Age of consent here is 15. Some of the trick or treaters look like they fit the bill, so I could also give them a free sample.
When I show them the magnums, and then actually put one on? That is the trick. The treat is that the awkward sex lasts only 30 seconds.
Kim K is filing for divorce after 72 tumultuous days of wedded bliss. Normally I wouldn't even bother giving this any thought, but I think that my co-worker who thought she was a role model (and this is a mother of 3 teenage girls, mind you) may be enlightened now with this most recent development. About time, it was hard to bite my tongue. She's back on the market guys....
This, incidentally, is the smaller of her two most serious exes: Now, obviously most people on this board are built like that, but you (like me) might not be. Fair warning.
What part of her did she think was "role modelish"? The part of the video where the dude pisses on her or fucks her in the ass?
What video did you watch? I don't remember any of that... Also, obviously, you can be kinky/into anal/golden showers and still be a role model. Like Janet Reno.
I have mentioned this on here before because it annoyed the piss out of me. I am quite sure that she never saw Kim's debut footage, but is an avid follower of their TV shows and has read all of their books outlining how great they were raised and how hardworking they are. Personally, I really don't care what Kim does or does not do sexually. Whatever turns people on and occurs between two (or ten - I don't judge) consenting adults is entirely their business. My problem was...what exactly have these girls accomplished? They aren't artists, they aren't actors, they have no craft, their only discernible skill seems to be publicity (and they appear to be experts in that). And to be honest, I really don't care about that either, but hearing the blind adoration every day at work was a little much to take.
I love this tidbit from TMZ... The couple was married on August 20 in a lavish ceremony (see below) in Montecito, CA. There are reports that the wedding cost as much as $10 mil, which means $138,888 for every day until today. Un-fucking-believable.
See, most people throw the phrase in "behind closed doors" in there somewhere. I don't care what you do, where you do it, or with whom...just keep it to yourself. Who makes a sex tape where both people talk to the camera? They were both so attention starved, it's like they were fighting for camera time. And i'm pretty sure I saw a part where Ray J whizzes all over her ass. If memory serves...
The only prominent sex tape in recent memory that features golden showers was R. Kelly's. I'm nearly positive you're misremembering. We could watch it together though, to sort this all out. For science.
According to this, even if it cost $10million, she still made $8million. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... index.html</a>
No...I remember that one. I just googled it. It was reported that there was peeing, but it was not captured on tape or that part was cut from the tape that was released.
Well, that is a different conversation completely. I have a problem that she is famous due to a sex tape, but I'm not going to object to the content of the sex tape. And, yes, as soon as I finish handing out candy to the children, I would be happy to partake in a group analysis (ha, you said anal) of the video. For science.
Man, if I were her, and that's true, I would have released that. Because what actually came out is boring as fuck.
Hey Kim K made videos then got on T.V. and magazines. Spoiler This guy got on T.V. and magazines, then had people make videos of him. That makes them both talented right?