Nah, it's just a one time remembrance of crazy internets stuff. Plus some of this stuff is legit intriguing regardless of who's involved.
As good as RMMB was, the end was nigh as soon as the movie was released. He can make up all the bullshit he wants about Internet economics or whatever his explanation was, he closed the board because it no longer propped up his ego. People came from far and wide just to trash his movie. I'm not sure I'd keep the board going after that either.
Shit, that's funnier than the actual movie. He inadvertently trolled himself. Boggles my mind why they didn't film the book. Could have loosely connected all those stories into a linear plot and bam: movie. But, no, we need a bounce house and a self serving monologue as the finale that nobody sees as self serving. The dude that played the groom, he turned down a role in The Hangover. So many fucking lawlz on that business move, fine sir.
It's still the WDT and I think I've posted another of his videos before, but the part about the penis on his stomach gets me every time: Gnight chaps. EDIT: and the condition he has is progeria. It means you look like a bird or something.
All I remember about Crash (besides the tat) was her red dotting me for misspelling a word...which she also misspelled in her rep correcting me. I thought it was humorous. And possibly the nerdiest thing I've found humorous. Ever.
So you saying it's a good thing or a bad thing? Honestly, have gotten really really tired of the new glut of reality shows and the level of overly dramatic bullshit with it. I thought that reality as a genre had finally leveled out around the time AMC started cranking out hits. Seems like theyve doubled down on shitty premises and completely scripted material. Seriously can't we just watch one of these idiots seriously harm themselves without having to script a bunch of bullshit that isn't them seriously hurting themselves? Why has no one on Gold Rush Alaska been crushed by and excavator? Why has no one on Sons of Guns has experience a catastrophic failure and lost a few fingers?
American Guns and American Hoggers are absolute shit. The overly extreme dramatics make them unwatchable. I'm pretty well game to give any show a try for the first one or two episodes. Neither of these made it past the pilot, and I'll never watch them again. So... bad thing?
It's not a great memory, but finding out that reaper, the one person who called out posers nonstop was a) not going back to the ME and b) wasn't a ranger to begin with had to be the most shocking aspect of it. I had honestly never thought to have questioned someone's service record before that, but looking places like the POW network has made me take really every resume boosting account with a grain of salt.
Speaking of which, anyone remember At the time, I thought it was really cool. Looking back at it later, holy crap, what a pile of transparent, narcissistic, delusional bullshit. I mean, you can make the argument that it was well-written fiction - which, sure, it was - but it was also clearly written by someone whose exposure to the military has been exclusively through TV and movies. To present it as real, well, that's worse than writing Harry/Hermione romances on
I just wish I joined the old board years ago, but I was with The Phat Phree then and didn't even know about Rudius or IHTSBIH. I still to this day know DICK about Cloud Starchaser, only that he's some ex board schmuck that got arrested for stalking Ivanka Trump and telling the media that the creature from The Mothman Prophecies made him do it.
One of the most memorable RMMB threads to me was the 'By how much money is my awesome movie going to blow out at the box office?' The options were: -Way more than Old school, Animal House, and Wedding Crashers combined -500 million dollars -Highest grossing of all time (By a lot) -Highest grossing of all time (marginally) -2nd highest grossing of all time (by a technicality) -2nd highest grossing of all time (intentionally) -Somewhere in the top 10 -Very little (equivalent to I'm here to fuck Tucker) I remember voting for obscurity and got lit up for it.
Bzzt. Wrong. The options were realistic box office figures, ranging from 'total flop' to something in the ballpark of $150M+. And the votes came in at a very clean bell curve. The most popular option was something like $25 million. I don't remember a whole lot about that place, but I do remember that.
Rocket City Rednecks. It's kind of a hokey premise, their projects are pretty stupid, but I'll be damned if it doesn't strike a chord. I love the fact that some of the biggest rednecks around are also rocket scientists in the space program. I'm strangely drawn to the show.
How can you not love the fact that these fuckers raided a junk yard and built a redneck ironman suit, complete with tested, homemade bulletproof armour, over a weekend. It's power assisted, and has rockets.