Hey guys how about we ask medication questions of someone who knows what they're talking about? I'm not too worried about the kidney or stomach destroying potential of advil after one dose. Flushing it with a lot of water won't help much, either. Unless you've been doing an awful lot of vomiting, you're not that dehydrated after a night of drinking. And if you have been vomiting, well, if you can pinch your skin and it bounces back to shape right away, you're not that dehydrated. Don't take more than the box says. And if you do, don't phone me up and ask if you're going to be okay, because the answer is probably yes. Acetaminophen and alcohol? It depends on the dose of each. Refer to a diagram of acetaminophen toxicity; chronic alcoholics have an increase in the enzyme which converts acetaminophen to its toxic form. Short term users, not so much, but if I recall my medicinal chemistry lectures, it's more dangerous to start taking tylenol the morning after drinking than during drinking. I mean, even people with a history of alcohol abuse can use 2 grams per day safely (half the normal toxic dose) so you can still take two extra-strength tylenol (= 1 gram) and not destroy your liver the morning after.
I drink plenty of water during drinking sessions and generally a couple of litre just before sleeping and I never get hangovers as long as I remember.
Stop being such a drama llama. We get it, you hate me for god knows what reason, it's gotten fucking boring.
Because someone who hems and haws about whether or not to buy a blue or green Accent has invalidated his place amongst the sages who dispense wisdom.
Not sure I'd trust any "professional" that posts medical advice on an internet forum. Speaking of Savage Henry and Bunny... she always did have the most entertaining medical advice, and watching Savage tiptoe around calling her a fucking nutjob was hilarious. And his advice to the morons was the best. Ever.
Would it be better if I just said to do whatever Dr. Oz said? Everyone take two baby aspirin per day.
Did anyone ever read the Bunny Blog? It was like wading through a sea of crazy. How anyone ever took her seriously is beyond me.
No, seriously. All of your problems and issues can be attributed to your shitty-ass relationship with your mom. Think about it. Wash yourself with a rag on a stick? Probably because you're super co-dependent with your mommy.
Her "what it's like to date Tucker Max" post was the greatest thing ever unsuccessfully deleted from the internet. You could write a thesis on that thing. Or prescribe the entire catalogue of AstraZeneca. Either or.