If it wasn't already glaringly obvious the only people who post here regularly are emotionally broken and/or socially malajusted. Your views on relationships indicate you are no exception. Emotionally broken people are weird in real life and especially fucked up hidden under the veil of anonymity. Personally I am more honest here than with most people in real life because I like having friends and not living in constant fear of a revenge shanking. Friday night, sitting in bed surfing the interwebz, eating flaming hot cheetos and dollar can sweet tea. Life is good.
I've always had a "thing" for girls in heels, more so than normal from what I see. I try to get The Girlfriend to wear them more, to the point of having bought her three pairs so far, but she still rarely wears them. On a completely unrelated, less weirdo note, this is my company for the night, and you better fucking believe that he is the one in charge: Spoiler
Does not compute. I mean partly because when I think of feathers the first images that come to mind are dead pigeons and cee-lo green in that bird costume. Then again if your husband requested them they have to be alright.
I never claimed to be well-adjusted. In fact, I think I denounced myself a few pages back. However...I am not a different person here from who I am at work or who I am with family. There are a handful of posters who've met me that can confirm or deny that what you read is what you get.
See, this part really perplexes me. Can you imagine being with someone knowing you're not satisfying them? It has to bother him as much as it bothers you. And now for happy fun times.
Ha! You knew you could buy one? I own one! There's nowhere convenient in my current apartment to put it up. Everyone I work with thinks I should get rid of my dining room table and install the pole instead.
Almost, TOO fit. I'm not a huge poster, but I don't think my internet persona varies greatly from real life me. I speak my mind and would be considered by some to be an ass hole. But, my opinion about my self and my personality isn't worth a shit, as most peoples tends to be. It's all about perception. In other news, I drank too much and ate half my body weight in shitty Chinese food. This won't end well.
Side note: why is it that whenever I accidentally bump the track pad on my computer in some fantastic way it changes the zoom, yet when I go to put it back it never fucking works!?
I hope most people on here ARE who I somewhat picture them to be from what I've learned about on here, but who knows. I try to be as much like myself as I can on here, because if you've met me in real life you'd know that I'm a soapboxing, motormouthed flake. I think there's more than a fair share of people on here that use much MUCH bigger words in their posts then they ever do in their personal speaking conversations, but there's no real reason to bitch about that. It sure as fuck beats emoticons and shitty abbreviations.
This is a silly discussion to have, anyways. Because the only way we interpret each other is through text, someone's impression is informed more by their biases than any effort you could ever hope to put into portraying yourself accurately. Having an online persona that's the same as your real life persona, though? I don't see what pride there is to take in that. It's of absolutely no consequence. If you absolutely must know how I am in person, ask angel or hooker or crown. And even then, they only saw one slice of me, different from what my co-workers see. Is that the real me? Or is my professional persona the real me? Who gives a shit.
I'd argue there is no "real" you. Everyone's personality varies greatly from situation to situation. For instance, I am currently drunk. Thus, I am not "being myself" or something.
I'm no different here than I am in real life, there's just some things I feel more comfortable telling strangers than people in real life (and vice versa). But I'm just as ridiculous with friends. Show anyone that knows me one of my posts and they'll say, "Yup, that sounds like Raul."
Can we all just do mushrooms together and let each other off the hook already? Everybody is getting all freaky-deaky in here and I'm too baked for this shit.
Eh, I've met people from the board in real life and I'm friends with a few board members in real life too. I think we're all pretty much the same on here as we are outside of the internet. I will, however, admit that I babbled like a cracked-out chipmunk at the NYC meetup because I was a little nervous. I am not at all nervous around you people on the board. This is a difference, but it's the only one.