Three minutes, flat. I won't make up any lies about it being an accident or some shit. Fuck, even the wife was surprised.
There better be an over 40 category so we don't embarrass ourselves too much with the glacial speed of our orgasms in the face of you youngsters' lightning fast reactions.
I've never tried for speed (although who doesn't love a quickie?) but I've definitely gone for high score in number of orgasms. The record is around 30 in a three hour session but I can't be sure the exact number as I was a babbling mess by the end.
Nom, since when is a 360 degree Tongue Swirl difficult to do? Maybe after dentist novocane, that's all I can think of.
This. x a billionty. Though I find amusement in their anger when they finally DO realize I'm not listening. It's so indignant!
Joe Rogan and a midget as announcers, John Madden and company doing color commentary...actually, why isn't this a porn yet?
Not on an amateur level. But when you get to the professional level, and every millimeter could be the difference between medaling and shame, it takes a certain amount of skill to get just right. I encourage you all out at home to try it. Stick your tongue out, and try to make a perfect circle. Brand new dildo says you wind up getting an oval.
Isn't that the whole point of masturbating? You don't have to talk? Good God, if my hand starts talking to me, I may have to go into the priesthood. Oh. Uh, well, maybe become a monk.
So Mrs. Noland is on her way to St. Louis as I type this making me a bachelor for the next three days. Well, more like a single father of three, but chicks dig baggage, right?