Some days I can't reach a single fucking person on the phone and today is one of them. It goes hand in hand that when I do connect, they have already made their mind up. I could really go for a desk beer right now.
The extent of my work day has been leaving work and going into town to fill up our propane tanks so I could have heat again. I also took a 3 hour nap, a short walk, did some push ups, did roughly 10 minutes of work, then watched netflix. If I wasn't getting paid I'd shoot my brains out. Also I have been here for 10 hours.
... I got nothing. Can't argue in the face of the truth. Unfortunately I'm stuck in Minnesota because anything further south is too hot for me. In fact if global warning continues I'll probably have to move to Canada. Although the south is pretty traditional, right? Could I just head down there and find a fine southern lady and bring her back up here?
This week has been kinda crappy for several reasons. I am more than ready for it to end. The only bright spot was watching Beavis and Butthead last night. It was like stepping back in time. Pure undeniable awesome. Mike Judge, I think I love you. I am sitting at my desk eating a deli sandwich that is like Thanksgiving between two slices of bread. Why is it I never think to get and/or cook a turkey until November? So weird. As for football, last weeks games were some of the worst I've sat through. Even though the Packers have a buy this weekend I really fucking hope the games aren't like last weekends were. To be the only Packer fan in an office full of football fans and be sitting were they are right now....yeah it's allllllllllllll good in the hood.
Maybe not in the 24 hour home health business. But I can assure you, from personal experience, that they do exist. And happen to be fairly slutty.
I don't know if anyone has ever addressed this, but does anyone else ever get the Christian Mingles dating site ad banner at the top of the page? How could this place ever be a good target market for that? "Yes, I'm looking for a man who holds Jesus near to his heart...and keeps anal beads in his glove box."
I'm pretty sure it's based on individual user history/browsing; I've been checking out the ASPCA's site lately and since then a lot of my ads have been for the ASPCA.
This was not my goal, but if you injure yourself and get to an acute care facility, you could probably finagle a sponge bath.
If that's the case, then they're way off. The only way that is possible is if the bible quotes my mom has in her email signature were quickly picked up on by Google before I could delete her bullshit chain mail.
I saw that too and got a good laugh from it. I know Facebook can target ads to a user based on profile info, not sure if these messageboards can too.
I must be sick in the head. I immediately thought someone killed her and strung her up like that. That picture does nothing for me sexually. Wasn't quite as funny as I remember it being, but God damn if it wasn't dead on with the original episodes. If it wasn't for the current content in the vid clips, I never would've known it was new.