Yes I'm going to the internet for some medical advice. I'm doing a stem cell donation on Wednesday and just started getting injections of filgastrim (sp?) today. It's a drug that increases your white blood cell count prior to the donation. I was told not to drink after I start getting the injections but there's a party I want to go to tonight. Should I not drink or is it just precautionary that they tell you that and as long as I don't drink myself to death I'll be fine?
Memorizing a bunch of Latin names suuuuucks. I'm really bad at memorizing arbitrary info/terms. I try to make connections in my mind but it doesn't always work.
Just a guess here but wouldn't it be the same as donating blood after drinking? They can't use the sample because it is tainted with the alcohol?
The donation isn't until Wednesday. Right now just getting injections to increase my white blood cell count.
The symbol my pharmacy uses to indicate a prescription is for rectal use only is unnecessarily detailed.
Pics or it didn't happen. Who wants to read and analyze the exchange between me and the woman my husband has been e-schmoozing for months? Surely someone out there is drunk, bored and a glutton for punishment. I know I am!!!!!
Aaaaand go. There are so many reasons why you should post it, but there is not enough time for me to convey it. Just trust.
Agreed. This can only work out well. We are the go-to place for eAdvice or eSympathy, depending on what may be required. We also do eBeer.
No. At least I don't think so. I still don't know the name of the woman that he's been e-schmoozing. The even awesome-er thing is that, to the best of my knowledge, he doesn't realize that she and I have been conversing.
As was mentioned before there are so many reasons why this conversaion should be posted and I'm way to lazy to note them all.
Me to her: Subject: From Dillhole's wife Dunno if you know that he's married and has 3 kids but now that I know about you, he'll have much more free time to spend with you but far less money. Have fun with that! Her reply: I dunno any *Dillhole*. If your hubby is running around on the Internet then that is a personal problem that you need to address with him. I don't need your leftovers to have fun with or his money. I am quite accomplished and less kids! You have fun with that! My rebuttal: Whatever keeps you warm at night, sweetheart. Actually, you can have him thanks. His email address is Spoiler (that isn't really his email address as I'm sure you could guess) He could be going by any name, I guess. Either way, not only is he a snake, he's a raging asshole. Her reply: Know that e-mail address. He is not spending time with me though. Saw him one time months ago. Traded e-mails and DID NOT know he was married. He said he was going through divorce. He's separated and can't afford a divorce or some such nonsense. I specifically asked. Some things did not add up and now I see why. He's lying and using fake names to meet women. That is rude and has an angry wife e-mailing me. Take him for all he's worth! Mrs. Dillhole, he did not spend any money on me nor has he been spending time with me. Your problems with him are not because of me. He will never see or speak to me again now that I know he is married. I'll keep going in a sec...
Me: I appreciate you being honest with me. It sucks that he never was. He had always had a problem keeping it in his pants apparently and it really blows that I trusted him. If I may ask one more thing and then I'll leave you alone: I presume this started on Craigslist because he LOVES Craigslist but did he answer your ad or was he the one with an ad? Not that it will make a difference either way as my marriage is so totally over but I was just wondering. Thanks. Me again, clarifying: One more thing: I didn't mean to imply from the beginning that you were using him for his money or something (and in truth, my first email was just to let you know that he was married because I'm so totally sure that he lies about it all the time). We are/he is so far from rich that it hurts. I just meant that what little bit of disposable income that he has is about to be tied up in other things. Sorry that that came across wrong.
Her reply: Mrs. Dillhole, That is horrible that your husband has obviously done this before. Life is hard enough without having to deal with infidelity from the person who promised to love you and cherish you. You are right. I placed an ad in early July on Craigslist. I specifically said no married men and asked him in more than one e-mail if he was married. I won't even tell you the story he made up because it does not matter. He did say he had children that he has custody of and is raising all by his lonesome. I also told him no drama. Being married is definitely some drama. I don't want him to have any of my e-mails or anything. I am divorced and I have a child. I do not want any trouble. We only communicated through e-mails. I purposely do not go out with or seek married men. I understand your frustration and it's okay. I think it is awful that you have to look into your husband's e-mails to find out what he is doing.. Stay married to him and that will be the best revenge! I don't care what happens to him but good luck to you and your children. I looked around and found the first e-mail from your husband. I don't know why I care but it is important to me that you know that I did not know he was married. I do know he is a lying adulterer now and he will never get any responses from me. Your husband's response to my ad below: From: Darling Douchecanoe> To: "pers-hrmkp-**********" <pers-hrmkp-********> Sent : Wednesday, July 6, 2011 3:12 PM Subject: I am STARVING...;^)O Hi, Single, white, 50 with a tongue gifted by the gods above...;^)~ joseph