We discussed shoes. Some people got self-righteous about other people's taste in shoes. Then we discussed something else, and some people, coincidentally, got self-righteous about other people's taste in something else. Also, audrey posted her ass just for me.
My computer is acting screwy. Spoiler And.. rain ain't so bad. [rnsfw][/rnsfw] This beer tastes like ass.
When we were little kids, my sister got her tongue stuck in a Yoohoo bottle and it took forever to get it out. Imagine that happening to your labia.
I have not had vodka since I was a senior in college (that's 20 years ago for those of you scoring at home), but I'm having some tonight. It's making me hot. I don't mean like, ooh, I need me some sex. I mean like I'm about to have to take off my shirt and pants to cool off. WTF?
I'm confused as to whether or not this is a compliment coming from you. Beer is not quite as awesome as rimjobs.