So the man liked to see women use the bathroom. SO WHAT!?!?!?! I have never been sold on KK, the sex tape was terrible, and I could never figure out if she was really hot or just a lot of hype. She reportedly made 60 million last year. She aint going broke over her wedding. I guess there is a good huge market for what ever she does (what the fuck is that exactly?). Can't blame her for taking the money any way she can. Fuck if I wouldn't do watch ads and cologne fragrances if I could I wholly support any and all celebrity sex tapes and nudie shots and the hacking, stealing, and leaking thereof.
Really? I support their release, but not hacking/stealing that shit. Just b/c somebody's on a tv show doesn't mean that have no privacy, you know?
Spoiler This "playsuit" from Agent Provocateur is $24,000 but I want it so badly. They're definitely the best lingerie brand. All of their playsuits are cute: Spoiler
Eh, this sort of privacy is good for arguments in a philosophy class. In the real world my boner cares not. Though that dude that recorded Erin Andrews through hotel peep holes went too far. Fuck it I am enjoy seeing ScarJo's ass much more need than clothed.
Learn to tie the ropes properly... or probably just have someone else learn how to and you can probably make something similar to all of those.... Speaking of which, definitely just spent about 60$ on bondage ropes. This shit gets expensive fast. Women get expensive fast.
Dude, Chuck Berry's story goes beyond that. He had a video system hooked up in the bathroom to watch people have a shit-tinkle. I don't know if he opened up his bbq restaurant specifically for this purpose or if he just loves slow cooked ribs AND pee. Spoiler
I can't disagree more, and think "My boner cares not" is a counterargument with terrifying implications. I'm not so naive to think that some stuff doesn't get leaked on purpose. But it's just wrong to think that you're entitled to see somebody naked -- to support them being fucked over and exposed without their will -- because they're attractive and have been in a few movies. And it often seems like the violation in and of itself is part of the sexual thrill, which is fucked up. It is not hard to find girls with asses as nice as ScarJo's who have posted them willingly, which means something else is at play. I've said before, that I'm way worse than I should be in this matter. I'm not going to pretend I haven't looked. But I think that we should get to a place where we have a stronger respect for people's privacy than "my boner cares not." FWIW, I don't believe I'm going to change your mind, or anything. I just feel as though I would be remiss if I didn't at least state my case.
It's amazing how hard it is to find a vial of epinephrine when someone's coding and you're the poor sap made responsible for finding it. I mean, they only stock everything in alphabetical order and package them specifically so that you don't fuck up the names when you're in a hurry.
I'm playing trick or treat. The trick is making it from the beer fridge to the beer opener, and the treat is the nectar of the God's inside the bottle. I'll be flashing my tits at the little kids in no time, I bet.
So because their dad failed, I was expecting to have to buy my boys costumes. They decided to be baseball players so I dont have to spend any money. My kids are awesome.
At least you guys still get a Halloween to celebrate. Apparently ours has been canceled and rescheduled for Nov 5th.
The governor came on the t.v. today and said because of the aftermath of the snow storm is so bad, it's too dangerous to trick or treat tonight and therefore Halloween is going to be moved to Saturday. I wasn't aware one of the powers of the government was to regulate trick or treating, but I haven't seen one kid out on my street all day. Luckily I only lost power for about 2 minutes a few days ago, but some places still are in the dark with another 3 day wait.