Well played Nett and Aetius. In other, fuckballsackian news, I actually like this Moves like Jagger song. I'm not sure if I would like it if he didn't hate it so much, but here we are. Ghetto, STEP YOUR LIFE GAME UP. What are you doing wrong? I'll punch you, if it helps. Talk to us, we'll be honest.
Can you please tell this woman that you're not mad at her for fucking your husband, but you're pissed as all hell that she responded to an email that fucking terrible?
First of all Mr. Chompsky I could give a flying fuck if Maroon 5 had the moves like jagger. I'd care much more if they had the blues like jagger. They, fundamentally, do not and never will. What am I doing wrong? I'm being my usual self and not nearly judgmental enough, far too forgiving, and far too desperate. You'd think after getting naked with someone three times I'd have gotten off at least once. Her first two attempts she failed miserably, this time her roommate came home and she basically said "sorry dude, I'm going to sleep". So I got up and left. Bitch. And to think I went down on her unkempt cooter and got her off, twice. Dixiebandit would be proud, at least. I can do better.
You could always bluewall her. Now that you've gotten her off, you have some conception of how it works for her, so you can stop just short. Either she'll be really into that, which'll work for you (obviously), or she'll be legit pissed, which, hey, will work for you. often rejected, cuz i reject the Reject.
You should have waited til she fell asleep, nutted on her then wiped it on her curtains. As a side note, the beer is done and dusted, I have a big bottle of rum in hand and the world cup final kicks off in an hour. I will be a degenerate Ranga mess by night's end whatever the result.
Want to feel brown? Make no mistake, my homeboy Nusrat was a god damned genius. Any South Asian worth a damn will instantly respect if you drop this on them.
I will try to remember that. If this were slumdog millionaire I feel like that would be one of my questions. Also I like this cover.
Rum is good, half the bottle down. World cup final is going ok, NZ is up 5-0. Injuries are playing their part in the game and I'm scared. I'm not sure I can handle the choker tag for another four years.
Spoiler MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! ThaNK FUCK for that. My heart has been in my throat for the last tewnty minutes. World cup champions for the first time in 24 years, Down with the dirty cheese eating surrender monkeys and well played to them for turning up and making it a contest. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless you're a Kiwi or possibly an Aussie you can have no idea the monkey on the back that has just been removed....
Ghetto FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rugby. The game the gods play in heaven. The third biggest event world wide after the olympics and the Fifa world cup.