to China.
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Fall.
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Probably a Disney movie when I was little.
    Do you own a gun?: Not til December - just borrow from my dad's collection for now.
    Current relationship status?: In a bizarre relationship since sometime in February when I drunkenly told him we're getting married.
    Mac or PC?: PC.
    Have you ever been arrested?: Twice.
    Dumbest thing you've ever done?: Getting arrested.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Charlie Hunnam.
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale?: 0 to 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: I suppose Harry Potter.
    Biggest guilty pleasure?: Dark chocolate candies and booze.
    Favorite band of all-time?: The Doors.
    Rich with money or rich with experience?: For myself, experience. For my sugar daddy, money.
    Non-standard recurring dreams?: Being best friends/back together with my abusive ex.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: For the sheer joy of it, Jackson Hole, WY. For shopping, Beijing.
    Ideal vacation spot?: Jackson Hole, WY.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: I'm 22. I've achieved nothing of note. I haven't had a child yet. There.
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)?: Close to a dozen.
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak. How old were you?: 19
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career?: My biostatistics professor is responsible for my current degree path. I'll have to wait a few more years to see if I made the right choice.
    Favorite Porn Star: N/A
    What is your biggest regret in life?: Not cross-enrolling in college during the end of high school.
    Most despised sports team: I don't pay enough attention to care.
    What you drink when you wake up?: Soy milk or Starbucks vanilla light energy doubleshot.
    How old are you?: 22
    Favorite movie?: Big Fish.
    Have you ever been knocked out?: No, only blacked out.
    How many times have you moved?: Six times, I think.
    How many jobs have you held?: Nine.
    Ever given or received anal?: Unconsenting recipient.
    If you won the lottery and never had to work again, what would you do?: Pay off my family's debts, set up a college fund for my sister and cousin, buy up some property, donate buckets to a couple charitable organizations, finish undergrad, and spend the rest of my life traveling and taking classes here and there.
    Favorite smell?: Most things citrus. And clean laundry.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying?: A few family members.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive?: The moment my high school sweetheart told me he loved me - he's the one boyfriend I've never doubted.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member?: Nope.
    Do you feel you are successful?: I haven't reached an age or life stage where I can evaluate that.
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: I'd probably remain in the southeast US and just vacation wherever I wanted.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex?: ... I was an escort. It comes with the territory.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner?: Chosen, eight years. Through my old job, I'd guess anywhere from forty to fifty.
    Favorite Internet Meme: Antoine Dodson's "Run Tell That" remix video on YouTube.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Urm. I don't really pay attention. I guess Ghettoastronaut's, since I'm sure my dad will try something like that when I get married.
    Do you have any kids?: No, thank god.
    Ass or Titties?: Ass. Disappointing boobies can be surgically fixed better than disappointing booties.
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle?: Supposedly around 100 mph, says Mr. Police Officer with no radar going the opposite direction on the other side of a wide median.
    What do you drive?: Until my birthday, I drove a 2001 Civic EX coupe. Now I'm driving an Oldsmobile Silhouette until I settle with the insurance company.
    Closest book to you at the moment?: Introduction to Bioethics by Bryant, Baggott la Velle, and Searle.
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)?: Guinness draft at most bars, Left Hand Milk Stout on nitrous at any bar that carries it.
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere?: Ski lodge/winter - I'm a ginger and I'm both heat and UV radiation sensitive.
    Bring back from the dead: My paternal grandfather.
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to participate in?: The Hollywood scene anywhere in the thirties to the fifties.
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)?: Not my area of interest and expertise.
    Ever cheated on a significant other?: Unfortunately.
    What motivates people, sex or power?: Power. Sex can be used as a tool to gain power.

    If it's not the same as the moment you most regret, what moment in your life would you go back and change if you could (a la The Butterfly Effect)?:
    When I was about four and I told my daddy he wasn't good enough to hang out with me even though I was lonely - probably the moment all the adults in my family realized I might turn out to be a miserable elitist hag like my mother.
  20. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
    Expand Collapse

    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Questions omitted by the previous poster. More information you never cared to know about me. I'm sorry, I really am, I'm just bored beyond recovery.

