o Your wife is nuts. Being home with someone who may have had indirect contact with a single person sick vs a hotel room where the previous guest have had Ebola and wiped their disease laden ass on the bedspread or curtains which rarely get cleaned. Or a housekeeper who is working with te plague because she can't afford to take a day off. Yep, doesn't make a bit of sense
I've done the FluMist for the past few years since I get it for free at work* and its easy. Might as well- I don't think I've gotten ill because of it. I can recall one time in the past few years where I was really sick and had to spend a couple days home from work with a flu. I just spent the past couple of days with a stubborn sore throat and cough (which is rare) but I'm pretty certain it was because of a wedding reception I was at over the weekend. It could have been the fact that I was kid number 4 out of 4, but it seemed like my parents just tried to wipe most of the dirt off of me when I came indoors growing up. Has she always been like that or did it arrive with the baby? *insurance
She was in ICU for 3 weeks, near death, and lost a portion of her leg from an injury and infection while in the military. Since then.
It's probably all in my noggin, but whether I get the flu mist or the shot, I still end up feeling like ass for a few days afterwards. Overall, I probably average something other than a minor head cold maybe once every other year or so. Last year I came down with something that really knocked me on my ass and the first time I needed something more than DayQuil/NyQuil to handle. I'm a big proponent of stay the fuck home if ill, but totally understand when people refuse in order to save their sick days/PTO, etc. I think that's part of being a good boss...if you see someone genuinely ill, send them the fuck home but still give them their hours. At the end of almost every deployment I'd get a head cold. Basically, I caught whatever I'd missed out on while I was gone. I think the worst was when I came home from my first year long deployment. In the first two weeks home I pretty much caught every cold/flu/sniffle that I'd missed during the previous year. The first week I was either asleep on a couch or half asleep in the shower.
I think that bottle on the bottom right will cure aids as well. Nothing says healing like the burning of cheap, shitty vodka.
Got some 12 hour Zyrtec D as I have started to get something. I was getting headaches yesterday, but it hasn't gone into full blown shit storm. The pill is easing into its effects now and it feels great. Told the pharmacist this morning my symptoms and she gave me that. I don't have allergies, but its doing work. She scanned my ID and nicely asked that I don't make meth with it. I promised, but I definitely had my fingers crossed behind my back as a signed.
If we all combine forces and consolidate our one box we are each allowed to purchase monthly, I think we can supply one meth head for days. We'll make pennies I tell you .... PENNIES! Who is in?