White wine is only good for cooking or OCCASIONALLY for very hot summer days. Since it is neither, red wine is the answer.
Jesus, I looked for a song about white wine and came across the saddest song in the world about Christmas and a guy's dead relatives. So, I share. And now, for something better.
Jesus Christ people...step away from the computer/smartphone. How many facebook statuses per day are too many?
Then clap your hands. Spoiler More than one a week is annoying, unless a celebrity dies then you simply HAVE to pay "R.I.P" respects, of course. If you don't you're just a heartless asshole.
Props to him for fitting the word menstruate into his lyrics. I can't get over his creepy dead eyes, though.
Nah, now I like facebook for what it means to me. I can keep updated on what is going on in some of my friend's life without any direct communication. I mean, why actually go to their kid's 1st birthday party if you can just look at photos afterwards and post about how cute they are smearing cake all over their face. So, update me on the important things in your life please. If you have more updates than there are hours in a day, probably too many (and by the way, this is why I don't want to actually call you and talk)
I'm feeling guilty because I had 2 statuses today. However, in my defense, they were the first since Monday, and two, one of them was about beergaritas. I post only about the most important things in life.
I have no intention of ever attending a high school reunion because of Facebook. Whatever morbid curiosity I might have possessed about the lives of former associates is satisfied on a daily basis. Fun fact: there have been far fewer pregnancies and deaths than I had predicted.
Don't know if one of my facebook friends made this or it's just a pic making the rounds: Pretty sweet. I use facebook like everyone else. To see if any girls Ive hooked up with got fat and facebook stalk the ones who haven't.
These are the types of things that I want to hear about honestly. I wouldn't consider any excess with this.
I started scrolling down my wall and found a video that El Fiance posted a long while back. I watched it again and laughed my ass off.