    The sun or the moon?: The moon.
    TiB Members - Marry/Kill/Fuck?: Obviously I need to frequent the board more.
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals?: Doggies.
    How often do you check Facebook?: More times than I can count, particularly in o chem.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do?: Sky-diving and bungee jumping.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school?: The way I stayed so thin while stuffing my face with food is that I was stuffing most of my orifices with cock at home.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to?: Animal rescues and sanctuaries, children's hospitals and research foundations, and some local homeless shelters.
    Rock, paper, scissors?: Scissors.
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, whom would you chose?: Kate Winslet, Katey Sagal, and Agatha Bloise (fashion designer).
    Did you like IHTSBIH?: I liked the side story of Drew and the stripper. Tucker's character was despicable in every way and had no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
    Whats your theme song?: Sad as it is, probably Kesha's "Tik Tok".
    Favorite book: Bryson's A Walk in The Woods or Roach's Stiff.
    Favorite philosopher: I'm not much for philosophy, but I love saying "Voltaire".
    Favorite candy: Peppermint patties.
    Worst movie you've seen: Extreme Movie and The Girlfriend Experience tied.
    Who do you most resemble?: Last time I ran some sort of picture analysis on the net, I got Meryl Streep. I've also been told I resemble the daughter from Six Feet Under. I really only resemble my parents.
    Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes? If so, how often?: No, but on the few flights I've taken recently, we were allowed free beer and wine, so I drank cheap cabernet.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work?: Biostatistician or forensic analyst.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000?: Isn't this along the same lines as the lottery question? I'd do the same as that, perhaps without being able to travel as much as I'd like.
    Favorite TV show of all time?: Sons of Anarchy or Pushing Daisies.
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl?: Total Daddy's girl.
    Favorite cartoon character: Leela on Futurama.
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be?: Daddy.
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you?: No.
    Favourite pizza topping?: Pepperoni.
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom?: Since I can't receive blowjobs, I guess sex with a condom. Whoopee.
    Middle Name? Are you named after anyone?: Marie. Not to my knowledge.
    Favourite color?: Green.
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do?: Be as kind or as courteous as possible.
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend?: Yes, but I ended up at a different school.
    Your most guilty bad habit?: Smoking or eating poorly, particularly lots of pizza.
    What are you irrationally afraid of?: Papercuts. I always imagine it slicing the most awful and awkward places.
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled?: Burn to death.
    Would you give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy or would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy?: Give up sex for a year.
    What compelled you to fill out this survey?: Pure boredom.
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex?: Yes. I think. I hope so.
    You’ve been living in the same apartment a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time?: Know, so I could fuck with him/her.
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this?: N/A
    Favorite sound: Air conditioning.
    Favorite food: On the cheap, pizza or a Vortex burger. With a bit more money, some sort of seafood or Mediterranean smorgasbord.
    What's the best concert you've ever been to?: Nothing worth mentioning right now, but I have plans to see Clutch and Cage the Elephant (separately) ASAP.
    First CD you ever bought: I'm pretty sure it was NSYNC or something of the sort.
    You are granted one superpower. What is it?: Mind reading capabilities.
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show?: Teen Mom on MTV.
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest?: Can't we just save them all?
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment?: Yes, but I can't remember where.
    Favorite NFL team: Steelers, only because I want to make babies with Hines Ward.
    What are you self-conscious about?: My stomach and upper arms.
    Ever had a threesome?: Yes.
    Longest you've went without sex: Seven months, I think.
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people?: In my personal life, no. Add in my former professional life, still probably not. Numbers mean nothing to me, as long as disease isn't part of the equation.
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you?: Absolutely.
    Is your signature legible?: Yes.
    Name a random fact about yourself: I had idiopathic epilepsy for over two years, then it just disappeared.
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend?: Nothing. I don't fuck people over - I'm everyone else's doormat.
    What do you do for work?: "Teach" part of a nursing chemistry course at my university.
    Biggest pet peeve: Being spoken to/treated like I'm stupid, especially the white trash variety of stupid.