I'm bored, I should be doing homework, I have no excuses not to now that my knee is all fucked up and I can't do stuff. But, i'm laying around, icing it, taking my pain meds and wishing I had brought beer to bed.
Alright, cunts. (I'm calling everyone 'cunts' now. It's my thing.) It's an austerity weekend for this guy. Entertain me.
I made chai tea! Come to my house, we can have tea and biscuits and play bridge. And then get smashed on the cheapest whiskey in existence.
Actually I don't really remember how to play either. I just remember that it is like an insanely complex version of Spades. Them old ladies are smarter than they look. It is called "Club 400." I think it was $8.99 for a liter. I really prefer Tennessee whiskys but they are insanely priced at the liquor store.
So, what are these Skype shenanigans I've read about on previous WDT's? I have Skype... Anyway, Happy Birthday TiB! Thanks for starting and keeping this place going, Chater.
I like that this was the fourth result <a class="postlink" href="http://www.practicalwhisky.net/whisky.php?show=whisky&id=85" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.practicalwhisky.net/whisky.p ... isky&id=85</a> ...and that there's a site called PracticalWhiskey.net. Because whiskey drinkers are nothing if not pragmatic.
When he's not drinking ethanol strong enough to burn a wart off a mule, I bet that Ron Swanson drinks whiskey. He probably distills it himself, though.
Ron Swanson is a fantastic man. I'm really wanting a drink right now, I'm just having huge motivation issues with getting myself back on the crutches. Also, I'm hungry. Eventually, I'll probably have to move. Someone deliver food and drink to me, please.
Sometimes I think I might be borderline alcoholic but then I read that someone mixes their whiskey with different juices and I feel just a little bit better about myself.