"BL1Y, I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN UP THIS BASEMENT!" -Overheard from Mom's room upstairs. See ya in 3 months big guy when you crawl back yet again.
I just watched Paranormal Activity 2 on Netflix....those fuckers can make a scary movie and I'm usually good with scary movies.
RoshKosh(sp?) trying to be cool, then he jerked off on a sleeping girl, then he became a professional wrestler, then he found God... Everybody talking about "game" and pretending to understand Tucker's advice on game by calling all women whores StarCloudChaser(?)...convicted for stalking a celebrity after leaving the board From that kind of foundation how can you not expect this group to be so well adjusted?
I saw that one when it aired live, and I thought to myself, "Holy shit, is that DINNER? Who would eat that?" Then you see that the teenager cooking has no front upper teeth, and that they must eat in the car because it's the only place on the property with room to sit down. Two GIANT BOWLS of that crap, people. *shudder*
I would bet money that CharlesJohnson is one of 156 people on the planet who answer yes to the following question: Spoiler
Hooker hates the word "moist" in the same way uptight women hate the word "cunt". It makes her writhe. In other news, I'm higher than a king snake in a sugar cane tree and it hasn't stopped raining for four straight days so I can't decorate my house yet. It'd better not rain on Halloween again this year (angrily shakes fist).
I have a headache which I suspect is caffeine related, so I went to make some espresso. Guess whose room mate needs another crash course in using the espresso machine? Pretty sure you have to grind the beans first...
I've always wondered what it'd take to make you blink. And know I know, thanks to you ambushing me with a detailed account. And now I may not sleep well tonight. Thanks, man.
Miracle Whip is the grossest shit on earth. It is demon cum that tastes like your tongue took a shit. ChuckJohn keep your FUCKING stories of Big Mamma Mayonnaise to yourself from now on when I have a strong weed buzz going. I won't be able to wash that image out no matter how I much I clean. You see, the dirt just won't come off. No matter how much I clean I JUST KEEP GETTING DIRTIER!!!!
Ok guys. I just got home and now I face a decision: Should I eat, go to sleep early and be well-rested for my flight at 8:30? Or drink some wine, stay up late and look for pictures for this thread?
I would use it to re-grout my tub or rub on my friend's face while he's passed out, that's about it. The look, taste, and smell of it makes me sick. Everybody I know loves and uses it, but I've always hated both it and mayo.